Resolution: Unresolved
The issue links section of this ticket contains Suggestions and Bugs that relate to Jira Cloud's issue export functionality. If you do not see a match for your concern in the tickets listed there, we recommend either leaving a comment below, or creating a Support Ticket with us, so that we can create a ticket on your behalf. Thank you!
- relates to
JRACLOUD-77201 Exporting issues as CSV from a long query fails with error HTTP 400 Bad Request
- Closed
JRACLOUD-79402 Large CSV exports can fail due to a timeout
- Closed
JRACLOUD-80618 There is a discrepancy in the field "Σ Time Spent" at the issue navigator and CSV export
- Closed
JRACLOUD-81567 statusCategoryChangedDate is not present in CSV exported data, breaking 'done' filtering on Timeline
- Closed
JRACLOUD-82126 Issues with issue links of a deleted type cause CSV Export to return a 500 error
- Closed
JRACLOUD-82616 Multiple linked issues do not have clickable links using the "Open in Microsoft Excel" from a search or using the Jira Cloud plugin in Excel
- Closed
JRACLOUD-79664 Export values are not consistent across different exported file type (Excel, csv, xml, html)
- Gathering Impact
JRACLOUD-81308 Export an Excel of JQL search will export issue key without links
- Gathering Impact
JRACLOUD-77176 having 2 custom fields with similar name, causes an issue in JQL columns and excel exporting
- Long Term Backlog
JRACLOUD-77923 Exporting CSV with "current field" option is adding other columns by default
- Long Term Backlog
JRACLOUD-25493 Export to Excel is limited to a maximum of 1000 issues
- In Progress
JRACLOUD-61215 As a user I want the custom columns on subtasks to be exported with the issue so that I can have all the data I need
- Closed
JRACLOUD-63027 Provide a limit number of exporting records for CSV Exporter
- Closed
JRACLOUD-69835 As a user, I want more control over how CSV export displays assignee/reporter names
- Closed
JRACLOUD-75446 Possibility to unselect the user id fields when exporting issues to csv
- Closed
JRACLOUD-78736 User want to preserve the strike-through formatting of resolved Linked Issue when exporting from Jira to Excel (csv)
- Closed
JRACLOUD-80381 Strip HTML tags in Jira issue export
- Closed
JRACLOUD-80650 The CSV export should keep the decimal character used based on the user language
- Closed
JRACLOUD-81542 'Export CSV Current field' option in New Issue Navigator
- Closed
JRACLOUD-82608 Escape special characters in issue exports
- Closed
JRACLOUD-90268 Include the epic name instead of the epic ID when exporting issue with Epic Link field in issue search results
- Closed
JRACLOUD-90767 As an user I would like the "Sprint" field on Excel export to contain only the last sprint value of the issue
- Closed
JRACLOUD-92751 Allow users to download attachments when trey try to export issues in Word format
- Closed
JRACLOUD-10156 Export issue to Word doesn't export images
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-62414 Allow users to configure the delimiter / separator in CSV export
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-62624 CSV Export in other encoding than UTF-8
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-62733 CSV export should contain column with URL to JIRA issue
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-63747 Possibility to export multi-select fields of issue into single column in CSV
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-66843 When exporting to CSV Epic Link should contain the Epic Name as it does in the issue navigator
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-67259 Restore JSON Export option
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-69860 Allow users to hide Issue ID and Parent ID fields while including issue key when exporting filter to CSV
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-73414 When exporting more than 1000 on the issue navigator, users should be informed that only 1000 will be exported
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-74232 Restrict the option to export Issues
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-75612 Improve CSV export to render user names in the Comments field
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-76598 Web Links not available when exporting JIRA Issues to Excel/CSV or any method
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-77404 Ability to export affected services for issue data
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-77919 Exporting issues creates duplicate columns when the same custom field name is used in both Company-managed and team-managed projects
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-78996 Add the ability to hide export (all fields) options to avoid performance issues
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-79163 Participant of an issue should exports users with their Aaid
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-79406 Remote Issue Links Not Included in Issue Search Export
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-82607 Ability to export an issue's comments without needing to export all fields
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-86074 Exporting Jira issues via CSV should also include linked development information such as repository name
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-87720 Ability to use the epic's child issues' progress percentage field
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-62216 Export (CSV, All Fields) and Export (CSV, Current Fields) shows the heading as 'Custom field (<field name>)'
- Under Consideration
JRACLOUD-38896 Allow export of JIRA issue details into Excel i.e. Activity and History
- Not Being Considered
- supersedes
JRACLOUD-62115 Feedback on the new "Export to CSV" functionality
- Closed
It appears that the issue filter's ability to export current fields has not been fixed in
JRACLOUD-81542. This functionality used to be available and would not export all fields (which causes a lot of extra work to hide/delete unnecessary columns in the export). As JIRACLOUD-81542 has been closed and yet this functionality not restored, is there a plan to address this issue under another ticket? If so, I'd like to track it; if not, what is the plan to add this functionality back in?