
      The Agile Backlog doesn't show issues in the correct sprints. Moving issues to sprints reverts back after refreshing the page.


      The scenario mentioned below is only an example of the scenario where this issue occurs. There could be more causes for this problem. We are working on our side on identifying more causes.

      1. The index is not reindexing changes to the Sprint correctly because there is, or used to be, another field called "Sprint" with a different data type.
        Because the Backlog uses the index, although the issues are correctly modified on the backend, they are displayed incorrectly on the boards.
      2. There are reports that customers on JIRA 7.2 have run into this despite not having another "Sprint" field. Exact cause is still unknown.

      Check if affected:

      This DB query returns issues affected by this:

      select p.pkey ||'-'|| i.issuenum as key, ci.field, ci.newvalue, ci.newstring from changegroup cg join changeitem ci on = ci.groupid left join jiraissue i on cg.issueid = left join project p on i.project = where ci.field = 'Sprint' and newvalue is NULL;

      For MySQL use:

      select  CONCAT(p.pkey, "-", i.issuenum)AS 'Issue key', ci.field, ci.newvalue, ci.newstring from changegroup cg join changeitem ci on = ci.groupid left join jiraissue i on cg.issueid = left join project p on i.project = where ci.field = 'Sprint' and newvalue is NULL;


      • JIRA Software Cloud and Server

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a Custom Field type "labels" and name it "Sprint"
      2. On a certain issue add a label and remove a label
      3. On the backlog view, move that issue to a different sprint

       There are reports that customers on JIRA 7.2 have run into this despite not having another "Sprint" field. Exact cause is still unknown.

      Expected Results

      Issue is correctly moved between sprints and changes persist.

      Actual Results

      The issue is dragged over to the sprint.
      The below exception is thrown in the JIRA log: Error indexing issue

      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559050500 2016-04-11 10:52:07,548 http-nio-3000-exec-10 WARN sysadmin 652x1263x1 9aomkb /rest/greenhopper/1.0/sprint/rank [c.a.j.issue.index.DefaultIssueDocumentFactory] Error indexing issue BDBPP-145: Dropping 'customfield_10402'
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559053500 java.lang.NullPointerException
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559054500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory.movedToSprintAfterStartDate(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559055500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory.lambda$null$6(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559093500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory$$Lambda$633/11364990.apply(Unknown Source)
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559095500 	at
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559095500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory.lambda$removeOtherNonActiveSprints$7(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559102500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory$$Lambda$631/2285389.test(Unknown Source)
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559103500 	at java.util.Collection.removeIf(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559104500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory.removeOtherNonActiveSprints(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559111500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory.getSprintChangeHistoryForIssue(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559112500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintHistoryEntryFactory.getSprintChangeHistory(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559114500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintCustomFieldIndexer.addDocumentFields(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559118500 	at com.atlassian.greenhopper.customfield.sprint.SprintCustomFieldIndexer.addDocumentFieldsSearchable(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559120500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.indexers.impl.AbstractCustomFieldIndexer.addIndex(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559121500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueDocumentFactory$Builder.add(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559126500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueDocumentFactory$Builder.addAll(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559127500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueDocumentFactory.apply(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559133500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueDocumentFactory.apply(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559134500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer$DefaultDocumentCreationStrategy.get(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559135500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer.lambda$reindexIssues$1(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559140500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer$$Lambda$593/22309686.perform(Unknown Source)
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559141500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer.lambda$null$2(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559142500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer$$Lambda$600/4056176.get(Unknown Source)
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559143500 	at com.atlassian.jira.index.SimpleIndexingStrategy.get(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559147500 	at com.atlassian.jira.index.SimpleIndexingStrategy.get(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559148500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer.lambda$perform$3(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559150500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer$$Lambda$594/28919328.consume(Unknown Source)
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559156500 	at com.atlassian.jira.util.collect.CollectionUtil.foreach(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559157500 	at com.atlassian.jira.util.collect.CollectionUtil.foreach(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559158500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.util.IssueObjectIssuesIterable.foreach(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559159500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer.perform(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559163500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIssueIndexer.reindexIssues(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559165500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager.reIndexIssues(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559166500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager.reIndexIssues(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559167500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager.reIndexIssues(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559174500 	at com.atlassian.jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager.release(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559175500 	... 3 filtered
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559176500 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559176500 	at com.atlassian.jira.config.component.SwitchingInvocationHandler.invoke(
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559182500 	at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy11.release(Unknown Source)
      2016-04-11 10:52:07.559183500 	... 3 filtered

      A refresh of the backlog shows the issue back on the previous location.


      The problem is related to historic events. It will only affect issues that have the duplicate "Sprint" field cleared in the past. New issues where labels weren't modified, won't have the problem.


      Please be aware that unfortunately the workaround here is temporary and the issue comes back after some time

      Always generate backup of your database before making any changes to it via SQL. Any workaround requiring SQL changes carries inherent risk so a backup of your DB is essential to restore working conditions if there is a critical problem. This workaround should be tested in a clone of your Production environment prior to attempting it in Production.

