Step 1 of 4: Choose Issues


T Key Summary Assignee Reporter P Status Resolution Created Updated Votes Development
Sub-task JRACLOUD-79015

JRACLOUD-70555 Unable to view empty custom field when its not included in the Edit Issue Screen

Unassigned Felipe Oliveira Low Closed Duplicate 5
Sub-task JRACLOUD-78471

JRACLOUD-70555 Disabling the options in the custom field doesn't get any effect on the create issue screen

Unassigned Prince N Low Closed Fixed 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-77319

JRACLOUD-70555 Request Type "Description" fields should act as "Hide when Empty"

Unassigned Augusto Pasqualotto (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 4
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76815

JRACLOUD-70555 Display the summary of the sub-task parent in the hierarchy like in the old issue view

Unassigned Rene C. [Atlassian Support]   Closed Duplicate 15
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76777

JRACLOUD-70555 Unable to pin Knowledge base in new issue view

Unassigned Ana Viseu Low Closed Fixed 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76718

JRACLOUD-70555 Assignee icon disappears from parent of sub-task in the new issue view

Unassigned Charles Trilha (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76514

JRACLOUD-70555 Number values are not separated by commas in new issue view

Venkatesh Vasudevan (Inactive) Thiago Behm. Low Closed Fixed 5
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76513

JRACLOUD-70555 Child issue inline cards can only right-click->copy link on Issue Key (not on entire card)

Unassigned Jose Luis Gonzalez Low Closed Fixed 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76375

JRACLOUD-70555 The name of the uploader is not shown when hovering the mouse on the files in the attachment panel of the new issue view

Unassigned Dario B Low Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76318

JRACLOUD-70555 New-issue view comments hide the newest comments instead of the oldest, the opposite as the old issue view

Yuan Jiang Gino S   Closed Fixed 45
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76260

JRACLOUD-70555 Display workflow transition name in case it's different from Status name

Unassigned Thiago Behm. Low Closed Fixed 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76248

JRACLOUD-70555 Sprint suggestions in new view should follow users' work history

Unassigned Leonardo De Almeida   Closed Won't Fix 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76158

JRACLOUD-70555 Text Field (single line) Custom fields should display the issues' hyperlink on New Issue View

Unassigned Celso J Low Closed Duplicate 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-76053

JRACLOUD-70555 Name of issue type is not visible on new issue view

Unassigned Ilenice   Closed Duplicate 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75805

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to use decimal values with comma in number fields

Yuan Jiang Leonardo De Almeida Low Closed Fixed 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75765

JRACLOUD-70555 jira.issue.editable Property is not displaying empty Fields when is set as False

Yuan Jiang Omar Vargas Low Closed Won't Fix 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75760

JRACLOUD-70555 Phabricator third party software remote links works only in the old issue view

Yuan Jiang Gino S Medium Closed Fixed 43
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75676

JRACLOUD-70555 Date Started on Log Work only accepts a specific format that is different from the one suggested

Yuan Jiang Ilenice Low Closed Fixed 15
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75675

JRACLOUD-70555 Add the ability to render public image links on the new issue view

Unassigned Thiago Behm. Low Closed Duplicate 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75660

JRACLOUD-70555 Create sub-tasks popup screen on New Issue View

Unassigned Celso J Low Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75354

JRACLOUD-70555 Example date present in the date picker field in the new issue view is in the locale specific format

Unassigned Prashant R (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75313

JRACLOUD-70555 More clicks to add watchers comparing to the old issue view

Unassigned Henrique Bagatini [Atlassian] (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Fix 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75311

JRACLOUD-70555 Submit a transition screen with CMD/CTRL + enter

Unassigned Henrique Bagatini [Atlassian] (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75207

JRACLOUD-70555 Out of Context Fields Available in Issue Layout Configuration

Carol Low Russ Gould [Atlassian] (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 8
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75181

JRACLOUD-70555 Expand transitions window instead of scrolling

Unassigned Greice Faustino (Inactive)   Closed Won't Fix 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75179

JRACLOUD-70555 Display custom field "description" text in the new issue view

Unassigned Matthew Canham Low Closed Duplicate 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-75054

