• 784
    • 44
    • We collect Jira Service Desk feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      Issue fixed

      Hello All,

      Marking this resolved as it has been fixed in 4.1. See details here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedesk/jira-service-desk-4-1-x-release-notes-963663641.html#JiraServiceDesk4.1.xreleasenotes-newportalMeetthenewportalexperience

      Can also check out the blog (https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedesk/a-stylish-new-portal-for-jira-service-desk-server-and-data-center-customers-963663645.html#AstylishnewportalforJiraServiceDeskServerandDataCentercustomers-loginCustomizableloginscreen).

      -JSD Team

      Atlassian status update as of 29th November 2018

      Hello All,

      We are aware that this is important and something our customers expect. The good news is that, this is a priority in our short term roadmap and we're currently investigating ways to make this available to our customers.

      Whilst I’d like to give you a clear timeframe for when we can deliver this, unfortunately, I cannot make such indications at this time yet. We’ll keep you posted as we progress.

      Thanks again for your patience,

      Vidhu Sharma
      Product Manager - Jira Service Desk.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Service Desk Server. Using JIRA Service Desk Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Don't have a login?
      Not a member? To request an account, please contact your JIRA administrators.

      Change the text per Service Desk to give the user some hints what is the login or where they can get access.

            [JSDSERVER-330] Provide a customizable login screen for Service Desk

            For the login page to add text and Privacy Link to Atlassian's trust pages. 

            Johann Rabe added a comment - For the login page to add text and Privacy Link to Atlassian's trust pages. 

            axxonadmin added a comment - https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicemanagementserver/adding-announcements-939926482.html

            I don't see why this issue was closed with absolutely no explanation or documentation from Atlassian as to how we use the new feature?

            Richard Cross added a comment - I don't see why this issue was closed with absolutely no explanation or documentation from Atlassian as to how we use the new feature?

            Roland added a comment -

            Can we have an update on how to resolve this issue? We need to customise the login screen for Jira service desk cloud. Server edition is marked to be discontinued/obsolete so it would be crazy for us to port over to it just for this feature.

            Roland added a comment - Can we have an update on how to resolve this issue? We need to customise the login screen for Jira service desk cloud. Server edition is marked to be discontinued/obsolete so it would be crazy for us to port over to it just for this feature.

            Laura Sands added a comment - - edited


            Does this apply to next-gen, Cloud based Jira Service Desk... or only Server? Are there instructions on how to customize the login screen text for cloud versions? I tried following some of the instructions here and here – they're confusing, or perhaps are outdated, or irrelevant to my version of JSD.

            Here's my issue: The current login screen has very little information in its default. It's no help to users who are logging in for the first time or don't have a login yet but might think they do. I want to be able to give them instruction on how to request access – which requires contacting someone.

            – Laura

            Laura Sands added a comment - - edited Hello, Does this apply to next-gen, Cloud based Jira Service Desk... or only Server? Are there instructions on how to customize the login screen text for cloud versions? I tried following some of the instructions here and here – they're confusing, or perhaps are outdated, or irrelevant to my version of JSD. Here's my issue: The current login screen has very little information in its default. It's no help to users who are logging in for the first time or don't have a login yet but might think they do. I want to be able to give them instruction on how to request access – which requires contacting someone. – Laura

            Hello @Tim Eddelbuettel,

            I see no option to "Enable the new Experience" in my JSD.

            How can I change the "Welcome to Helpcenter"-Text at the signup portal, when defining a name and password?

            The translation into german is not good and we really have to fix this.

            Do I have to fix this manually in the Jira data?

            Thank you very much

            Timon Engelmann added a comment - Hello @Tim Eddelbuettel, I see no option to "Enable the new Experience" in my JSD. How can I change the "Welcome to Helpcenter"-Text at the signup portal, when defining a name and password? The translation into german is not good and we really have to fix this. Do I have to fix this manually in the Jira data? Thank you very much

            joshua.barron, you have to "Enable the new Experience" in the Help Center (not individual portal) configuration where you also change the colors.

            I still prefer the JavaScript workaround for Jira Service Desk 4.5 as I can decide the position. I personally don't like the information above the fields. With long text the login fields are not directly visible.

            And also multi-language is still an issue as it can't be translated and Jira (On-Premise) is still not able to show the interface based on the browser language. With the JavaScript workaround I can detect the browser language and output the information in that language.

            Tim Eddelbüttel added a comment - joshua.barron , you have to "Enable the new Experience" in the Help Center (not individual portal) configuration where you also change the colors. I still prefer the JavaScript workaround for Jira Service Desk 4.5 as I can decide the position. I personally don't like the information above the fields. With long text the login fields are not directly visible. And also multi-language is still an issue as it can't be translated and Jira (On-Premise) is still not able to show the interface based on the browser language. With the JavaScript workaround I can detect the browser language and output the information in that language.

            barronkid added a comment -

            Where was this issue resolved? I've followed the links, read the documentation, and can't figure out how to customize the information provided to my users prior to logging in.

            barronkid added a comment - Where was this issue resolved? I've followed the links, read the documentation, and can't figure out how to customize the information provided to my users prior to logging in.

            btw. i got it

            The problem was that i create the script in the root of the script directory. moving it into a subfolder just work perfect.


