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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-90678

Japanese (日本語) user language - Date format error when starting / editing a Sprint's start/end dates


      Atlassian status as of September 2023
      This bug has been resolved as part of our enhanced board and backlog in Company-managed Projects https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/Enhanced-Jira-board-and-backlog/ba-p/2331946
      Follow the updates on our public roadmap https://www.atlassian.com/wac/roadmap/cloud/board-and-backlog?status=comingSoon&category=agileDevOps&selectedProduct=jsw&p=66921ae1-63
      Lisa - Product Manager


      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Set the UI language to Japanese ("日本語") at https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/account-preferences
      2. Access a backlog
      3. Select End Date from the date picker
      4. Click "Start(開始)"

      Expected Results

      The sprint will start

      Actual Results

      An error is showing saying an invalid format is entered.
      Checking the network console, POST rest/greenhopper/1.0/sprint/<N>/start is returning 400 error

      Error message:

      '18/9/23 05:25 AM' は有効な日付ではありません。次の形式で日付を入力してください:dd/MMM/yy h:mm a


      This also occurs when editing the sprint start / end dates after creating the sprint.


      We'll be bringing an enhanced board and backlog to Company-managed Projects in the next few months which will resolve this bug: 
      Enhanced Jira board and backlog

      When enhancements are rolled out and available for you, you’ll see a toggle in the view menu, which you can use to switch on and off the enhancements. Note that enhancements are applied per user — you’ll be switching them on for your board and backlog, and not anyone else’s

      Follow the updates on our public Cloud Roadmap


      This issue occurs only when Date/Time format on Look and Feel settings are not matched with the one on System Advanced Settings (jira.date.time.picker.java.format/jira.date.time.picker.javascript.format).

      For that reason, as a workaround,  (1) change the date/time format in the Jira System Settings. See this community article for more information

      Or, (2) reverting the Date/Time format on Look and Feel settings to its default value by clicking [Revert] button will resolve the issue.

      If for some reason you are unable to apply the above changes, please use the following adhoc workarounds.

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