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to resize columns in the new issue view

Liron Leonardo De Almeida   Closed Fixed 191
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74979

JRACLOUD-70555 Customize issue layout by roles/user

Unassigned Sharon Tan Low Closed Fixed 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74926

JRACLOUD-70555 Fix the way the Message Custom Field is shown on New Issue View

Yuan Jiang Celso J High Closed Fixed 14
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74914

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to locate images side-by-side on new issue view

Unassigned Ilenice Low Closed Fixed 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74866

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to hide the Epic color field from the issue view

Unassigned Heitor T (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Fix 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74528

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to Include comment into History, Worklog and other tabs in the new issue view

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Fix 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74431

JRACLOUD-70555 Add 'Admin' button in New issue view, which has Permission helper, Notification helper and Where is my field.

Loretta Brunette Vijay U   Closed Fixed 36
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74429

JRACLOUD-70555 Harvest Time Tracking add-on does not show expanded at the top right

Unassigned Fabian A Low Closed Tracked Elsewhere 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74404

JRACLOUD-70555 Reviews tab on Developement Panel isn't opening in the new issue view

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Fix 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74390

JRACLOUD-70555 Unable to search Confluence pages from Jira issue ticket

Loretta Brunette Prashant R (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 13
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74294

JRACLOUD-70555 'mentioned in' section related to Trello is missing in the new Jira issue view

Yuan Jiang Heitor T (Inactive) High Closed Fixed 20
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74233

JRACLOUD-70555 Disabling the cascade options in the custom field doesn't get any effect in new issue view

Venkatesh Vasudevan (Inactive) Guilherme A Low Closed Fixed 42
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74198

JRACLOUD-70555 Remaining estimate field is missing from new issue view.

Unassigned Shashank Sreedhar   Closed Fixed 38
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74110

JRACLOUD-70555 Label Suggestions should not change depending on the issue view you use

Fernando Bordallo Uriel C (Inactive) Highest Closed Fixed 43
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74087

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to get Comment Box show all the header icons on Transition screen

Arbaaz Gowher (Inactive) Fabian A Low Closed Duplicate 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-74055

JRACLOUD-70555 Issue Collectors are not matching the Reporter

Unassigned Eduardo Masiero High Closed Fixed 5
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73928

JRACLOUD-70555 Open Linked Issues on a modal instead of redirecting the currently open page to it

Unassigned Augusto Pasqualotto (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Fix 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73832

JRACLOUD-70555 Field type "Participants of an issue" not available

Yuan Jiang Henrique Bagatini [Atlassian] (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 9
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73826

JRACLOUD-70555 Add the "Automatic" option to assignee user picker in the new issue view

Loretta Brunette J. Sakurai Low Closed Fixed 13
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73787

JRACLOUD-70555 Issue actions in Quick actions menu not present for new issue view

Unassigned Matthew M. (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 4
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73783

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to change comment order (newest at top VS newest at bottom) in the new issue view

Unassigned Charles Trilha (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 5
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73736

JRACLOUD-70555 New issue view should appear when user gets a notification of having an issue update

Yuan Jiang Fábio W. [Atlassian] Low Closed Fixed 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73727

JRACLOUD-70555 Sticky Formatting Toolbar for Comments

Amira Badran Sharon Tan Low Closed Duplicate 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73714

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to hide the multi-line text fields when empty in the issue layout

Unassigned Sugandha Singh   Closed Won't Fix 5
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73693

JRACLOUD-70555 Mention users by typing ~username like the one in the wiki markup (old issue view)

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Fix 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73660

JRACLOUD-70555 New issue view for "Create Issue" screen

Unassigned Angélica Luz Low Closed Duplicate 23
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73636

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to copy link of comment in the New Issue View

Unassigned Daniel Woo Low Closed Duplicate 9
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73551

JRACLOUD-70555 Add support to the markdown formatting on the create issue screen

Unassigned Fábio W. [Atlassian] Low Closed Duplicate 27
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73534

JRACLOUD-70555 Allow the new issue view history tab to show the same information associated with a transition triggered by Bitbucket as the old issue view

Yuan Jiang Fábio W. [Atlassian] Low Closed Won't Fix 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73504