            Thank you a lot

            Stephan Mallmann added a comment - btw. i got it The problem was that i create the script in the root of the script directory. moving it into a subfolder just work perfect.   Thank you a lot

            Hi Italo,

            thank you for the response.
            I try to reporduce it in our staging system an for me it doesn't work.


            JVM_REQUIRED_ARGS='-Djava.awt.headless=true -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Dmail.mime.decodeparameters=true -Dorg.dom4j.factory=com.atlassian.core.xml.InterningDocumentFactory -Dplugin.resource.directories=/app/home/scripts'

            Web resource:


            root@jira_test:/app/home/scripts# cat footer.js
            (function($) {

            Unknown macro: { AJS.$('.cv-col-primary').append('<div id="login-message" style="width}



            What is wrong there? The configuration has no influence on the login screen of customer portal.


            Best regards,


            Stephan Mallmann added a comment - Hi Italo, thank you for the response. I try to reporduce it in our staging system an for me it doesn't work. setenv.sh: JVM_REQUIRED_ARGS='-Djava.awt.headless=true -Datlassian.standalone=JIRA -Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true -Dmail.mime.decodeparameters=true -Dorg.dom4j.factory=com.atlassian.core.xml.InterningDocumentFactory -Dplugin.resource.directories=/app/home/scripts' Web resource: /app/home/scripts/footer.js: root@jira_test:/app/home/scripts# cat footer.js (function($) { $(function() Unknown macro: { AJS.$('.cv-col-primary').append('<div id="login-message" style="width} ); })(AJS.$);   What is wrong there? The configuration has no influence on the login screen of customer portal.   Best regards, Stephan

            Hey Stephan,

            I've just redo the steps from my previous comment in Jira SD 3.16 (latest) and it s still working.

            Just a heads up that to Web Resource works you first need to  include the -Dplugin.resource.directories java parameter as it's described in Scriptrunner documentation (https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/fragments/WebResource.html) and restart JIRA.

            I highly recommend you to implement this in a test environment first  


            Italo Qualisoni (e-Core)

            Italo Qualisoni [e-Core] added a comment - Hey Stephan, I've just redo the steps from my previous comment in Jira SD 3.16 (latest) and it s still working. Just a heads up that to Web Resource works you first need to  include the  -Dplugin.resource .directories java parameter as it's described in Scriptrunner documentation ( https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/fragments/WebResource.html)  and restart JIRA. I highly recommend you to implement this in a test environment first   Regards, Italo Qualisoni (e-Core)

            Stephan Mallmann added a comment - - edited

            Hi@ all,

            italo.qualisoni shared this great scriptrunner app.
            I have a question to it. is there maybe a difference in the code to the latest jsd version?

            I do all the steps in your manual but I can't see any printed lines to the Loginscreen.

            Can someone help me please?

            Best regards,


            Stephan Mallmann added a comment - - edited Hi@ all, italo.qualisoni  shared this great scriptrunner app. I have a question to it. is there maybe a difference in the code to the latest jsd version? I do all the steps in your manual but I can't see any printed lines to the Loginscreen. Can someone help me please? Best regards, Stephan

            Gary Bates added a comment -

            We've just migrated from JSD on Cloud (which is login-free) to JSD on Server (which is NOT login-free). This is causing a hell of a lot of confusion for our users since the switch over. My company want to change this login screen so that it's clearer for users. A small amount of guidance with a link to contact an administrator is all it would need.

            Firstly, I find it quite staggering that it is not possible to do this in the back-end configuration of JIRA Service Desk. The second thing I find amazing is that this issue has been kicking around for 4 years without any action.

            I honestly can't believe that the only way to fix this is to modify files on the server itself, something we don't have access to as JIRA Admins as we're using a managed hosting supplier that provide our infrastructure on AWS. It seems like even the clever ScriptRunner fragments suggestion in the comments would need us to place the .js file inside the resources folder, something we can't do either.

            Gary Bates added a comment - We've just migrated from JSD on Cloud (which is login-free) to JSD on Server (which is NOT login-free). This is causing a hell of a lot of confusion for our users since the switch over. My company want to change this login screen so that it's clearer for users. A small amount of guidance with a link to contact an administrator is all it would need. Firstly, I find it quite staggering that it is not possible to do this in the back-end configuration of JIRA Service Desk. The second thing I find amazing is that this issue has been kicking around for 4 years without any action. I honestly can't believe that the only way to fix this is to modify files on the server itself, something we don't have access to as JIRA Admins as we're using a managed hosting supplier that provide our infrastructure on AWS. It seems like even the clever ScriptRunner fragments suggestion in the comments would need us to place the .js file inside the resources folder, something we can't do either.

            All federal government systems require a security login banner.  Atlassian is removing themselves from the federal market by not having this extremely basic and simple-to-implement feature.

