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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-36007

Gadget Calendar starts on Sunday


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      Currently there is no way to change the start of the week day in the Jira Issue Calendar, it is always Sunday.

      It would be useful to have the option to configure this to suit your requirements.

      Perhaps it would make sense for the calendar to respect the Look and Feel setting for the Date Picker Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker.



      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Add Jira Issue Calendar to a dashboard
      2. Notice there is no option to adjust the start of the week day

      Expected Results

      The Jira Issue Calendar should have its own configuration option or respect the Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker setting. I realise this is specifically for the Date Picker, but if the customer wishes to use ISO8601 for the Date Picker it makes sense all other calendars should use the same format.

      Actual Results

      The start of the week is always a Sunday.



      No workaround known

      Original description

      Even if a enable weeks follow the ISO8601 standard rule.
      the GADGET still starts on Sunday

      Currently on demand version of JIRA

              Unassigned Unassigned
              58f50003d4a4 David Bolufer
              44 Vote for this issue
              24 Start watching this issue
