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  1. Jira Software Data Center
  2. JSWSERVER-12805

Velocity Report Should Only Show Sprints Related To The Current Board


      Original description by reporter – Currently, if any issues in Sprint A in one board (Board A) got moved to Sprint B in another board (Board B), Sprint B will show up in the Velocity Report for Board A.

      It would be nice to limit sprints within a board in the Velocity Report. So no other sprints belonging to other boards should show up in the report.


      Velocity report include sprints from other boards.


      • 2016-01-18 Cloud, 2016-02-01 Cloud

      Steps to Reproduce

      Basically this might happen in the following scenario:

      • You have Board A with filter "project = A". You have Sprint 1 with issue A-1, A-2 inside it. The Sprint 1 has to be a future Sprint otherwise it correctly shows up in the report.
      • You have Board B with filter "project = B". You have Sprint 2 with issue B-1,B-2 inside it. The Sprint 2 has to be a future Sprint otherwise it correctly shows up in the report.

      If issue A-1 is moved to Sprint B it means that Sprint B will contain 1 issue that match the filter of Board A, thus will make Sprint B APPEAR in board A. If that happen then the velocity report of board A will include Sprint B too.

      Expected Results

      Velocity Report should only show sprints from other boards if the issues were moved between active sprints, not in planning phase (between future sprints).
      As moving issues to-from sprints affects velocity (committed/completed), the report should show it accordingly.

      Actual Results

      • The chart include Sprint outside the scope of the board, and Sprint might result empty.


      No workaround.

            bmccoy bmccoy
            jaguilar Javier Aguilar (Inactive)
            11 Vote for this issue
            26 Start watching this issue
