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    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      As a user, I can hide the priority field from view within both Backlog and Active sprints/Kanban board (formerly Plan Mode and Work Mode) since I don't need Priority when I already use Rank.

          Form Name

            [JSWSERVER-9695] Ability to remove the priority icon from Agile boards

            Combining rank and priority is indeed confusing, since the priority field can contradict the rank. In most agile scenarios it is outright pointless. Multiple tickets can have the same priority but only one rank, so rank is more precise and useful anyway.

            Sebastian Bär added a comment - Combining rank and priority is indeed confusing, since the priority field can contradict the rank. In most agile scenarios it is outright pointless. Multiple tickets can have the same priority but only one rank, so rank is more precise and useful anyway.

            WillS added a comment - - edited

            I found that I can enter a data URL as the image on the Priority definition, which helped a ton since I don't have filesystem access on our Jira server. 



            WillS added a comment - - edited I found that I can enter a data URL as the image on the Priority definition, which helped a ton since I don't have filesystem access on our Jira server.    

            Would be good to do this in Cloud too.

            Benji Purewal added a comment - Would be good to do this in Cloud too.

            If this is fixed in server, will it be fixed for cloud as well. Do I need to raise this as a separate ticket?

            Linda Milne_Togetha Group_ added a comment - If this is fixed in server, will it be fixed for cloud as well. Do I need to raise this as a separate ticket?

            I hope Atlassian could quickly prioritized this function...


            Sebastien SALOMEZ added a comment - I hope Atlassian could quickly prioritized this function...  

            Nathanael Motz added a comment - Another workaround: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-hide-priority-icon-in-agile-board-779160907.html . I found that on community: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Jira-Hide-Priority-field-from-list-views-and-cards/qaq-p/622226

            It would be great to generally manage "default" fields like priority or epics rather than only being able to manage "extra" fields on cards, both in backlog as well as active sprint/kanban board.

            Karol Kłaczyński added a comment - It would be great to generally manage "default" fields like priority or epics rather than only being able to manage "extra" fields on cards, both in backlog as well as active sprint/kanban board.

            When the backlog and boards are already prioritized in order, having another priority icon is redundant, conflicting, confusing, and difficult to maintain. The priority icon seems to be a legacy of the old heavy Jira workflows and no longer is needed in the new agile design.

            amelia mendez added a comment - When the backlog and boards are already prioritized in order, having another priority icon is redundant, conflicting, confusing, and difficult to maintain. The priority icon seems to be a legacy of the old heavy Jira workflows and no longer is needed in the new agile design.


            Attempted to put your CSS above in our Announcement Banner but it just shows it as text in the banner

            <style type="text/css">

            { display: none; }


            Kyle Kirkeide added a comment - Daniel, Attempted to put your CSS above in our Announcement Banner but it just shows it as text in the banner <style type="text/css"> .ghx-priority { display: none; } </style>

            My need is to replace the standard Priority field with a Custom Severity field; so requiring general configuration of the Plan View columns.

            John Bayne added a comment - My need is to replace the standard Priority field with a Custom Severity field; so requiring general configuration of the Plan View columns.

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              e7dce694a39c Jeremy "Sparky" McKenzie
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