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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-70555 New Issue View in Jira Cloud
  3. JRACLOUD-72208

When adding a comment and using the files & images icon doesn't browse the attachments of the issue


      Atlassian update - 6 October 2021

      Hi everyone,

      There’s been a delay with being able to reference existing attachments in the issue view. This feature is still a top priority for us and we will continue work on this project as a top priority. For now you can still  temporarily click through to the old view to reference attachments in the old view.

      Kind regards,


      Atlassian update - 18 March 2021
      Hi everyone,

      Work on attachment referencing in the new issue view has begun! When this feature is released, you’ll be able to reference existing attachments in comments and fields using the editor. This ticket is a top priority we’re currently working on and will be done after we transition everyone to the new issue view.

      Make sure to watch this issue for updates on our progress.



      Atlassian update - 15 December 2022

      Hi Everyone, 

      I’m Ahmud, a product manager working on the issue view in Jira Cloud. Thank you for sharing your votes and comments for this feature request. We have launched this to 100% in Jira Cloud. You can find out more in this community post

      If you have any questions or feedback, leave us a comment in the section of the community post. We’d love to hear what you think about this new feature.

      I'll be closing this ticket now. 



      When clicking on the files & images button of edit comments in the new issue view it takes you to the upload images instead of browsing the attachments of the issue

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Click to add a comment on a ticket (on the new issue view)
      2. Click on add images icon

      Expected Results

      You should be able to browse the attachments of the issues

      Actual Results

      The upload images screen appears


      There is no current workaround

      However, as mentioned in the personal settings page, please note that:

      The new issue view is on for all business boards and next-gen projects, so this won't affect them.

            2239430e27fb Ahmud Auleear
            lmenezes Lele (Inactive)
            1145 Vote for this issue
            554 Start watching this issue
