Resolution: Unresolved
Severity 2 - Major
When using a third party app (e.g. JMWE) for adding comment validator in a JSD workflow with transition screen, the customer input error message is not displayed in the transition screen unlike non JSD projects. This is a regression from earlier JSD versions, which, since 3.0.0, were correctly displaying the error message.
Steps to reproduce
- Spawn Jira 7.12.1 and JSD 3.15.1 (the latest)
- On a Jira Service Desk workflow, on a transition that has a transition screen, add a "Comment Required Validator" from JMWE (for example - a similar Validator from another app will have the same problem)
- Trigger the transition, don't input a comment and hit "Submit"
- No error message is displayed but the form remains open
If you do the same on a non-JSD workflow, the error message is displayed correctly below the comment field
Investigation Notes
- Initially both screens does not have the div.error element to populate the error message
- Difference between Non JSD and JSD projects:
- both calls the _submitForm function in FormDialog.js:
_submitForm: function _submitForm(e) { this.cancelled = false; this.xhr = null; this.redirected = false; this.serverIsDone = false; var instance = this; var defaultRequestOptions = jQuery.extend(true, {}, this.options.submitAjaxOptions); var requestOptions = jQuery.extend(true, defaultRequestOptions, { url: this._getPath(this.$form.attr("action")), data: this._getFormDataAsObject(), complete: function complete(xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult) { instance.hideFooterLoadingIndicator(); if (!instance.cancelled) { instance._showMessagesFromXhrResponse(xhr); if (smartAjaxResult.successful) { instance.$form.trigger("fakesubmit"); instance._handleServerSuccess(smartAjaxResult.data, xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult); // // if we have already been redirected then the page is asynchronously unloading and going elsewhere // and hence we should not do the complete processing since its pointless and could only do harm // if (!instance.redirected) { instance._handleSubmitResponse(smartAjaxResult.data, xhr, smartAjaxResult); } } else { instance._handleServerError(xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult.errorThrown, smartAjaxResult); } } //The form may have changed. Lets just make sure there us no 'submitting' class to be extra sure. instance.$form.removeClass("submitting"); } }); // and since we're a dialog, and since web actions don't offer responses tailored to the accepts header, we should always set these request options: requestOptions.data.decorator = "dialog"; requestOptions.data.inline = true; this.showFooterLoadingIndicator(); this.xhr = SmartAjax.makeRequest(requestOptions); e.preventDefault(); },
- However, smartAjaxResult.data passed to the requestOptions callback from non JSD contains the error message which is replaced as a content in instance._handleServerSuccess(smartAjaxResult.data, xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult) :
_handleServerSuccess: function _handleServerSuccess(data, xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult) { var msgInstructions = this._detectMsgInstructions(xhr); if (msgInstructions) { Messages.showMsgOnReload(msgInstructions.msg, { type: msgInstructions.type, closeable: msgInstructions.closeable, target: msgInstructions.target }); } // // Check the status of the X-Atlassian-Dialog-Control header to see if we are done // var instructions = this._detectRedirectInstructions(xhr); this.serverIsDone = instructions.serverIsDone; if (instructions.redirectUrl) { if (this.options.onSuccessfulSubmit) { this.options.onSuccessfulSubmit.call(this, data, xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult); } this._performRedirect(instructions.redirectUrl); } else if (!this.serverIsDone) { this.setSubmitResponseContent(data); } },
- Non JSD smartAjaxResult.data value contains user input error message: "<div class="error">Anne - Non JSD Comment required!</div>":
" <div class="jira-dialog-content"> <div class="dialog-title hidden">Start Progress [PROJ-1]</div> <form action="/jira/secure/CommentAssignIssue.jspa?atl_token=BWP3-NZB2-6EDY-6C7K_70517b4464110e3b3d3983abaad5880372d16c43_lin" class="aui dnd-attachment-support" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="issue-workflow-transition" method="post"> <div class="form-body"> <h2 class="dialog-title"> Start Progress </h2> <div class="hidden"> <input name="action" type="hidden" value="11" /> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input name="id" type="hidden" value="10002" /> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input name="viewIssueKey" type="hidden" value="" /> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input name="formToken" type="hidden" value="e2f45e34e0e56241a89d304a7ce5092ce8c271e5" /> </div> <div class="field-group aui-field-wikiedit comment-input"> <label for="comment">Comment</label> <div class="jira-wikifield" field-id="comment" renderer-type="atlassian-wiki-renderer" issue-key="PROJ-1"> <div class="wiki-edit"> <div id="comment-wiki-edit" class="wiki-edit-content"> <textarea class="textarea long-field wiki-textfield mentionable" cols="60" id="comment" name="comment" rows="10" wrap="virtual" data-projectkey="PROJ" data-issuekey="PROJ-1"></textarea> <div class="rte-container"> <rich-editor contenteditable="true" data-issue-key="PROJ-1" data-content-present="true" tabindex="-1"></rich-editor> </div> <div