Resolution: Unresolved
Issue Summary
In Use advanced search with Jira Query Language (JQL) document it is mentioned that
JQL has a list of reserved characters:
space (" ") + . , ; ? | * / % ^ $ # @ [ ]
If you wish to use these characters in queries, you need to:
surround them with quote-marks (you can use either single quote-marks (') or double quote-marks (")); and, if you are searching a text field and the character is on the list of reserved characters for text searches, precede them with two backslashes.
However, escaping “[” or “]” does not work. In the old bug ticket JRACLOUD-25092 there are lot more special characters listed, most probably those ones do not work too.
Steps to Reproduce
- Run a JQL query including special characters, for example
summary ~ "\\[change\\]"
Expected Results
Only issues having the text "[change]" in Summary should be displayed.
Actual Results
all issues having the word "change" in Summary are listed.
- This behavior is also present for colon (":") and for dash ("-")
- Use exact phrase search: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-articles/Search-for-an-exact-phrase-with-JQL/ba-p/2131545, although this will only work when the entire string is used for the search criteria.
- duplicates
JRACLOUD-25092 Searching JIRA issues for special characters (in text fields) does not work, even if these characters have been properly escaped in a quick, simple or advanced (i.e. JQL) search.
- Closed
- is duplicated by
JRACLOUD-67019 Strange behavior with Contains operator when Text is separated from Number with an Underscore
- Closed
JRACLOUD-80142 Basic search fails when custom field has the special characters
- Closed
JRACLOUD-40917 Enable to search issues by special characters
- Closed
JRACLOUD-62859 Escaping special characters in JQL search doesn't work
- Closed
JRACLOUD-80866 Enable to search issues by two-byte special characters
- Closed
- is related to
JRACLOUD-83546 Issues aren't found in JQL when using a single special character in the summary
- Gathering Impact
JRACLOUD-86733 Enable the ability to search in Filters using the full filter name with special characters
- Closed
JRACLOUD-17463 Better exact-text searching
- Gathering Interest
JRACLOUD-31882 Inconsistent behavior with contains operator
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
JRACLOUD-92257 Cannot search with Epic in the new Parent field if the Summary has a special character
- Gathering Impact
- was cloned as
JRACLOUD-80552 Inconsistency with a text field that contains underscore character
- Closed
- mentioned in
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- resolves
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b9d750826f97: did you try the way with regex match?
Example (not sure what the "Paragraph" means in your case and whether it's required):
or if Paragraph part is not needed:
// Just paste certain line from example above as your search-query-string (using advanced search mode).
This could be also combines with further criteria, e.g.:
Some details about regex itself: