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  1. Jira Data Center
  2. JRASERVER-67747

Changing story points on an incomplete issue will remove the story points value on the Sprint Report


      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a story of 3 points. Se the story points in the "Create Issue" screen
      2. Create a sprint called Sprint 1.
      3. Drag the story out of the backlog into Sprint 1 and start Sprint 1.
      4. Create Sprint 2, but don't start it.
      5. Complete Sprint 1. When Jira prompts you, move the incomplete story to Sprint 2.
      6. View the Sprint Report for Sprint 1. You'll see the story you created is listed in the ISSUES NOT COMPLETED section with 3 story points. (Expected behaviour)
      7. Back to Backlog view, select the story and change the number of points to 5.
      8. Go back to the Sprint Report for Sprint 1.

      Observed behaviour:
      Story now shows "-" points.

      Expected behaviour:
      Story should display 3 points, since this is the number of points when the sprint was completed (from step 6)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            astegani Alex Stegani
            1 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
