Resolution: Unresolved
- OPSGENIE-766As an admin, I would like the option to enable recording of an incoming call
- OPSGENIE-372Add an audit log for users
- OPSGENIE-243As a admin I can configure color pallets for users on rotation so that I can identify different users
- OPSGENIE-2058Customization Options for Opsgenie Voice Notification Interactive Menu
- OPSGENIE-2087Have the ability to drill down to see to see API usage per second/minute and response codes
- OPSGENIE-2472Opsgenie and SolarWinds Service Desk Integration
- OPSGENIE-862Option to re-notify the alert owner if the alert hasn't been closed
- OPSGENIE-462Ability to define "Monthly" rotation type in schedules
- OPSGENIE-338Ability to filter on Jira/JSM custom fields in create alert actions
- OPSGENIE-131Automatic Opsgenie Incident closure
- OPSGENIE-28Auto-close associated alerts when an incident is closed and acknowledge when incident is resolved
- OPSGENIE-169As a user, I would like the ability to set the order of alert policies when creating them through the API/Terraform
- OPSGENIE-1153Terraform cannot create Webhook integration.
- OPSGENIE-1258Send notification to everyone when alert is closed or acknowledged
- OPSGENIE-65Allow for incident alerts to go to one master channel
- OPSGENIE-82As a user I would like to be able to set the language used for voice notifications
- OPSGENIE-239Ability to update default postmortem template
- OPSGENIE-127Postmortem content guides / templates
- OPSGENIE-2469Qualys Integration with Opsgenie
- OPSGENIE-2323As a user, I want to receive notifications when there are changes made to my on-call schedule so that I am aware of any updates in my on-call shifts
- OPSGENIE-2468AWS SNS integration to send the confirmation alert to SNS Integration endpoint instead of default API
- OPSGENIE-122OpsGenie Integration: CrowdStrike Webhook
- OPSGENIE-352Return user's last active and last login via API request
- OPSGENIE-1201As a admin I can more tags to the alert so that I can easily categorize and identify alerts
- OPSGENIE-125Ability to import public holiday information in Opsgenie
- OPSGENIE-987As a user I can directly paste images to Alert notes from the clipboard so that I don't have to attach it as a file
- OPSGENIE-2188Add backup mechanism to keep hearbeats up during outages
- OPSGENIE-647As an admin, I would expect the incoming calls forwarded to an On-call Schedule to follow the order of rotations to route the call
- OPSGENIE-11Disable Opsgenie notification when accounts are deactivated
- OPSGENIE-1421User Profile Incorrectly Displays Associated Team Content
- OPSGENIE-267Ability to send Opsgenie notifications using a custom domain E-mail address
- OPSGENIE-307Ability to customize alert notification emails
- OPSGENIE-299Update python SDK to include all alert and incident fields
- OPSGENIE-2142As a customer, I'd like to be able to auto-close incoming call alerts when the call was answered
- OPSGENIE-2465Add an additional column/table to the Alert MTTA/R Analysis report
- OPSGENIE-2464Add an unacknowledge action on the integrations
- OPSGENIE-409Ability to clone Opsgenie teams or on-call schedules
- OPSGENIE-2463Ability to a Notification that my On-call rotation will start is X hours or Days
- OPSGENIE-414As a admin I can setup escalation policy so that I can notify all the on-call users on a rotation or a schedule
- OPSGENIE-714Improve/ Customize Voice Notification message
- OPSGENIE-608Include link to Opsgenie alert in Zendesk ticket when Opsgenie alert creates a ticket in Zendesk
- OPSGENIE-2258Additional debug logs to be added for silent voicemails for incoming call integration
- OPSGENIE-36Ability to disable "stopping notification when user views the alert"
- OPSGENIE-2265Changes to 'Notify only if the caller leaves a voicemail' Option of Incoming Call Integration
- OPSGENIE-55Include additional fields when exporting alerts from Opsgenie
- OPSGENIE-1958Ability to hide "Shared with me" saved alert seaches
- OPSGENIE-2460Ability to sync alert ID with Salesforce in Salesforce Service Cloud Integration
- OPSGENIE-1281As a customer I would like to have the ability to customize the format/content of outgoing data from OG to MSFT Teams
- OPSGENIE-49Abliity for MS Teams v2 to decipher HTML
- OPSGENIE-1172Ability to export & Import data from Opsgenie UI
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With a direct twilio integration there is no obvious to enable the recording since Opsgenie is getting the request from Twilio directly. All Opsgenie needs to do is add a toggle to enable recordings and when selected send back the recording options in the response to the Twilio incoming call