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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-69963

Make UPM update not impact all other installed apps


    • 62
    • We collect Jira feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      Problem Definition

      Upgrading UPM triggers all apps/applications to restart because of the licensing API provided by UPM. This can cause Jira to return 404 and other errors while the UPM upgrade is in progress, effectively causing downtime.


      Depending on the plugins in the instance, this can cause 404 and 500 errors on (at least) the following pages:

      • Dashboard.jpsa
      • JiraHome.jspa
      • Viewing any issue
        This effectively renders Jira unavailable for the time it takes to update the UPM, which can be 5-10 minutes.

      In some situations, dashboards will not render gadgets and the situation does not recover by itself.

      • Embedded plugins and custom plugins do not render their gadgets on dashboards
      • Log excerpt:
        2022-05-20 10:28:41,122+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-7508 url: /, /secure/MyJiraHome.jspa, /secure/Dashboard.jspa; user: admin WARN admin 628x67403986x10 lir6e2 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy / [c.a.g.renderer.internal.GadgetSpecFactoryImpl] Error occurred while retrieving gadget spec for rest/gadgets/1.0/g/com.arsenalesystems.dataplane:arsenaleDataplaneGadget/gadgets/dataplane/gadget.xml
        2022-05-20 10:23:36,363+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-7450 url: /secure/AjaxIssueAction.jspa; user: admin WARN admin 623x67396865x8 1tcu78o xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy /secure/AjaxIssueAction.jspa [c.atlassian.ozymandias.SafePluginPointAccess] Unable to run plugin code because of 'org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.service.importer.ServiceProxyDestroyedException - service proxy has been destroyed'.
        2022-05-20 10:23:36,386+0000 http-nio-8080-exec-7521 url: /internal-error ERROR      [c.a.j.web.servlet.InternalServerErrorServlet] {errorId=c5949b5d-f2db-4ca5-8afa-dfe68e3966b4, interpretedMsg=, cause=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Root page 'com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:dashboard-page' does not exist!, stacktrace=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Root page 'com.atlassian.jira.gadgets:dashboard-page' does not exist!
            	at com.atlassian.plugin.webresource.assembler.DefaultWebResourceAssembler$2.requirePage(DefaultWebResourceAssembler.java:211) [atlassian-plugins-webresource-4.3.6.jar:?]
            	at com.atlassian.jira.web.action.Dashboard.doExecute(Dashboard.java:187) [classes/:?]
            	at webwork.action.ActionSupport.execute(ActionSupport.java:165) [webwork-1.4-atlassian-30.jar:?]
            	at com.atlassian.jira.action.JiraActionSupport.execute(JiraActionSupport.java:63) [jira-api-8.20.6.jar:?]
            	at webwork.interceptor.DefaultInterceptorChain.proceed(DefaultInterceptorChain.java:39) [webwork-1.4-atlassian-30.jar:?]
      • In those situations, the following can help:
        • Disabling / enabling custom plugins
        • Clearing plugin cache and restarting Jira for issues with embedded plugins' gadgets
        • Detecting disabled plugins / modules in the database:
          SELECT * FROM pluginstate where pluginenabled = 'false';
          • The solution here would be to delete those particular modules and restart Jira:
            DELETE FROM pluginstate WHERE pluginkey='<pluginkey from query above>';

      Suggested Solution

      • As a Jira Server admin I want to update UPM, but I don't want all other apps/applications to depend on UPM.
      • Provide a way to schedule UPM update during the following Jira restart.


      Unfortunately there is no workaround at this time. Instances that are affected by this should have the UPM updated in a scheduled maintenance window.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              gkaszkur@atlassian.com Grazyna Kaszkur
              115 Vote for this issue
              100 Start watching this issue
