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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-34307

Allow Single Project Export - offline backup that can be re-imported


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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Copied from JRACLOUD-67824 – Ability to move Single Project to New Instance:

      Atlassian Update – April 27, 2022    

      Hi everyone,

      This is a delayed update, but one I am very happy to share.

      The Cloud-to-cloud migration tool was released to all Jira instances in Dec 2021. It is in “Beta” right now, and currently supports Jira Core and JSW (company-managed projects only). You can read details about the feature at https://support.atlassian.com/migration/docs/cloud-to-cloud-migration/.

      We want to thank all the customers who participated in the early access program. Your feedback and patience has helped us tremendously and made it possible for us to make it available to all customers.

      Over the last few months we have continued working on cloud-to-cloud tool to create a more stable and reliable migration journey. We recently hit a milestone of 1K unique customers using the tool by serving 1257 customers in March 2021.

      I also want to update the Swarna Mehta is the new Product Manager looking after this. She is tagged as the new owner of the ticket.

      Thank you everyone for your support through this journey.

      Best wishes,
      Ritesh Ranjan
      Product Manager, Migrations


      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Cloud. Using JIRA Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Atlassian Update: 23rd December 2015

      Hi all,

      Thanks for participating in this issue, either by voting, commented or just watching. We highly value your feedback in all forms, and through suggestions in jira.atlassian.com is not different. We use this channel often to learn the best we can with how customers use JIRA and how we can continue to improve the experience for as many users as possible.

      We have revisited this issue again recently and wanted to reiterate that there are still currently no plans to implement this suggestion, and it is not currently on any JIRA team’s roadmap at this stage. The overall experience of Importing/Exporting both singular and multiple projects is something we will be looking at in the future however, and we would love for you all to keep commenting and helping us make sure that when we do tackle this, we do so in the most focused way possible.

      Please remember that jira.atlassian.com is one of many inputs for the JIRA roadmap. You can learn more about our process here.

      I understand that our decision may be disappointing. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

      Kerrod Williams
      Kerrod (dot) Williams (at) atlassian (dot) com
      Product Manager, JIRA

      Update 8 March 2024

      I am updating the Summary and Description of this ticket based on the discussion in the comments. Please note that single project transfer to another site is now possible for Jira Software and Jira Work Management projects using the Cloud-to-cloud migration tool.

      As a Jira admin whose Jira data is potentially subject to retention and other types of regulations, I need to make an exported copy of a Jira space before I delete it so that if the data within becomes needed down the road, it can be restored as it was WITHOUT needing to remain archived or otherwise hidden but ultimately active on the instance".

      Keeping a project, particularly a team-managed project, around in your instance means dealing with all of the 'cruft' of that instance. This is particularly painful with custom fields, as TMP's often create fields of the same name in their projects, which Jira overall handles poorly in the UI. Thus, deleting the project entirely is really the only way to keep your instance clean.

      Some organizations have retention and other regulatory requirements which make keeping the projects in some form a necessity. We do not know what data we might need down the road due to audit or legal issues, and so deleting the projects entirely creates risk we cannot tolerate.

      Having an exported copy of the project resolves this - we can still delete it, but if someone comes up with a need for the data, we can always re-import it. As it stands...

      The issue export is not enough since it does not include things like attachments or comments, which are critical pieces of context.
      The full instance export is too much. Ours is more than 200Gb, making it quite frustrating to work with if for no other reason than its size.

      Original summary: Allow Single Project Export

      Original Description:

      In order to move a project between two different instances, an user must export a whole XML backup from the source instance, and will only import one project in the target.

      For huge instances, where there are over 400 projects, exporting a full XML backup may result in performance issues during the time it takes for the backup to complete, and as exporting all 400 projects is not necessary to only import one project, it would be good if it was possible to export only one single project to be imported into another instance.

            6a0da6a5bda9 Lakshmi Behl
            mfernandes@atlassian.com Matheus Fernandes
            967 Vote for this issue
            546 Start watching this issue
