Issue Summary
With this bug fix, customer notifications like Customer-visible status changed / Public comment added are complying to the format defined in Email from global Jira settings but the Request Created customer notification is using the JSM portal name as its "From:" header.
The Request Created customer notification that originate from 'Raise this request on behalf of' is complying to the format defined in Email from global Jira settings but this is not the case for customer notification triggered from customer's self-created request.
This is specific to a use case where we want a static string in the "From:" header.
Steps to Reproduce
- Jira administration » System » General configuration: * Update *Email from with a static string like 'IT Support'
- Log into the customer portal as customer
- Create a new request
- Check the customer notification
Expected Results
The Request created customer notification's "From:" header complies to the format defined in Email from global Jira settings.
Actual Results
The Request created customer notification is using the JSM portal name as its "From:" header.
Note: This workaround needs a third party installation
To rewrite the FROM name and FROM email addresses from JIRA and/or JIRA Service Desk:
1. Install Postfix either on this server or on another trusted server you can administer.
2. Configure the Postfix server to relay email to the Internet.
3. Now configure Postfix to rewrite the outbound emails from JIRA.
4. Create the smtp_header_checks file to set up the rewrite rules.
5. A simple rule (uses regex syntax) would be like:
/^ REPLACE From: Support <>
If JIRA Service Desk sends an email from "Bob Agent" <> it will be replaced with "Support" <>, standardising the FROM name of the email from JIRA Service Desk.
If the Customer triggers a workflow and the email has the customer name:
"Customer Name" <> will be replaced with "Support" <>
You can add as many rules as required and target any part email header.
Useful if you have multiple email addresses that JIRA Service Desk sends from.
6. Edit the Postfix file, typically /etc/postfix/
7. Add the line: smtp_header_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/smtp_header_checks
8. Restart Postfix
9. In JIRA Admin, /secure/admin/OutgoingMailServers.jspa Change the Outgoing Mail, SMTP Mail Server to use a Postfix server as the destination.
10. All email from JIRA and JIRA Service Desk will be delivered via Postfix.
11. Test and verify OK.
12. Adjust the configuration as per your requirements.
This solution was based on this answer in the CentOS Stack Exchange,