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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Update from 19th September, 2022

      Hi all, 

      Thank you for your interest here. We are looking into how we might solve for this need but it will be a long road for us to enable all the features that will fully meet the underlying need. 

      In the meantime, we recommend that you use the "Create project with shared configuration" so that you can utilise the same underlying Jira configuration (screens, issue types, workflows and associated screens). This is generally considered a best practice. 

      We will provide updates as we introduce additional functionality to make this experience better. We are investing substantial resources in making it easier to share fields and workflows across service desk projects and will be releasing substantial changes early next calendar year. 


      Best regards,


      Jehan Gonsalkorale

      Product Manager, Jira Service Management


      In our setup, we have a servicedesk project per customer. Most of the SVD setup (like workflow, calendars & standard offered SLA metrics) are the same for all projects, while other aspects (users/project roles/...) are specific for each SVD project.

      having tens of SVD projects, means each time the same SLAsetup needs to be configured manually:

      • SLA metrics
      • Calendars
      • Portal
      • ...

      .. while other specifically generated setup is not wanted:

      • workflow
      • screens
      • issuetypes
      • ...

      Being able to control which defaults are used during 'create project' wizard, would be really helpful.
      Alternatively, a clone/copy-from-existing SVD project would work as workaround -> if this were possible, we could use a template project to copy from.

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