Uploaded image for project: 'Jira Software Data Center'
  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-10067

Error message and stack trace thrown when creating a sample Agile project

      When a user navigates to the 'Getting Started' section of the Agile dropdown they are presented with and the user clicks the 'create a sample project' link the resulting stack trace is produced:

      2013-11-12 16:11:37.292127500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,291 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Import started by sysadmin using com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.sample.SampleDataImporterImpl$1
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297044500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,296 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297046500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,296 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing: Users
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297053500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,296 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297056500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,296 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Only new items will be imported
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297062500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,297 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] 0 users associated with import.
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297123500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,297 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297148500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,297 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Finished Importing : Users
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297226500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,297 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297227500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,297 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] 0 users successfully created.
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.297236500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,297 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Retrieving projects...
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334476500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,334 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Created Project: ExternalProject[jiraId=<null>,id=<null>,externalName=<null>,name=Sample Scrum Project A,key=SSPA,url=<null>,lead=sysadmin,description=This is a sample Scrum project for JIRA Agile.
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334480500 <br><br>
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334481500 Sample Sprint 1 started 21 days 10 hours 20 minutes ago ends 7 days 10 hours 20 minutes ago completed 7 days 11 hours 40 minutes ago
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334490500 <br><br>
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334490500 Sample Sprint 2 started 7 days 9 hours 10 minutes ago ends 6 days 15 hours 10 minutes
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334491500 <br><br>,projectCategoryName=<null>,avatarUrl=<null>,assigneeType=2,versions=[com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.external.beans.ExternalVersion@ee34b9[id=<null>,name=Version 1.0,released=true,archived=false,releaseDate=2013-11-05T04:31:37.278-08:00,description=<null>], com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.external.beans.ExternalVersion@c79ec9[id=<null>,name=Version 2.0,released=false,archived=false,releaseDate=2013-11-19T04:31:37.278-08:00,description=<null>], com.atlassian.jira.plugins.importer.external.beans.ExternalVersion@189c373[id=<null>,name=Version 3.0,released=false,archived=false,releaseDate=<null>,description=<null>]],components=<null>,issues=[ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "SSPA-1" link at the left of this row to see detail in the Description tab on the right, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a product owner, I'd like to express work in terms of actual user problems, aka User Stories, and place them in the backlog >> Try creating a new story with the "+ Create Issue" button (top right of screen), issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a product owner, I'd like to rank stories in the backlog so I can communicate the proposed implementation order >> Try dragging this story up above the previous story, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a team, I'd like to estimate the effort of a story in Story Points so we can understand the work remaining >> Try setting the Story Points for this story in the "Estimate" field, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a team, I'd like to commit to a set of stories to be completed in a sprint (or iteration) >> Click "Create Sprint" then drag the footer down to select issues for a sprint (you can't start a sprint at the moment because one is already active), issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a scrum master, I'd like to break stories down into tasks we can track during the sprint >> Try creating a task by clicking the Sub-Tasks tab in the Detail View on the right, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a product owner, I'd like to include bugs, tasks and other issue types in my backlog >> Bugs like this one will also appear in your backlog but they are not normally estimated, issueType=Bug}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a developer, I'd like to update story status during the sprint >> Click the Work link at the top right of the screen to go to Work mode where the current Sprint's items can be updated, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a developer, I can update story and task status with drag and drop (click the triangle at far left of this story to show sub-tasks), issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a developer, I can update details on an item using the Detail View >> Click the "SSPA-13" link at the top of this card to open the detail view, issueType=Bug}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I can find important items on the board by using the customisable "Quick Filters" above >> Try clicking the "Only My Issues" Quick Filter above, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a scrum master, I can see the progress of a sprint via the Burndown Chart >> Click "Report" at the top right to view the Burndown Chart, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a team, we can finish the sprint by clicking the cog icon next to the sprint name above the "To Do" column then selecting "Complete Sprint" >> Try closing this sprint now, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=Instructions for deleting this sample board and project are in the description for this issue >> Click the "SSPA-17" link and read the description tab of the detail view for more, issueType=Bug}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}, ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}],workflowSchemeName=Agile Simplified Workflow Scheme for Project SSPA] successfully
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334548500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,334 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334580500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,334 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing: Versions
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334606500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,334 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334642500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,334 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Only new items will be imported
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.334728500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,334 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing version Version 1.0
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.339917500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,339 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing version Version 2.0
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.342287500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,342 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing version Version 3.0
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.343884500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,343 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.343949500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,343 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Finished Importing : Versions
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.343957500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,343 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344111500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,343 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344113500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing: Components
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344151500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344178500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Only new items will be imported
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344216500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344255500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Finished Importing : Components
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344278500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344314500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Retrieving custom fields...
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344476500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344514500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing: Issues
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344545500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.344572500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,344 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Only new items will be imported
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.346332500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,346 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "SSPA-1" link at the left of this row to see detail in the Description tab on the right, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.353198500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,352 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As an Agile team, I'd like to learn about Scrum >> Click the "SSPA-1" link at the left of this row to see detail in the Description tab on the right
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.463613500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,463 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a product owner, I'd like to express work in terms of actual user problems, aka User Stories, and place them in the backlog >> Try creating a new story with the "+ Create Issue" button (top right of screen), issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.463883500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,463 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a product owner, I'd like to express work in terms of actual user problems, aka User Stories, and place them in the backlog >> Try creating a new story with the "+ Create Issue" button (top right of screen)
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.532252500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,532 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a product owner, I'd like to rank stories in the backlog so I can communicate the proposed implementation order >> Try dragging this story up above the previous story, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.532534500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,532 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a product owner, I'd like to rank stories in the backlog so I can communicate the proposed implementation order >> Try dragging this story up above the previous story