JRACLOUD-70555 Clicking on the zip file in new issue view open the preview mode instead of download

Unassigned Kek Chee Young (Inactive) Low Closed Tracked Elsewhere 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73469

JRACLOUD-70555 Adding Epic status to Issue screens does not make it appear on new issue view

Ahmud Auleear Ana Laura Alcantara Palacios (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 43
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73397

JRACLOUD-70555 Show attachments section in the new issue view (Jira Core and Service Desk issues)

Unassigned Victor Romero Low Closed Fixed 96
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73306

JRACLOUD-70555 Radio Button field options does not follow correct sorting

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73305

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to resize Image attachments, add border and shadows

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73304

JRACLOUD-70555 As a Jira user, I want custom fields larger in the new issue view

Unassigned Heitor T (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 9
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73300

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to order comment in New Issue View

Unassigned Atiqah Roslan   Closed Duplicate 6
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73256

JRACLOUD-70555 Allow users to create new Versions directly from the new issue view

Unassigned Claudiu Lionte (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73232

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to change the table's width in the new issue view

Unassigned Angélica Luz Low Closed Fixed 13
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73217

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to see all activities on the new issue view

Yuan Jiang Angélica Luz Low Closed Fixed 19
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73120

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to disable autocorrecting of Atlassian product names in new editor

Unassigned Shannon S   Closed Won't Fix 6
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73088

JRACLOUD-70555 Show Activity links/options outside of drop-down

Unassigned Sharon Tan Low Closed Fixed 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73078

JRACLOUD-70555 New issue view shows old request type value after we move a ticket issue type

Unassigned Thiago Behm. Low Closed Fixed 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73076

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to reorder comments, issue history, work logs and transition by asc/desc

Yuan Jiang Derrick Nguyen High Closed Fixed 222
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73052

JRACLOUD-70555 Add support for color syntax

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-73041

JRACLOUD-70555 Custom date/time format setting not respected when editting a date picker custom field in New Issue View

Fernando Bordallo Eithar N. (Inactive) High Closed Won't Fix 4
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72971

JRACLOUD-70555 Curly Brackets "{ }" is displayed on the New Issue View after performing Jira import

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72882

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to enable/disable new issue view per project

Unassigned Angélica Luz Low Closed Duplicate 4
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72781

JRACLOUD-70555 Support Approvals feature in Jira Service Desk projects

Unassigned Caroline Bartle Low Closed Done 6
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72713

JRACLOUD-70555 Keep the rich text editor fixed when scrolling to a page with multiple lines of text

Amira Badran Fábio W. [Atlassian] Low Closed Fixed 85
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72712

JRACLOUD-70555 Enable the project picker field for new issue view

Loretta Brunette Celso J Low Closed Fixed 37
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72667

JRACLOUD-70555 Any Status Transition to itself on Workflow doesn't show on New Issue View

Yuan Jiang Prince N High Closed Fixed 159
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72564

JRACLOUD-70555 Keyboard shortcut doesn't open new tab in the background for embedded links

Unassigned Syauqi (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72559

JRACLOUD-70555 As an admin, I'd like to have more types of custom fields allowed to be in the description area

Unassigned Fábio W. [Atlassian] Low Closed Fixed 17
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72468

JRACLOUD-70555 Please include 'Where is my field' in the new issue view

Unassigned Enida   Closed Duplicate 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72421

JRACLOUD-70555 Copy and paste attachments directly to the issue is not appearing on the attachment list in the new view

Unassigned Lucas Aguirre (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 20
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72380

JRACLOUD-70555 Provide a way for users to pop open the full Create Sub-task form from the New Issue View

Venkatesh Vasudevan (Inactive) Lele (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 38
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72335

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to move from one image to another using side arrows

Unassigned Lucas Aguirre (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 19
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72328

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to transition sub-task from the parent screen

Unassigned Eduardo Santos Low Closed Fixed 6
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72296

JRACLOUD-70555 Unable to link Confluence pages which have not been previously viewed

Unassigned Belto Low Closed Duplicate 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72208

JRACLOUD-70555 When adding a comment and using the files & images icon doesn't browse the attachments of the issue

