- JSWSERVER-9167Provide ability to automatically sum estimates from sub-tasks in user stories
- JSWSERVER-11228Rank (obsolete) fields should be unlocked so that they can be deleted
- JSWSERVER-16300Swimlane on Kanban Board by Initiative
- JSWSERVER-21587Add 'Child issues' to 'Issue Detail View'
- JSWSERVER-25193Release the "duplicate plan" feature for Jira Data Center
- JSWSERVER-26078Add support to MySQL 8.4
- JSWSERVER-15740There needs to be an Icebox bucket that lives in the Agile view. All newly created issues should default to the Icebox. The backlog should only be for issues that are fully defined and ready to be worked on in a coming sprint.
- JSWSERVER-9775Jira Agile should show the subtask total with the Estimate field in the Details View
- JSWSERVER-10762Create a dashboard gadget for the Velocity Chart
- JSWSERVER-20097JQL search for issues added and removed from a sprint
- JSWSERVER-3573Ability to transition issues using drag and drop when target status is in the same column of the Agile board
- JSWSERVER-7265As a user, I want to make estimates visible on cards in Kanban board
- JSWSERVER-11952Ability to configure a default board to show for a project
- JSWSERVER-11992As a Jira Software user, I would like to be warned when moving issues which are in a sprint
- JSWSERVER-13029Ability to see Sprint start and end dates in search results in issue navigator
- JSWSERVER-15634Duplicate sprint names creating conflicts
- JSWSERVER-15878Better handle Epic Name, Epic Link, and issue exports to HTML/CSV
- JSWSERVER-16744Adding custom columns to Release Page
- JSWSERVER-24538Ability to change the date format on an Advanced Roadmap plan in Server / DC
- JSWSERVER-24951Enable Version Picker Custom Field type in Advanced Roadmaps
- JSWSERVER-25116Plan should use Issue Resolution rather than Issue Status Category to determine when to remove issues
- JSWSERVER-25222Export plan as PDF
- JSWSERVER-25278Installing Timetracker before Portfolio breaks Portfolio plan viewing
- JSWSERVER-26048Set Default 'Send mail for this update' to unticked/false for Bulk Changes
- JSWSERVER-6887Specific permission to "Rank issue"
- JSWSERVER-7992Ability to see sub-tasks in the backlog
- JSWSERVER-9695Ability to remove the priority icon from Agile boards
- JSWSERVER-10424allow gadgets to show statistics using story points instead of issue counts
- JSWSERVER-11871As a user, I'd like to know who is the sprints creator
- JSWSERVER-14565Add facility to change what is displayed in the 'Issues in Epic' panel
- JSWSERVER-15624Allow more than 3 fields on card layout
- JSWSERVER-15655Ability to add columns to Epic Issue list on Epic
- JSWSERVER-20586Allows users to choose scope with DVCS while connecting to Github
- JSWSERVER-20814Support of Github Apps in DVCS instead of user based OAuth
- JSWSERVER-25122Advanced Roadmaps - Add support for more custom fields to the plan view
- JSWSERVER-26346Introduce an option for a pop-up comment dialog box that enables users to add attachments as comments via drag-and-drop.
- JSWSERVER-2521As a project manager I would like to spread one Kanban WIP limit across multiple subcolumns
- JSWSERVER-12228As a Scrum Master, I would like to have changes in Sprint dates shown on Reports
- JSWSERVER-15768REST API access to information in Development Panel
- JSWSERVER-15993Make the Portfolio "Parent Link" field available on the Board Issue Detail View
- JSWSERVER-19825Add (optionally) field names on card layout
- JSWSERVER-25159Ability to include the Reporter field in a plan.
- JSWSERVER-25474Add option/checkbox to prevent duplicate Team names in Advanced Roadmaps
- JSWSERVER-2268As a reporter, I would like to be able to flag an issue with multiple types of flag
- JSWSERVER-4686Ability to use Quick Filters on the burndown chart
- JSWSERVER-14931Disable or limit the "Create Branch" option
- JSWSERVER-19959Add granular permissions relating to version control
- JSWSERVER-21245Ability to add custom columns in release page (view)
- JSWSERVER-24795Advanced Roadmap allow editing of read-only fields
- JSWSERVER-24937Automatically shift dates of dependent issues based on blocker end date change
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