      1. Backup all the "sprint-removal history items" into a separate table, and remove them from the initial table
        create table changeitem_quarantine_jira721 as
        select ci.* from changeitem ci
        where ci.field = 'Sprint'
        and   ci.newvalue is null;
      2. Remove them from the initial changeitem table:
        DELETE from changeitem ci where in (select id from changeitem_quarantine_jira721);
      3. Restart JIRA
      4. Full/Locked reindexing

      If any misbehaviour happens, the records can be restored again with the statement:

      insert into changeitem
      select * from changeitem_quarantine_jira721 where id not in (select id from changeitem);

          Form Name

            [JSWSERVER-13530] Backlog doesn't show issues in the correct sprints

            Susmita Jha added a comment - - edited

            I am facing this in Jira version 8.5.8.

            Atlassian Ticket raised - GHS-217202

            Susmita Jha added a comment - - edited I am facing this in Jira version 8.5.8. Atlassian Ticket raised - GHS-217202

            We are using v8.4.1#804002 and is also experiencing this issue.


            Andreas Lindquist added a comment - We are using v8.4.1#804002 and is also experiencing this issue.  

            Koel Misra added a comment -

            We are using v8.5.3#805003-sha1:b4933e0 and are still seeing this issue. Is there anything that can be done.

            Koel Misra added a comment - We are using v8.5.3#805003-sha1:b4933e0 and are still seeing this issue. Is there anything that can be done.

            we are using v8.2.3#802003 and the issue is still present. 

            anyhing we can do?

            does it depend on the index structure? sometimes re-indexing helps for some days.

            Roy Schumacher added a comment - we are using v8.2.3#802003 and the issue is still present.  anyhing we can do? does it depend on the index structure? sometimes re-indexing helps for some days.

            We solved the problem with a database query on the changeitem table.

            We found some data which had the content  'null'

            We changed the content to an empty string like: ""

            You should have a testsystem, a database admin and of course: a full backup of your JIRA installation!!

            Deleted Account (Inactive) added a comment - We solved the problem with a database query on the changeitem table. We found some data which had the content  'null' We changed the content to an empty string like: "" You should have a testsystem, a database admin and of course: a full backup of your JIRA installation!!

            Craig Solinski added a comment - - edited

            Hello, I thought we were beyond the problem, we had it with 724 and it was gone after upgrading  to 727 BUT its suddenly happening again on 727.

            Craig Solinski added a comment - - edited Hello, I thought we were beyond the problem, we had it with 724 and it was gone after upgrading  to 727 BUT its suddenly happening again on 727.

            Hello Peter, after upgrade to 7.2.7 we haven't faces this error any more, from our perspective it is fixed in 7.2.7  

            Paulius Sitkevicius added a comment - Hello Peter, after upgrade to 7.2.7 we haven't faces this error any more, from our perspective it is fixed in 7.2.7  

            Hello Peter, as far as I know issue was fixed in 7.3.0 version, though did not test it yet.

            Rytis Budreika added a comment - Hello Peter, as far as I know issue was fixed in 7.3.0 version, though did not test it yet.

            Thank you to everyone who share knowledge on the page.

            We ran in this issue too: Having a JIRA 6.3.12, perfom an update on a testsystem to 7.2.3 and running into the indexing Problem too: Error indexing issue xxxxx-123: Dropping 'customfield_10007' (the sprint customfield). The SQL Query shows a lot of Issues when we excuted it.

            Today I tried another update on the test system: I installed a 7.2.7 and imported my 6.3.12 data.
            As I understand the conversation on this page, the error should be fixed in 7.2.7

            I still get errors. Was anyone successful and can confirm that 7.2.7 fixes the error?

            Deleted Account (Inactive) added a comment - Thank you to everyone who share knowledge on the page. We ran in this issue too: Having a JIRA 6.3.12, perfom an update on a testsystem to 7.2.3 and running into the indexing Problem too: Error indexing issue xxxxx-123: Dropping 'customfield_10007' (the sprint customfield). The SQL Query shows a lot of Issues when we excuted it. Today I tried another update on the test system: I installed a 7.2.7 and imported my 6.3.12 data. As I understand the conversation on this page, the error should be fixed in 7.2.7 I still get errors. Was anyone successful and can confirm that 7.2.7 fixes the error?

            AlanR added a comment -

            Hi Leonard, Thanks for sharing. We have this same problem and have come to the same conclusion. We are preparing to do this in our production environment.

            AlanR added a comment - Hi Leonard, Thanks for sharing. We have this same problem and have come to the same conclusion. We are preparing to do this in our production environment.

              apawelczyk Artur Pawelczyk (Inactive)
              mfernandezbadii Mauro Badii (Inactive)
              Affected customers:
              96 This affects my team
              158 Start watching this issue
