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IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.


      When defining the status order for an agile board in Configure > Column Management ,
      the order is not reflected in the board accordingly

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Open an Agile Board
      2. Configure > Column Management
      3. Configure as below

      Expected Results

      When viewing in the board , it should follow the order of the status configured in column management

      Actual Results

      The order is not followed.


      The status order on the column follow the step id of each issue's workflow. Steps with a lower id will appear on top than those with higher (later) ids.
      A workaround to edit the steps' ids has been published on this KB:

      It consists of updating the descriptor column of the jiraworkflows table to change the content inside the XML representation of the steps' ids.

        1. board2.png
          7 kB
        2. column_management.png
          13 kB
        3. kanban_view.png
          12 kB

          Form Name

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.


                When defining the status order for an agile board in Configure > Column Management ,
                the order is not reflected in the board accordingly

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Open an Agile Board
                2. Configure > Column Management
                3. Configure as below

                Expected Results

                When viewing in the board , it should follow the order of the status configured in column management

                Actual Results

                The order is not followed.


                The status order on the column follow the step id of each issue's workflow. Steps with a lower id will appear on top than those with higher (later) ids.
                A workaround to edit the steps' ids has been published on this KB:

                It consists of updating the descriptor column of the jiraworkflows table to change the content inside the XML representation of the steps' ids.

                  1. board2.png
                    7 kB
                  2. column_management.png
                    13 kB
                  3. kanban_view.png
                    12 kB

                        cf7069360d7e Mateusz Witkowski
                        amasut Azfar Masut (Inactive)
                        81 Vote for this issue
                        70 Start watching this issue


                              cf7069360d7e Mateusz Witkowski
                              amasut Azfar Masut (Inactive)
                              Affected customers:
                              81 This affects my team
                              70 Start watching this issue
