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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-72088

CSV export contains username for user picker field like reporter and assignee fields


      Issue Summary

      CSV file exported from search result contains username for user picker fields such as Reporter and Assignee fields. This causes the users to appear as not human readable values/strings in assignee and reporter fields, for example when the users are provisioned from an identity provider.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Provision a new user with SCIM.
      2. Assign an issue to the new user.
      3. Search for the issue.
      4. Export the search result as a CSV file

      Expected Results

      The best result would be that the CSV file contains display name or email address for reporter and assignee field.

      Actual Results

      The username appears in assignee field which will be a UUID.


      This is related to the work being done to remove username, please refer to following pages for further information:


      There is no workaround available at this moment!

            53f5075912b2 Sachin Garg (Inactive)
            grahimi Yahya (Inactive)
            27 Vote for this issue
            51 Start watching this issue
