Resolution: Fixed
Currently the Browse Project UI is a bit out of touch. It could be greatly improved:
- make it look more like the other pages (task driven UI)
- remove project stats from all pages
- display reports and statistics (like Open Issues report) for individual components and versions.
- details
JRASERVER-15686 Absorb resolution date field from charting plugin
- Closed
JRASERVER-15687 Bundle Activity Stream plugin
- Closed
JRASERVER-15688 Create project icons
- Closed
JRASERVER-15860 Pull some charts from the charting plugin into JIRA core.
- Closed
JRASERVER-16022 IE6 fixes
- Closed
JRASERVER-16048 Create design for components/versions dropdown
- Closed
JRASERVER-16145 Project Avatars
- Closed
JRASERVER-16187 Redesign breadcrumb area for Browse Project/BrowseVersion/Browse Component
- Closed
JRASERVER-16188 Ensure standard look & feel across BP/BV/BC
- Closed
JRASERVER-16206 Browse Project cleanup tasks
- Closed
JRASERVER-16213 Excessive white space on personal roadmap
- Closed
JRASERVER-16214 Changing tabs seems slow - show titles quickly then the loading pic as page is rendering as opposed to inside the tab itself
- Closed
JRASERVER-16215 Twixie drop down seems to get confused easily expands then goes back to collapsed state
- Closed
JRASERVER-16216 pipe at beginning / end in upper right hand side remove for start and end
- Closed
JRASERVER-16336 Selenium Testing for BP
- Closed
JRASERVER-16487 Func test the Charts popup in Issue Navigator
- Closed
JRASERVER-16507 Progress bar in "Road Map" tab has two tooltips associated at two different points.
- Closed
JRASERVER-16540 No Tool Tip for "More" link in issue tab
- Closed
JRASERVER-16545 In the issue tab, unscheduled and no component heading are not properly placed
- Closed
JRASERVER-16547 There is no way to go back to summary page of the project if user click "browse component" or "browse version"
- Closed
JRASERVER-16548 "Preset filters" and "Reports" should be accessible from all tabs
- Closed
JRASERVER-16591 Browse project page UI improvement idea
- Closed
JRASERVER-16653 No tooltips for project avatar and project name link on "Browse project" page.
- Closed
JRASERVER-16654 The new "back to versions/component/roadmap" link is nice but a bit too big
- Closed
JRASERVER-16727 The formatting for drop down options of "Reports" and "Preset filters" is broken
- Closed
JRASERVER-16484 The return link for any versions open from "Roadmap" tab is "return to all versions"
- Closed
JRASERVER-16516 Action column in "find issue" page shifts when user do mouse over
- Closed
JRASERVER-16539 "All component" link has wrong tooltip
- Closed
JRASERVER-18296 Selenium Test Browse Projects
- Closed
- incorporates
JRASERVER-15254 Browse Project Panel: Do not show Closed UNRESOLVED issues as Open in the version list
- Closed
JRASERVER-4688 Browse Project: Within the tab panel, if components are hidden - the version info appears to be right aligned.
- Closed
JRASERVER-5915 more consistant navigation breadcrumbs
- Closed
JRASERVER-13426 Next/previous version links for 'Browse Version' screen
- Closed
JRASERVER-15665 Address issue of plugins pushing filter/report panel off screen
- Closed
JRASERVER-15872 "Browse Project" URL doesn't include current project
- Closed
- is related to
JRASERVER-12373 Create a Browse Components page
- Closed
JRASERVER-16486 Restrict component name length to 80 characters
- Closed
- relates to
JRASERVER-3066 Per-version Browse Project page
- Closed
JRASERVER-15888 Report links on the browse project screen don't pre-populate the project
- Closed
JRASERVER-16276 Adjust colours of Resoltion date chart to be more distinshable for the colour blind
- Closed
- supersedes
JRASERVER-11648 Move "Project Summary" to plugins
- Closed