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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-46227

Shortcut links become empty after editing the page with Collaborative Editing turned on



      If you use a shortcut link in a page, editing the page with Collaborative Editing turned on will result in the link to become empty. Thus, the link on the page will point to the page itself.

      Steps to replicate

      Make sure Collaborative Editing is turned on.

      1. Navigate to Confluence Administration > General Configuration > Shortcut Links and make sure the default key 'google' and expanded value 'http://www.google.com/search?q=' is still valid.
      2. Create a new page.
      3. Insert a link to the page and under the 'Advanced' tab, insert the following values:
        Link: atlassian@google
        Link text: atlassian
      4. Save the page.
      5. The link opens this page (as expected): https://google.com/search?q=atlassian
      6. Edit the page again and save it.
      7. Try to click on the same link as before.

      Expected results

      The same page as before should be opened: https://google.com/search?q=atlassian

      Actual results

      The link refers back to the URL of the page itself. If you edit the page and click on 'Edit' for the link, you can see that the 'Link' field is now empty.

            mfedoryshyn Maksym Fedoryshyh
            azolkefli Athirah Zolkefli
            18 Vote for this issue
            30 Start watching this issue
