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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-1485

id attribute missing on comment field -> 3rd party validator not working properly


      In JIRA Service Desk, the comment field on a transition screen has no id:
      <textarea name="comment" class="textarea sd-comment-textarea mentionable" data-issuekey="DESK-1"></textarea>

      As a consequence any message from a workflow validator is NOT shown.

      Instead the html code for that textarea should look something like this:
      <textarea name="comment" id="comment" class="textarea sd-comment-textarea mentionable" data-issuekey="DESK-1"></textarea>

      People would like to use the 'Field required' validator from the plugin 'JIRA Suite Utilities' to ensure the users enter a comment.
      On a non-JSD project this is working fine. In a JSD project, I can see with the debugger, that the proper InvalidInputException is thrown from the validator if no comment is entered.
      However the message won't be shown on the transition screen, because the comment textarea is missing the id. The user will just stuck on the transition screen without a message.

      => Please add the id="comment" to that textarea.

            dtrinh@atlassian.com Diep Ngoc Trinh (Inactive)
            5174d8ce3506 Stefan Forstmoser [beecom]
            2 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
