- JRACLOUD-19813Edit name for active workflows and workflow schemes
- JRACLOUD-28064The ability to query remote link data via JQL
- JRACLOUD-34307Allow Single Project Export - offline backup that can be re-imported
- JRACLOUD-38896Allow export of JIRA issue details into Excel i.e. Activity and History
- JRACLOUD-40049Allow translation of custom field options
- JRACLOUD-41728Time Spent entries show up in History tab
- JRACLOUD-59453Ability to change which Permission Scheme is used by default when creating new projects
- JRACLOUD-64995Ability to sort and filter by type on custom field admin page
- JRACLOUD-69860Allow users to hide Issue ID and Parent ID fields while including issue key when exporting filter to CSV
- JRACLOUD-73340Virus / malware scan attachments and links
- JRACLOUD-73648Send email + in-app notification when a comment has an emoji reaction e.g. thumbs-up
- JRACLOUD-75797Improve the preview feature for MS Office files e.g. excel / XLSX
- JRACLOUD-80451Add the ability to disable Atlassian's Advertisement in a site
- JRACLOUD-82762C2C migration of a single project creates duplicated custom fields with (migrated) in their name
- JRACLOUD-83835Rich text data format (ADF) in field configuration
- JRACLOUD-84432Enable the synchronization of user attributes (e.g., location, manager) from identity providers like Okta and Azure into Jira issues. This feature will facilitate setting up JSM approvals based on the manager or location of the ticket reporter.
- JRACLOUD-85702Ability to view subtasks on the Board in team-managed projects (without using grouping)
- JRACLOUD-87099(For user with admin privileges) ability to fast create new release right from "fix versions" field on new issue form
- JRACLOUD-90452Have the ability to see the average velocity per period of time in Velocity chart
- JRACLOUD-90845Ability to format the Sprint Goal
- JRACLOUD-91655Option to exclude non-working days or weekend from timeline
- JRACLOUD-6207Include attachments or link to attachments in notification emails
- JRACLOUD-7266Provide ability to customise email templates that are used for notifications and subscriptions
- JRACLOUD-7990Restrict sub-tasks by issue type
- JRACLOUD-10673Ability to filter issues by project lead
- JRACLOUD-35124Add a comment via REST API on behalf of another user
- JRACLOUD-60109Allow JIRA Administrators to view/edit shared filters/dashboards owned by others
- JRACLOUD-61376Prevent duplicate field creation
- JRACLOUD-68100Remove specific user from notification
- JRACLOUD-68871Option to download all attachments at once from all issues in search results and also show which attachment has what issue tagged
- JRACLOUD-69679Add the ability to manage the "atlassian-addons-project-access" role
- JRACLOUD-75653Audit log for project access / who viewed project
- JRACLOUD-77064When worklog is edited, the 'Time Remaining' value should be calculated and updated based on 'Original estimate' and the 'Time spent' values.
- JRACLOUD-77315Add the ability to see and fill Insight Object fields on Jira app
- JRACLOUD-78430Adding, reordering or removing priority does not log an entry in audit log
- JRACLOUD-80857Ability to retrieve total count and size of attachments on instance
- JRACLOUD-84033A better way of handling Atlassian Teams during Server-to-Cloud migration to avoid duplicate Atlassian teams.
- JRACLOUD-85951Restrict Team-Managed custom fields name if already exists another custom field with the same name
- JRACLOUD-86752Ability to filter dashboards by last activity date
- JRACLOUD-87405 Display human-readable the rank on the card in the backlog.
- JRACLOUD-88146Extend the support of custom fields in Advanced Roadmaps
- JRACLOUD-89056Quickly pull up parent or child issues of an issue via JQL and search issues within Portfolio hierarchy in Jira
- JRACLOUD-9363user-defined workflow scheme as default for new projects
- JRACLOUD-13048Allow 'No default' for Priority
- JRACLOUD-32463Required "Select List (cascading)" custom field allows user to set child value to None if the field has a default value
- JRACLOUD-37520Add cloning as a bulk operation
- JRACLOUD-47692Include Custom Fields in Variable substitution in the webhook URL
- JRACLOUD-63103Way to collect exact time a issue spend in a workflow - JIRA Cloud
- JRACLOUD-67722JIRA Cloud REST API increase the limit for maxResults
- JRACLOUD-72474Improve memory consumption in Jira
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