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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-3597

The "From:" header format in notification emails do not match the format specified in JIRA's General Configuration


      Atlassian Update – 4 March 2021

      Hi everyone,

      This bug has been reopened after further investigation of the related suggestion ticket (JSDSERVER-702). We believe it was incorrectly categorised as a feature suggestion rather than a bug. Jira Service Management notifications are currently not respecting the global Jira setting for ‘email from’.

      We understand that this issue can cause confusion for your customers and it is an issue we would like to resolve.

      Please follow progress on this ticket.

      Kind regards,


      Jira Service Management, Server & Data Center


      The "From:" header format in notification emails do not match format specified in JIRA's General Configuration

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to JIRA's General Configuration page and check the Email from configuration. By Default this is ${fullname} (JIRA)
      2. Do something in a JIRA core project that would trigger a notification.
      3. Go to the email client. You should see the From header of the notification something like John Doe (JIRA)}
      4. Now go to a JIRA Service Desk project and then do an action that results in a notification
      5. Go to the email client

      Expected Results

      You would expect the From header of the notification to be something like John Doe (JIRA)}

      Actual Results

      the From header of the notification email is simply John Doe

            bornatowski Bartosz Ornatowski
            mriza Mohamed Riza (Inactive)
            19 Vote for this issue
            34 Start watching this issue
