Resolution: Fixed
-, 6.3.7
NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Software Server. Using JIRA Software Cloud? See the corresponding bug report.
If you try to create a sample project in JIRA Agile through (Agile > Getting Started > create a sample project) for Scrum or Kanban, the following error is displayed:
An error occurredHide… Please try refreshing the page, or contact your administrator / Atlassian Support if the problem continues. Details Exception: TypeError: t is undefined Resource: https://clarissa.atlassian.net/s/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e/en_US5id6mh-1988229788/6144/8/aebbf4f94c0d9f010871beaf3c294cec/_/download/contextbatch/js/greenhopper-rapid-non-gadget,atl.general,jira.global/batch.js Line: 2726 Environment Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0
The board is created, but the error message is thrown.
This only happens on OnDemand, could not replicate it using JIRA Standalone.
- causes
JSWSERVER-11122 When create a sample project timeouts, go back and hit next the error message perists
- Closed
SW-930 Loading...
- is duplicated by
JSWSERVER-10801 Error when I try to create sample project with scrum and kanban
- Closed
JSWSERVER-10054 Creating Sample Jira Agile Board Fails
- Closed
JSWSERVER-11099 Creating sample project and board timeout
- Closed
JSWSERVER-10067 Error message and stack trace thrown when creating a sample Agile project
- Closed
JSWSERVER-11064 Every time I create a board, I get a screen that has a red bar at the bottom and the screen is stuck
- Closed
SW-301 Loading...
- is related to
JSWSERVER-11099 Creating sample project and board timeout
- Closed
- relates to
JSWCLOUD-9965 Create a sample project on JIRA Agile in Atlassian OnDemand throws error
- Closed
JSWSERVER-10937 Creating Scrum board with sample data throws unexpected error
- Closed