class="content-inner"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="field-tools"> <dl id="wiki-prefs" class="wiki-js-prefs" style="display:none"> <dt>trigger</dt> <dd>comment-preview_link</dd> <dt>fieldId</dt> <dd>comment</dd> <dt>fieldName</dt> <dd>Comment</dd> <dt>rendererType</dt> <dd>atlassian-wiki-renderer</dd> <dt>issueKey</dt> <dd>PROJ-1</dd> </dl> <button class="jira-icon-button fullscreen wiki-preview" id="comment-preview_link" type="button"> <span class="aui-icon wiki-renderer-icon">Preview comment</span> </button> <a class="help-lnk" id="viewHelp" href="/jira/secure/WikiRendererHelpAction.jspa?section=texteffects" title="Get local help about wiki markup help" data-helplink="local"><span class="aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-help"></span></a> </div> </div> <div class="save-options wiki-button-bar"> <div class="security-level"> <fieldset class="hidden parameters"> <input type="hidden" title="securityLevelViewableByAll" value="Viewable by All Users"> <input type="hidden" title="securityLevelViewableRestrictedTo" value="Restricted to <span class='redText'>{0}</span>"> </fieldset> <a class="drop" href="#"> <span class="security-level-drop-icon aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-unlocked"> This comment will be Viewable by All Users </span> <span class="icon drop-menu"></span> </a> <select name="commentLevel" id="commentLevel" data-enable-default="true"> <option value="">All Users</option> <optgroup label="Project Roles"> <option value="role:10002">Administrators</option> </optgroup> </select> <span class="current-level">Viewable by All Users</span> <span class="default-comment-level" data-project-id="10000"></span> </div> <span class="security-level-inline-error"></span> </div> <div class="error">Anne - Non JSD Comment required!</div> </div> <!-- more code here... --> </form> <!-- // .aui.dnd-attachment-support #issue-workflow-transition --> </div> "
- JSD returned smartAjaxResult.data value does not contain the error:
" <div class="jira-dialog-content"> <div class="dialog-title hidden">In progress [BS-2]</div> <form action="/jira/secure/CommentAssignIssue.jspa?atl_token=BWP3-NZB2-6EDY-6C7K_70517b4464110e3b3d3983abaad5880372d16c43_lin" class="aui dnd-attachment-support" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="issue-workflow-transition" method="post"> <div class="form-body"> <h2 class="dialog-title"> In progress </h2> <div class="hidden"> <input name="action" type="hidden" value="891" /> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input name="id" type="hidden" value="10001" /> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input name="viewIssueKey" type="hidden" value="" /> </div> <div class="hidden"> <input name="formToken" type="hidden" value="d4fa0340cfb2e7648e721bd28688f66850e18675" /> </div> <div class="sd-comment-field-edit-root" data-payload="{"issueId":10001,"issueKey":"BS-2","reporterDisplayName":"admin","comment":"","userKey":"admin","userName":"admin","agentDisplayName":"admin","avatarUrl":"https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/64e1b8d34f425d19e1ee2ea7236d3028?d\u003dmm\u0026s\u003d48","isAgent":true,"isExternalMode":true,"isEdit":false,"isBulkEdit":false,"isRteEnabled":true,"modifierKey":"Ctrl+Alt","errors":[],"isSecurityLevelAvailable":false}"></div> <div class="hidden"> <input name="atl_token" type="hidden" value="BWP3-NZB2-6EDY-6C7K_70517b4464110e3b3d3983abaad5880372d16c43_lin" /> </div> </div> <div class="buttons-container form-footer"> <div class="buttons"> <input accesskey="s" class="aui-button" id="issue-workflow-transition-submit" name="Transition" title="Press Ctrl+Alt+s to submit this form" type="submit" value="In progress" /> <a accesskey="`" class="aui-button aui-button-link cancel" href="/jira/browse/BS-2" id="issue-workflow-transition-cancel" title="Press Ctrl+Alt+` to cancel">Cancel</a> </div> </div> </form> <!-- // .aui.dnd-attachment-support #issue-workflow-transition --> </div> "
- And the _handleServerSuccess sets the content to the data in: this.setSubmitResponseContent(data);
_handleServerSuccess: function _handleServerSuccess(data, xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult) { var msgInstructions = this._detectMsgInstructions(xhr); if (msgInstructions) { Messages.showMsgOnReload(msgInstructions.msg, { type: msgInstructions.type, closeable: msgInstructions.closeable, target: msgInstructions.target }); } // // Check the status of the X-Atlassian-Dialog-Control header to see if we are done // var instructions = this._detectRedirectInstructions(xhr); this.serverIsDone = instructions.serverIsDone; if (instructions.redirectUrl) { if (this.options.onSuccessfulSubmit) { this.options.onSuccessfulSubmit.call(this, data, xhr, textStatus, smartAjaxResult); } this._performRedirect(instructions.redirectUrl); } else if (!this.serverIsDone) { this.setSubmitResponseContent(data); } },
- both calls the _submitForm function in FormDialog.js:
Related tickets
- is a regression of
JSDSERVER-3647 Unspecific message shown in Portal when a validation in "Create Issue" transition fails
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- relates to
JSDSERVER-1485 id attribute missing on comment field -> 3rd party validator not working properly
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JSDSERVER-2361 Comment Require Validator from third party plugin (JIRA MISC Workflow Exntension) did not promp customize error message
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DEVHELP-1733 Loading...
- links to