Ahmud Auleear Lele (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 1145
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72206

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to choose which fields will be displayed individually in the new issue view

Unassigned Leonardo De Almeida Low Closed Fixed 8
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72173

JRACLOUD-70555 Keyboard Shortcuts like e, l, Shift-CTRL-B and also the (.) search for issue fields do not work as expected in Jira new issue view

Unassigned Shwetha Suvarna Low Closed Duplicate 79
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72135

JRACLOUD-70555 Add "create sub-task" button on Jira Service Desk New Issue View

Unassigned Augusto Pasqualotto (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 13
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72122

JRACLOUD-70555 Image no longer rendered as Thumbnail on the comment section

Yuan Jiang Syauqi (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 26
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72098

JRACLOUD-70555 Scroll Inside Description Edit New Issue View

Unassigned Gabriel Senna Low Closed Won't Do 5
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72069

JRACLOUD-70555 As a Jira admin I want to re-order statuses in the new issue view

Ahmud Auleear Fares Abbes (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 42
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72059

JRACLOUD-70555 Pasting an attachment is not automatically resized nor shown as thumbnail which impacts the User Experience

Unassigned Fares Abbes (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 36
Sub-task JRACLOUD-72034

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to see the same information on the history tab as in the old issue view

Unassigned Fábio W. [Atlassian] Low Closed Fixed 11
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71961

JRACLOUD-70555 3rd party add-on link not showing on new Jira service desk issue view

Unassigned Eithar N. (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Do 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71947

JRACLOUD-70555 Strikethrough doesn't work using the markup in the new issue view

Unassigned Lele (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 6
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71938

JRACLOUD-70555 Allow admins to disable/enable Jira Labs for everyone

Loretta Brunette Angélica Luz Low Closed Won't Fix 65
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71912

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to place Text (multi-line) fields with the primary/secondary fields

Ahmud Auleear Ratnarup   Closed Fixed 9
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71909

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to see user's details via a profile card on hover

Unassigned Caroline Bartle Low Closed Done 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71901

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to see Sprint History under Agile panel or in the Sprint Field like in the old issue view

Unassigned Douglas B (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71889

JRACLOUD-70555 Log time option doesn't work in the new issue view for Jira Service Desk issues

Unassigned Victor Romero Low Closed Fixed 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71882

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to reorder and manage the fields in the "context" section of the Jira Service Desk issue view

Unassigned Caroline Bartle Low Closed Fixed 9
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71881

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to access knowledge base articles in the new Jira Service Desk issue view

Unassigned Caroline Bartle Low Closed Fixed 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71859

JRACLOUD-70555 Cmd+V doesn't paste attachments into issue view

Unassigned Caroline Bartle Low Closed Fixed 8
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71855

JRACLOUD-70555 Parent is not being updated with the subtasks work logs

Unassigned Lucas Aguirre (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71850

JRACLOUD-70555 Hide the issue types dropdown list if the permission is restricted.

Unassigned Lucas Aguirre (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 4
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71840

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to disable the "We're updating the issue view to help you get more done. Learn more" message

Unassigned Lucas Aguirre (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 2
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71746

JRACLOUD-70555 Comment visibility new issue view

Unassigned Lucas Aguirre (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71717

JRACLOUD-70555 Keyboard shortcuts do not work to switch between Board views when the new issue view is enabled

Unassigned Yousef Abusamak Low Closed Fixed 4
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71683

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to view custom field description in the new issue view

Venkatesh Vasudevan (Inactive) Ratnarup High Closed Fixed 175
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71643

JRACLOUD-70555 New issue view should appear when user gets a notification of being mentioned in a comment

Unassigned Ratnarup Low Closed Fixed 13
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71630

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to share Issue layout between projects

Yuan Jiang Jared Long   Closed Fixed 376
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71611

JRACLOUD-70555 Setting Monday as the first day of the week does not work on the new issue view

Unassigned Angélica Luz Low Closed Fixed 494
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71601

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to print/export an issue in new issue view

Edouard Kaiser Ratnarup Low Closed Fixed 28
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71521

