- CONFCLOUD-80508Links are broken after cloud to cloud migration
- CONFCLOUD-29581 Create from template macro should ask on which location the page will be created
- CONFCLOUD-32764ability to view JIRA comments in Confluence.
- CONFCLOUD-35817Exclude specific spaces from search index
- CONFCLOUD-40457Add REST API endpoint for generating space exports
- CONFCLOUD-43033Option to show display name instead of user name for custom fields
- CONFCLOUD-57746Permission to Disable Attachments Download
- CONFCLOUD-59956Ability to Hide Table lines/borders/gridlines for Confluence
- CONFCLOUD-65976Add the ability to export a list of all pages in the instance
- CONFCLOUD-67648Additional options for page layouts
- CONFCLOUD-73439Provide functionality to import Confluence Cloud site when Atlassian Cloud site has Jira
- CONFCLOUD-74905Avoid allowing internal users to be invited as guests
- CONFCLOUD-74943Ability to generate a report of all the pages and their content status
- CONFCLOUD-76896Allow MS Teams notifications for restricted pages
- CONFCLOUD-77797Support the migration from Confluence Whiteboards when migrating spaces using the Copy Product Data feature
- CONFCLOUD-77875Automatic page reordering in space navigation upon page creation or update
- CONFCLOUD-1179Provide for monospace text with formatting
- CONFCLOUD-17020Bulk delete attachments
- CONFCLOUD-40333Able to use Ctrl/Cmd+f to search for strings/words in attachment preview
- CONFCLOUD-69581prompt anonymous users to login when accessing spaces that do not allow anonymous access
- CONFCLOUD-70244Ability to bulk delete drafts
- CONFCLOUD-73039Improve how we handle incompatible macros coming from server
- CONFCLOUD-73404Allow site admin group name to be renamed
- CONFCLOUD-73673Add more features to Analytics REST API
- CONFCLOUD-74405List which spaces and (restricted) pages a group can access
- CONFCLOUD-77320Provide CQL search capability in Databases function
- CONFCLOUD-77771Enable to manage Public link availability on Atlassian Administration page or REST API
- CONFCLOUD-78237Automation integration with Confluence Databases
- CONFCLOUD-79172Ability to designate space admins who will receive space access requests for a particular space
- CONFCLOUD-80014Improve Create Confluence Page action in A4J - templates, add body editor & ability to pass Jira smart values to Confluence page template, e.g. to support "Create Release Notes in Confluence" use case, ability to link Jira fields to Confluence table
- CONFCLOUD-80103Ability to work with layers in Whiteboards
- CONFCLOUD-80122Smart value for child pages and parent pages
- CONFCLOUD-7089create the ability to 'add' page permissions for users and groups
- CONFCLOUD-7752Add ability to copy templates
- CONFCLOUD-8844Prevent space admins from changing anonymous access
- CONFCLOUD-18160Allow Confluence to auto purge trash over a period of time
- CONFCLOUD-27077Option to display expand macro expanded/collapsed on page load
- CONFCLOUD-31974For Cloud customers, allow site administrators to see all restricted pages (or create a new permission)
- CONFCLOUD-32197Ability to filter table contents
- CONFCLOUD-35294Possibility to configure the content of notification emails
- CONFCLOUD-36087Tasks Reminder
- CONFCLOUD-36137Allow customized CSS in Confluence Cloud
- CONFCLOUD-45607Ability to set a default template when user click the "Create" button
- CONFCLOUD-46077Ability to adjust font size
- CONFCLOUD-54985Improve performance of multiple JIRA issues macro on Cloud
- CONFCLOUD-65274Hide "Space Settings" from non-space administrators
- CONFCLOUD-67862Bring back the option to add macros within a numbered or bulleted list
- CONFCLOUD-73644Include Content -Shared Block Sub Macro -The shared block identifies a portion of the page contents which may be inserted into other pages using the Include Shared Block,Create a shared block within a confluence page that can be added in other pages.
- CONFCLOUD-78541Jira Gadget URLs on Confluence pages are not updated following migration
- CONFCLOUD-79139Have a field in database to add jira assets
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