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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-13479

Special characters eg. back slash, forward slash, plus sign in username breaks Personal Space


      A user is pulling down usernames from an LDAP and these usernames contain backslashes. This is all fine and good until the user creates a personal space. They can create these and edit the home page (at the time of creation), but after saving the home page the personal space is no longer accessible.

      username: US\someguy
      personal space created at: wiki/display/~us%5Csomeguy
      trying to access the personal space fails as the browser is bounced to wiki/display/us\someguy

      This also breaks if the username contains a forward slash or a plus sign, and probably various other special characters.

        1. People directory.jpg
          People directory.jpg
          112 kB
        2. Profile popup.jpg
          Profile popup.jpg
          7 kB

              Unassigned Unassigned
              mtaylor@atlassian.com Maleko Taylor (Inactive)
              10 Vote for this issue
              16 Start watching this issue
