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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-13783

Velocity report should only show sprints related to the current board


    • 7.01
    • 117
    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 137
    • Hide
      Atlassian Update – 27 January 2020

      Hi everyone,

      We have just finished working on fixing the issue. We took into account different expectations about the behaviour of the Velocity Report and decided to make it configurable per board - user will be able to choose whether their Velocity Report should include sprints related to other boards or not. Also, issues moved between projects will no longer contain closed sprints from the previous projects. 

      Fix will be included into Jira Software 8.8.0. 

      We will continue to watch this issue, so please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on the solution in the comments.

Thank you,

      Jira Server Bug Fix Team

      Atlassian Update – 27 January 2020 Hi everyone,
 We have just finished working on fixing the issue. We took into account different expectations about the behaviour of the Velocity Report and decided to make it configurable per board - user will be able to choose whether their Velocity Report should include sprints related to other boards or not. Also, issues moved between projects will no longer contain closed sprints from the previous projects. 
 Fix will be included into Jira Software 8.8.0. 
 We will continue to watch this issue, so please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on the solution in the comments.

Thank you,
 Jira Server Bug Fix Team

      Original description

      Currently, if any issues in Sprint A in one board (Board A) got moved to Sprint B in another board (Board B), Sprint B will show up in the Velocity Report of Board A.

      It would be nice to limit sprints within a board in the Velocity Report, so no other sprints belonging to other boards should show up in the report.


      Velocity Report includes Sprints from other Boards.


      • 2016-01-18 Cloud, 2016-02-01 Cloud, 1000.383.2 Cloud
      • JIRA 7.x Server

      Steps to Reproduce

      Scenario 1

      • You have Board A with filter "project = A". You have Sprint A with issue A-1, A-2 inside it. Sprint A has to be a future Sprint otherwise it correctly shows up in the report.
      • You have Board B with filter "project = B". You have Sprint B with issue B-1, B-2 inside it. Sprint B has to be a future Sprint otherwise it correctly shows up in the report.

      If issue A-1 is moved to Sprint B, it means that Sprint B will contain 1 issue that matches the filter of Board A, thus Sprint B will APPEAR in Board A. If that happens then the Velocity Report of Board A will include Sprint B too.

      Scenario 2

      • You have Board A with filter "project = A". You have Sprint A with issue A-1, A-2 inside it. Sprint A is a completed Sprint.
      • You have Board B with filter "project = B".

      There are also other scenarios that don't rely on the issue being moved from project to project, as long as the following conditions are met the bug will surface:

      1. The issue contains another sprint in the customfieldvalue
      2. the issue contains another sprint in the history of the issue (i.e. it has an entry in changeitem).

      Scenario 3

      You have multiple boards that have filters wide enough to pull in issues for multiple boards, the issues do not need to have been moved from project to project

      Scenario 4

      At one point one the issue was part of another sprint in another board and the sprint was started. The issue is then moved from an open or closed sprint to a new sprint, this will cause the same behavior in the Velocity report regardless of whether or not the issue was moved from project to project.

      Expected Results

      • Velocity Report should only show sprints from other boards if the issues were moved between active sprints, not in planning phase (between future sprints).
        • As moving issues to-from sprints affects velocity (committed/completed), the report should show it accordingly.
      • Velocity Report should not include completed sprints from other boards, as they were not committed/completed in the current board.

      Actual Results

      Velocity Report includes sprints outside the scope of the board, and sprints might result empty:


      For Scenario 2, board admin may:

      1. Reopen Sprint A from Board B's Sprint Report
      2. Remove issue B-1 (formerly A-1) from Sprint A
      3. Complete Sprint A

      In this case, Sprint A doesn't contain anything related to Board B at all, but:

      1. It's still included in Board B's Velocity Report (as an empty sprint)
      2. It disappears from Board B's Sprint Report


      There is no current workaround for this bug

        1. Capture.GIF
          45 kB
        2. queryresults.png
          138 kB
        3. searchresults.png
          575 kB
        4. sprintid.png
          444 kB
        5. sprintremove.png
          39 kB
        6. Tim Hagen's broken velocity chart.png
          Tim Hagen's broken velocity chart.png
          80 kB
        7. updated report.png
          updated report.png
          205 kB
        8. velocity.png
          72 kB
        9. velocityreport.png
          168 kB

              pprzytarski Pawel Przytarski
              ddiblasio David Di Blasio
              319 Vote for this issue
              268 Start watching this issue
