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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-11160

Ability to select issues without the Detail View opening


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      Atlassian Update – 8 July 2020

      Hi everyone,

      Thank you for your votes and comments on this suggestion.

      We’re glad to announce that ability to select issues without the Detail View opening will be available in the upcoming Jira 8.11.0 release.

      Now you will be able to choose to hide the detail view and quickly enable it back whenever you need it. You can do it with just two clicks of a button on your favourite board, select Board > Hide detail view. Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming release notes of Jira 8.11.0.

      Thank you.

      Kind regards,
      Grazyna Kaszkur
      Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center

      Atlassian Update – 8 July 2020 Hi everyone, Thank you for your votes and comments on this suggestion. We’re glad to announce that ability to select issues without the Detail View opening will be available in the upcoming Jira 8.11.0 release. Now you will be able to choose to hide the detail view and quickly enable it back whenever you need it. You can do it with just two clicks of a button on your favourite board, select Board > Hide detail view. Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming release notes of Jira 8.11.0. Thank you. Kind regards, Grazyna Kaszkur Product Manager, Jira Server and Data Center
    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Software Server. Using JIRA Software Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Updated summary - was "Add "Disable Detail View" option to Agile Board User Preferences"

      As a developer, I would like to NOT have the detail view pop-up when selecting a card on an Agile board so that I don't loose screen real-estate by showing details I don't want to see, because I typically open the issue in a new browser tab to see all of the details and/or make edits anyway.

      As a SCRUM Master, I would like the detail view to display so that I don't have to continuously open new tabs to view each issue when discussing issues as a team in the daily standup.

      As can be seen, the role of the user plays a significant part in how this feature is typically used. The proposed "solution" is to make the display of the detail a USER PREFERENCE that can be enabled or disabled per board (either Kanban or Scrum)

      Similar to GHS-10182 - however, that request wanted to make it an ADMIN function to disable the detail view per board, which does not fit with a sub-set of users.


      Added on 09 Jun 2020 with JIRA 7.13.13:

      To hide Issue Detail View, you can add it to your Administration > System > Announcement banner (under User Interface):

      div#ghx-detail-view { 
           display: none;

      Disclaimer: The workaround may cause unexpected JIRA behavior. In that case, simply remove it from the Announcement Banner will revert the changes.

        1. Detail-1024x768.png
          122 kB
          Kent Miller
        2. keep-closed.png
          90 kB

            4a4b131c106c Lukasz Gosiewski
            a3bd6c22d6e3 Kent Miller
            370 Vote for this issue
            190 Start watching this issue