JRACLOUD-70555 Accessing a focuzed comment of an issue will take users to the "old view"

Unassigned Ricardo Gebhardt (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 6
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71488

JRACLOUD-70555 Configuring sub-task fields displayed on parent issues

Unassigned Lucas Aguirre (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71447

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to control sub-tasks view option in new issue view

Unassigned hylz (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 22
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71428

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to paste tables in Description and Comment fields in New issue view

Unassigned Saurabh Singh (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71388

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to use symbols, emojis, and special characters in new issue view

Unassigned Swati Kahol Low Closed Fixed 19
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71367

JRACLOUD-70555 Custom field created using the Radio buttons field type disappears on the new issue view

Unassigned Prince N   Closed Duplicate 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71348

JRACLOUD-70555 Date Time Picker only shows time range between 9 AM - 6 PM

Unassigned Saurabh Singh (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71338

JRACLOUD-70555 Missing Epic Name field on new Issue Layout settings

Unassigned Douglas B (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 73
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71304

JRACLOUD-70555 New issue view: custom date/time format setting not respected in the new view

Yuan Jiang Derrick Nguyen Low Closed Fixed 143
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71251

JRACLOUD-70555 Users can't vote in the new issue view

Unassigned Claudiu Lionte (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 588
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71181

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability To View Environment Field in New Issue View

Unassigned hylz (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 21
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71165

JRACLOUD-70555 Show done epics checkbox is missing for Epic link field on new Jira issue view.

Unassigned Adalberto Schneider Low Closed Duplicate 7
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71108

JRACLOUD-70555 New issue view doesn't provide the Jira Share Button

Unassigned Fares Abbes (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 1
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71075

JRACLOUD-70555 As an admin, I'd like to place custom fields between the description and the comment section in the New Jira issue detail view

Ahmud Auleear Ricardo Gebhardt (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 192
Sub-task JRACLOUD-71072

JRACLOUD-70555 The "L" shortcut for labels doesn't work in the New Issue View

Unassigned Ricardo Gebhardt (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 4
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70961

JRACLOUD-70555 Custom fields created using the select List (cascading) Field type not visible

Unassigned Prince N Low Closed Fixed 158
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70942

JRACLOUD-70555 Allow the Tempo field to be exposed by default

Ahmud Auleear Ramon M Low Closed Fixed 92
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70920

JRACLOUD-70555 "Create issue in Epic" "+" under the "Issues in this Epic" section removed in the new view

Unassigned Belto Low Closed Fixed 9
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70833

JRACLOUD-70555 Not possible to remote link Jira issues using Application Links (AppLinks) in new Jira issue view

BK Paton Fares Abbes (Inactive) Low Closed Done 66
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70794

JRACLOUD-70555 Create linked issue not available in the new Jira issue view for Business and Service Desk projects

Unassigned Ramon M Low Closed Fixed 90
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70689

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to download an attachment without opening the preview in the new issue view.

Unassigned Guilherme Luz (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 58
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70578

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to view list of watchers in new issue view

Unassigned Ratnarup   Closed Fixed 6
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70476

JRACLOUD-70555 resolved date missing on the new jira issue view

Loretta Brunette Ramon M Low Closed Fixed 55
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70347

JRACLOUD-70555 Time tracking widget missing in the new issue view

Unassigned Ramon M Low Closed Duplicate 35
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70273

JRACLOUD-70555 As a user I'd like to edit a work log in the new issue view as I could before Work log tab

Unassigned Ricardo Gebhardt (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 30
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70213

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to log work in the new issue view with details available in old issue view

Unassigned Yanty Ghani (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 14
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70211

JRACLOUD-70555 External web links missing in new issue view

Gustavo Marin (Inactive) Battlebeard (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 331
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70210

JRACLOUD-70555 Implement dedicated worklog in new issue view

Unassigned Battlebeard (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 3
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70203

JRACLOUD-70555 "All" transitions are displayed as "Transition to" in the New Issue View

Unassigned Matheus Fulginiti Schonarth (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 47
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70156

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to link to a specific comment when using the new issue view

Unassigned janis_elmeris_magebit Highest Closed Fixed 598
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70149

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to add internal comments when using the new issue view

Unassigned Angélica Luz   Closed Duplicate 18
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70146

JRACLOUD-70555 Allow users to display attachments as a list in the New Issue View

Ahmud Auleear Matheus Fulginiti Schonarth (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 58
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70140

JRACLOUD-70555 Jira New Issue view does not display the Security Level of an issue.

