Resolution: Unresolved
NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Server. Using JIRA Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.
Tasks relating to view / edit issue operations
- details
JRASERVER-9749 Display the 'Due Date' more noticeable in the issue detail view (not issue navigator)
- Closed
JRASERVER-818 Edit in place for issues
- Closed
JRASERVER-1774 Unwrapped descriptions makes above fields unviewable
- Closed
JRASERVER-3868 Add submit buttons to both top and bottom of forms
- Closed
JRASERVER-4785 Sort operations by importance
- Closed
JRASERVER-5015 Attach screenshot when creating issue
- Closed
JRASERVER-5016 Display archived fix for/affects versions 'grayed' out on 'View Issue' page.
- Closed
JRASERVER-5290 Remove vertical split in links panel
- Closed
JRASERVER-5351 Attachments in sortable table layout (Name, Size, Date-Time, User)
- Closed
JRASERVER-5513 Improve the default text, removing the redundant "this issue".
- Closed
JRASERVER-6398 Subtask should inherit (some) fields from parent task as default values
- Closed
JRASERVER-6412 Reply button on comments
- Closed
JRASERVER-6765 Allow users to choose sort field for Attachments
- Closed
JRASERVER-6850 Change issue component selector / version selector
- Closed
JRASERVER-7360 Unification of built-in and custom fields
- Closed
JRASERVER-8504 Aspects of the DateTime Calendar widget are a little clunky - esp setting the time
- Closed
JRASERVER-8528 Direct drop-downs on task page to change priority and assignee rather than having to edit task
- Closed
JRASERVER-9211 Number of issues assign displayd next to assignee
- Closed
JRASERVER-10192 Fast subtask rearrangement
- Closed
JRASERVER-10376 Allow uploader to mark as obsolete files they have provided
- Closed
JRASERVER-12378 add the ability to turn off or disable keyboard shortcuts
- Closed
JRASERVER-13159 Add attachment icon next to issue
- Closed
JRASERVER-13225 On hitting the Resolve Issue button , page should also show the issue details .
- Closed
JRASERVER-13584 Use AJAX to do 'Unwatch' inline with the Watches page to improve responsetime.
- Closed
JRASERVER-13787 Show issue information when editing a comment
- Closed
JRASERVER-14821 UI useability request for resolved/closed issues and comments
- Closed
JRASERVER-15279 Image attachments should be displayed in a dialog/lightbox
- Closed
JRASERVER-16459 Add keyboard shortcut for Log Work operation
- Closed
JRASERVER-16588 Sub-Task Region Improvement
- Closed
JRASERVER-18568 Move through a list directly from edit page to edit page
- Closed
JRASERVER-18684 Default priority colours are not colour blind friendly
- Closed
JRASERVER-1332 Consider using comboboxes instead of listboxes
- Closed
JRASERVER-8274 Allow Operations menu to track on scroll.
- Closed
JRASERVER-8887 Improve add version input
- Closed
JRASERVER-9150 Add aditional information to Attachments field (make configurable)
- Closed
JRASERVER-10187 Java applet to attach multiple files to an issue
- Closed
JRASERVER-12023 Feature request for adding Attach field to the Add Comment screen
- Closed
JRASERVER-13586 Issue description should have 'edit' link
- Closed
JRASERVER-13614 Clicking on the time tracking % allows you to log work for a sub task
- Closed
JRASERVER-14548 Include the "Add file" form directly below the Manage Attachments page.
- Closed
JRASERVER-14985 Link change group to the comment on the comment tab on view issue
- Closed
JRASERVER-14996 Display Closed issues differently in lists and in detail view
- Closed
JRASERVER-16556 Need to be able to choose "common" operations to be made into buttons that are placed in easy to find and use locations
- Closed
JRASERVER-17500 Close subtasks automatically
- Closed
JRASERVER-17742 Improve ability to navigate back to main issue view, when viewing attachments (or other detailed view pages)
- Closed
JRASERVER-18448 Add 'Set Fix Version to Parent Fix Version' to the action menu for subtasks
- Closed
JRASERVER-18595 Ability to move "Actions" column in issue navigator when configuring Issue Navigator Columns
- Closed
JRASERVER-18936 The focus is by default not there on "delete" button when user click "Delete" link for issues
- Closed
JRASERVER-19428 Add UI capability to remove attachments once added
- Closed
JRASERVER-19429 Issue view which includes the change history items of the issue
- Closed
JRASERVER-19547 Create multiple issues in succession / bulk / "Create Another"
- Closed
JRASERVER-19585 Inline replies for JIRA comments
- Closed
JRASERVER-19610 Remove Time Tracking "Not Specified" from issue view screen
- Closed
JRASERVER-19639 allow viewing focus box
- Closed
JRASERVER-3936 Add Confluence-like attachment improvements
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-4513 Ability to categorize attachements
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-5348 Description Field should be at the beginning of an issue
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-5825 Apply changes to all sub tasks
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-5996 "Add comment" textbox should appear on top of comments when comments are sorted descendingly
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-6114 Comment security - "visible to" is not visible enough
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-7323 Comments provided when changing, linking or resolving an issue should be displayed next to the record of that action
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-8096 When assigning from large list of users, provide search interface instead of drop-down
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-9149 Customise sub-task table layout
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-10374 Add ability to add attachments **within** each "COMMENT". The attachments would belong to that "COMMENT" and appear as an attachment within that "COMMENT" only.
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-10992 Make it more obvious that the restriction on comment visibility does not apply to attachment
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-12027 Screenshots attached to an Issue should use PNG instead of JPG
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-12318 Request functionality to 'update' attached files in JIRA
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-18194 Default font for textarea
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-18683 Add issue summary popup when hovering over an issue key
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-45905 Allow uploader to mark as obsolete files they have provided
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-1062 Attachment icon in comments
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-1143 "Create New Issue" somewhat difficult to work with
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-3028 Customize components and versions list box size
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-3310 Use PNG as an option for screenshot attachments format
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-3888 Thumbnails to support .bmp files
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-5912 Create Issue form should have a "Watch this" checkbox
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-9956 Enable attaching files to an issue by drag and drop
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-16375 Progress bar for attachment upload
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-18011 Sort attachments by chronological rank of upload.
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-19606 Watcher list - Tooltip
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-19632 Improve Activity Stream detail shown for worklog updates
- Needs Triage
JRASERVER-20248 Apply auto-expand javascript to text customfield
- Needs Triage
- incorporates
JRASERVER-5624 Add 'watch this issue' checkbox to comment page
- Gathering Interest
- is related to
JRASERVER-20652 JIRA 4.1 issue view wastes screen space
- Closed
JRASERVER-20669 Feedback for view issue page
- Closed
- relates to
JRACLOUD-18505 View & Edit Issue Improvements
- Closed
- mentioned in
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