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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-13159

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            [JRASERVER-13159] Add attachment icon next to issue

            Thanks for taking the time to raise this issue.

            Due to the large volume of JIRA feature suggestions, we have to prioritise our development efforts. In part, that means concentrating on those issues that resonate the most with our users.

            I am writing this note to advise you, that we have decided to close your Suggestion as it has not gained traction on jira.atlassian.com. We believe being upfront and direct with you will assist you in your decision making rather than believing Atlassian will eventually address this issue.

            Thank you again for your suggestion and if you have any concerns or question, please don’t hesitate to email me.
            Kind Regards,
            Kerrod Williams
            JIRA Product Management
            kerrod.williams at atlassian dot com

            Kerrod Williams (Inactive) added a comment - Thanks for taking the time to raise this issue. Due to the large volume of JIRA feature suggestions, we have to prioritise our development efforts . In part, that means concentrating on those issues that resonate the most with our users. I am writing this note to advise you, that we have decided to close your Suggestion as it has not gained traction on jira.atlassian.com. We believe being upfront and direct with you will assist you in your decision making rather than believing Atlassian will eventually address this issue. Thank you again for your suggestion and if you have any concerns or question, please don’t hesitate to email me. Kind Regards, Kerrod Williams JIRA Product Management kerrod.williams at atlassian dot com

            AntonA added a comment -


            I believe there is something that could help right now. See comment:


            AntonA added a comment - Hi, I believe there is something that could help right now. See comment: http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-3570#action_66130 Cheers, Anton

              Unassigned Unassigned
              adf29d1e08c5 Laurence Bejerana
              mandreacchio Michael Andreacchio