Abhinaya Sinha Jared Long High Closed Fixed 188
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70137

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to change the sub-task status in the new issue view the same it was on the old view

Unassigned Angélica Luz   Closed Fixed 20
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70129

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to expand Attachments field in the new issue view

Ahmud Auleear Angélica Luz   Closed Fixed 28
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70123

JRACLOUD-70555 Add the ability to switch issue types on the new issue view

Unassigned Ramon M   Closed Fixed 18
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70102

JRACLOUD-70555 add support for hipchat in the new issue view

Unassigned Adrien Gonzalez (Inactive) Low Closed Won't Fix 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70096

JRACLOUD-70555 Show timestamp on attachments when using the new issue view

Ahmud Auleear Angélica Luz   Closed Fixed 93
Sub-task JRACLOUD-70033

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to Manage and Download All Attachments in New Issue View

Ahmud Auleear Andy Nguyen (Inactive) Low Closed Fixed 131
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69997

JRACLOUD-70555 Open New Jira Issue View from a Connect App

Unassigned Dave Elkan   Closed Duplicate 18
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69983

JRACLOUD-70555 The screen tabs are not visible in the new Jira issue view.

Unassigned Luiz Farias (Inactive) High Closed Fixed 57
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69973

JRACLOUD-70555 Unable to use the link feature in the 'new Jira issue view'

Unassigned Yahya (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 136
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69937

JRACLOUD-70555 Add support for Tempo fields in new jira issue view

Unassigned André K. (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 24
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69877

JRACLOUD-70555 Wiki Style Renderer does not work for custom Single Line Text fields

Unassigned Belto High Closed Won't Fix 98
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69751

JRACLOUD-70555 Allow to add other users as Watchers and see the Watcher List in the New Issue View

Unassigned Matheus Fulginiti Schonarth (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 142
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69574

JRACLOUD-70555 As an user I'd like to resize the columns in the dialog view (New Jira issue View)

Amira Badran Ricardo Gebhardt (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 184
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69556

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to set the resolution in the new issue full-view

Loretta Brunette Ai Hirama   Closed Fixed 110
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69555

JRACLOUD-70555 Ability to see the workflow in the full-issue view

Unassigned Ai Hirama   Closed Fixed 106
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69301

JRACLOUD-70555 Missing keyboard shortcuts in Jira's new issue view

Em Ditchfield Gabriele Franck Highest Closed Fixed 161
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69259

JRACLOUD-70555 Wiki Markup does not work in the New Jira Issue View

Unassigned Sadiq (Inactive) High Closed Won't Fix 173
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69237

JRACLOUD-70555 Option to configure Issue Detail View in board in JIRA new layout

Unassigned Jonathan Gan (Inactive) High Closed Fixed 54
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69231

JRACLOUD-70555 Comment restriction is missing from the new issue detail view

Unassigned Eithar N. (Inactive) Medium Closed Fixed 253
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69230

JRACLOUD-70555 The issue link is not working properly in the new detail view

Unassigned Leonardo De Almeida Medium Closed Fixed 86
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69228

JRACLOUD-70555 Strikeout not appearing in the new issue detail view

Unassigned André K. (Inactive) Medium Closed Won't Fix 0
Sub-task JRACLOUD-69028

JRACLOUD-70555 Keyboard shortcut to edit issue fields does not focus on field after new interface

Venkatesh Vasudevan (Inactive) Danny (Inactive) Low Closed Duplicate 25
Sub-task JRACLOUD-68967

JRACLOUD-70555 Provide the ability to reorder the context fields in the new Jira issue view

Unassigned Luiz Farias (Inactive)   Closed Fixed 58
Sub-task JRACLOUD-67301

JRACLOUD-70555 Default security level is not applied for new issues

Unassigned Paula Silveira Low Closed Fixed 3