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.600309500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,600 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a team, I'd like to estimate the effort of a story in Story Points so we can understand the work remaining >> Try setting the Story Points for this story in the "Estimate" field, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.600590500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,600 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a team, I'd like to estimate the effort of a story in Story Points so we can understand the work remaining >> Try setting the Story Points for this story in the "Estimate" field
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.666805500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,666 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a team, I'd like to commit to a set of stories to be completed in a sprint (or iteration) >> Click "Create Sprint" then drag the footer down to select issues for a sprint (you can't start a sprint at the moment because one is already active), issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.667117500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,667 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a team, I'd like to commit to a set of stories to be completed in a sprint (or iteration) >> Click "Create Sprint" then drag the footer down to select issues for a sprint (you can't start a sprint at the moment because one is already active)
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.749329500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,748 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a scrum master, I'd like to break stories down into tasks we can track during the sprint >> Try creating a task by clicking the Sub-Tasks tab in the Detail View on the right, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.749333500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,749 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a scrum master, I'd like to break stories down into tasks we can track during the sprint >> Try creating a task by clicking the Sub-Tasks tab in the Detail View on the right
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.811601500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,811 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue This is a sample task. Tasks are used to break down the steps to implement a user story
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.975453500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,975 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a product owner, I'd like to include bugs, tasks and other issue types in my backlog >> Bugs like this one will also appear in your backlog but they are not normally estimated, issueType=Bug}
      2013-11-12 16:11:37.977358500 2013-11-12 16:11:37,977 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a product owner, I'd like to include bugs, tasks and other issue types in my backlog >> Bugs like this one will also appear in your backlog but they are not normally estimated
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.126454500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,125 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a developer, I'd like to update story status during the sprint >> Click the Work link at the top right of the screen to go to Work mode where the current Sprint's items can be updated, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.126458500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,126 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a developer, I'd like to update story status during the sprint >> Click the Work link at the top right of the screen to go to Work mode where the current Sprint's items can be updated
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.256837500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,255 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a developer, I can update story and task status with drag and drop (click the triangle at far left of this story to show sub-tasks), issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.256841500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,256 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a developer, I can update story and task status with drag and drop (click the triangle at far left of this story to show sub-tasks)
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.368589500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,368 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue Update task status by dragging and dropping from column to column >> Try dragging this task to "Done"
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.579385500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,579 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue When the last task is done, the story can be automatically closed >> Drag this task to "Done" too
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.772750500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,772 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a developer, I can update details on an item using the Detail View >> Click the "SSPA-13" link at the top of this card to open the detail view, issueType=Bug}
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.773095500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,773 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a developer, I can update details on an item using the Detail View >> Click the "SSPA-13" link at the top of this card to open the detail view
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.848368500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,848 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I can find important items on the board by using the customisable "Quick Filters" above >> Try clicking the "Only My Issues" Quick Filter above, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.848633500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,848 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a user, I can find important items on the board by using the customisable "Quick Filters" above >> Try clicking the "Only My Issues" Quick Filter above
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.920534500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,920 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a scrum master, I can see the progress of a sprint via the Burndown Chart >> Click "Report" at the top right to view the Burndown Chart, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:38.920781500 2013-11-12 16:11:38,920 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a scrum master, I can see the progress of a sprint via the Burndown Chart >> Click "Report" at the top right to view the Burndown Chart
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.020617500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,020 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a team, we can finish the sprint by clicking the cog icon next to the sprint name above the "To Do" column then selecting "Complete Sprint" >> Try closing this sprint now, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.021139500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,020 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a team, we can finish the sprint by clicking the cog icon next to the sprint name above the "To Do" column then selecting "Complete Sprint" >> Try closing this sprint now
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.123505500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,123 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=Instructions for deleting this sample board and project are in the description for this issue >> Click the "SSPA-17" link and read the description tab of the detail view for more, issueType=Bug}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.123797500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,123 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue Instructions for deleting this sample board and project are in the description for this issue >> Click the "SSPA-17" link and read the description tab of the detail view for more
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.238967500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,236 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.238970500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,237 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.340809500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,340 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.340812500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,340 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.428564500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,428 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.428933500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,428 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.515265500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,515 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.515510500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,515 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.603735500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,603 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.604018500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,603 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.687340500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,687 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing issue: ExternalIssue{externalId=null, summary=As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports, issueType=Story}
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.687609500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,687 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [jira.issue.fields.CustomFieldImpl] No relevant config found for Epic Name for the issue As a user, I'd like a historical story to show in reports
      2013-11-12 16:11:39.763839500 2013-11-12 16:11:39,763 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Reindexing last 23 issues imported ...
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.164576500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Reindexing took 400 ms.
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.164632500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] 20 issues successfully created
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.164674500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.164709500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Finished Importing : Issues
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.164738500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.164915500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.164916500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Importing: Issue Links & Subtasks
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.166350500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,164 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.166352500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,165 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Only new items will be imported
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.166359500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,166 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.166362500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,166 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] Finished Importing : Issue Links & Subtasks
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.166364500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,166 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] ------------------------------
      2013-11-12 16:11:40.169872500 2013-11-12 16:11:40,168 TP-Processor3 INFO sysadmin 971x7199x1 1wexsrg, /rest/greenhopper/1.0/welcome/createProject [imports.importer.impl.DefaultJiraDataImporter$1Thread[TP-Processor3,5,main]] No issues need to be reindexed.

      After the stack trace is presented the project and sample board are created, but show some HTML errors. Please see the attachments.

            [JSWSERVER-10067] Error message and stack trace thrown when creating a sample Agile project

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              cbenard Carlen Benard (Inactive)
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