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  1. Atlassian Cloud
  2. CLOUD-6617

Improve supportability of JIRA/Conf backup managers


    • 76
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Currently the backup managers (both for JIRA and Confluence) allow backups to be taken as follows:

      • once per 48 hours without attachments, and
      • once per 48 hours with attachments.

      Presumably this dual timer is to allow customers to generate a backup for migration testing, then still perform a full backup once they're ready for the final cut-over.

      We are seeing the following pain-points with this current arrangement:

      • From the customer's perspective, the time limit seems arbitrary and they are quite frustrated when they hit it.
      • We don't say anywhere on the page that
        • backups can only be generated once per 48 hours (until they try it); or
        • backups with and without attachments are on different timers.
      • The 48 hour timeout generally seems OK for the purpose of routine peace-of-mind backups, but not when migrating (which can be stressful enough as it is).
      • Supporters have to run SQL and sometimes restart the application to clear the backup timer.

      I propose that we make the following changes:

      • Only limit the backup with attachments to once every 48 hours. The backup without attachments should not be restricted (new backups still overwrite old ones).
      • Mention on the backup page that backups with attachments are limited to once every 48 hours, which they can see before they choose which type of backup to generate.
      • Provide a button only available to system administrators that resets the backup timer, so that Support doesn't need to mess around with SQL.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            mknight@atlassian.com Michael Knight
            153 Vote for this issue
            127 Start watching this issue
