Resolution: Unresolved
Hello Everybody,
Thank you for bringing up your concern about the way 'Time Remaining' is calculated when work logs are edited in Jira. We appreciate the time taken to provide us with this feedback.
When you initially enter a value into the "Original Estimate" field, the "Time Remaining" is calculated based on that estimate. If you update the time spent by an hour, the remaining time is adjusted as the "Original Estimate" minus the time spent. However, we acknowledge that if you edit the time spent to a different value and subsequently modify or delete that worklog, the "Time Remaining" won't revert to "Original Estimate" minus time spent; instead, it will consider the previously entered time spent minus the current value. Please read how we calculate time remaining in our product documentation.
Our intention is to use the "Original Estimate" value once before any time is logged. After time is logged, the ‘Time Remaining' value is no longer connected to the "Original Estimate" value. This design decision takes into consideration the interactions between ‘Original Estimate' and logged time values and the 'Time Remaining' aligns with logged time to accurately represent the evolving progress of your work. Although JRACLOUD-77064 suggests a different approach, the current behaviour aligns with our intended design. We understand this isn’t the best approach but to review this decision it's best to have this suggestion captured as a feature request and not a bug. We will introduce a tooltip to help users understand how the time remaining value is calculated and how they can address this issue by updating the time renaming value.
We believe the best way forward is to change this ticket to a feature request. We encourage you to provide your feedback and suggestions so we can be better informed and gather the information needed to action a change and prioritise it onto our roadmap.
Product Manager-Issue View
Issue Summary
When worklog is edited, the 'Time Remaining' calculated is not based on the (Original estimate-Time spent). The resulting 'Time Remaining' will be (Old 'Time Spent' value on the worklog-New 'Time Spent' value on worklog)
Steps to Reproduce
(Assuming that 1d day is 8h)
- Create a task ticket with original estimate is 2d
- Log work for 1h => time remaining gets calculated as 1d 7h
- Continues to log work for 3d (over log) => time remaining gets changed to 0m
- Now, Edit the last time spent value on the worklog from 3d to 1h => time remaining value gets updated to 2d 7h
But the expected time remaining is 1d 6h
Screen Recording 2021-07-21 at 9.55.31 PM.mov
Expected Results
The expected time remaining is 1d 6h
Actual Results
The 'Time Remaining' value shown after editing the worklog is inconsistent when compared to the 'Original Estimation' and the 'Time spent' values.
We have a way to update the "Remaining estimate" field by comparing the Original Estimate field value and the total Time spent Worklog entry on the issue using Automation for Jira.
Please find the rule details below:
- Rule Trigger:
Worklog (Updated)
- If/Else: Condition
=> If: Advanced compare{{triggerissue.worklog.timeSpentSeconds.sum}} Equals {{timeoriginalestimate}}
=> Action: Edit issue
Set the Remaining estimate field to 0
- Else-if: Condition
=> If: Advanced compare{{triggerissue.worklog.timeSpentSeconds.sum}} Less than {{timeoriginalestimate}}
=> Action: Create a variable
Name: RTEseconds
Value:{{#=}}{{timeoriginalestimate}} - {{triggerissue.worklog.timeSpentSeconds.sum}}{{/}}
=> Action: Edit Issue
Set the Remaining estimate field value as the below smart value:{{#=}}{{RTEseconds}}/60{{/}}m
- relates to
JRACLOUD-42743 Automatically calculate Remaining Estimate when Original Estimate value changes
- Closed
- details
BENTO-10068 Failed to load
- is related to
BENTO-10116 Failed to load
- mentioned in
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Our team is also affected by this issue.
We cannot rely on the remaining time and the reports cannot be trusted...
Is there any progress?
Thank you