            Nichole K. Boscia added a comment - All federal government systems require a security login banner.  Atlassian is removing themselves from the federal market by not having this extremely basic and simple-to-implement feature.

            KP added a comment -

            This is a basic feature that should come built into the Jira Service Desk.

            It should not require great technical skills to do, nor should it be provided only via paid plugins.

            I don't have much hope that Atlassian will implement this though. There are a few highly requested features in Jira Service Desk and Confluence which they just refuse to develop, and they won't even respond to any more.

            All that said, my company has been using Atlassian products for over a decade, and yet we still use them. They must be doing something right. Yet their refusal to respond to these types of issues just leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

            KP added a comment - This is a basic feature that should come built into the Jira Service Desk. It should not require great technical skills to do, nor should it be provided only via paid plugins . I don't have much hope that Atlassian will implement this though. There are a few highly requested features in Jira Service Desk and Confluence which they just refuse to develop, and they won't even respond to any more. All that said, my company has been using Atlassian products for over a decade, and yet we still use them. They must be doing something right. Yet their refusal to respond to these types of issues just leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

            Pronto Plugins added a comment - Hey @Shaik Sami Ahmed, check out my add on "Ultimate Theming" https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1216144/ultimate-theming-for-jira-service-desk?hosting=server&tab=overview

            Sami added a comment -

            Is there any simple way to customize login page with texts and logos? Or any add-on for login page customization? years go but Atlassian keep the status GATHERING INTERESTS? Is there any limit of VOTING when ATLASSIAN will consider this feature is required? 

            Sami added a comment - Is there any simple way to customize login page with texts and logos? Or any add-on for login page customization? years go but Atlassian keep the status GATHERING INTERESTS? Is there any limit of VOTING when ATLASSIAN will consider this feature is required? 

            Josh Steckler added a comment - - edited

            This link helped me out, I'm now using my existing nginx reverse proxy to modify the batch.js file as it's transferred to the user https://www.glintech.com/blog/modifying-the-look-of-jira-service-desk-using-custom-css-nginx.html

            From my nginx config file, I added a new location block:

            location ~ (.+)/customerportal.sd.portal.api/batch.js$ {
                    proxy_pass          http://localhost:8081;
                    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Host $host;
                    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Server $host;
                    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
                    proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
                    proxy_redirect      off;
                    client_max_body_size 150M;
                    proxy_connect_timeout 30s;
                    proxy_read_timeout 500s;
                    sub_filter '<h1>"+"Login"+"</h1>' '<div align=\x22center\x22><img src=\x22/myjiraimages/logo.png\x22 height=\x22100\x22 width=\x22100\x22><h2>Welcome to the Engineering Support Center</h2>Please login using your employee userID (ab12345) and password.<br>Email addresses will not work.</div>';
                    sub_filter_types *;
                    sub_filter_once on;

            Josh Steckler added a comment - - edited This link helped me out, I'm now using my existing nginx reverse proxy to modify the batch.js file as it's transferred to the user https://www.glintech.com/blog/modifying-the-look-of-jira-service-desk-using-custom-css-nginx.html From my nginx config file, I added a new location block: location ~ (.+)/customerportal.sd.portal.api/batch.js$ { proxy_pass http: //localhost:8081; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_redirect off; client_max_body_size 150M; proxy_connect_timeout 30s; proxy_read_timeout 500s; sub_filter '<h1> "+" Login "+" </h1>' '<div align=\x22center\x22><img src=\x22/myjiraimages/logo.png\x22 height=\x22100\x22 width=\x22100\x22><h2>Welcome to the Engineering Support Center</h2>Please login using your employee userID (ab12345) and password.<br>Email addresses will not work.</div>' ; sub_filter_types *; sub_filter_once on; }

            Italo & Tim: Thanks a lot for your suggestions! I will keep you updated as soon as I had a look into it.

            We are currently evaluating if we are going to let our web guy make a custom portal (using Jira API). Using this custom made portal to communicate with Jira instead of the Atlassian Customer Portal would make these customizations unnecessary, which would probably make JSD updates and maintenance a lot easier.

            Urs Friedli added a comment - Italo & Tim: Thanks a lot for your suggestions! I will keep you updated as soon as I had a look into it. We are currently evaluating if we are going to let our web guy make a custom portal (using Jira API). Using this custom made portal to communicate with Jira instead of the Atlassian Customer Portal would make these customizations unnecessary, which would probably make JSD updates and maintenance a lot easier.


            We were having the same need as yours and after each Jira upgrade we had to take care about this customization....

            Since we had Scriptrunner, we used that feature that made more easily to maintain

            Hope this helps others customers in meanwhile this issue is not resolved.


            Italo Qualisoni [e-Core] added a comment - Tim, We were having the same need as yours and after each Jira upgrade we had to take care about this customization.... Since we had Scriptrunner, we used that feature that made more easily to maintain Hope this helps others customers in meanwhile this issue is not resolved. Regards,

            Hello Urs,

            looks like the file was moved into a separate plugin module (servicedesk-frontend-plugin-3.10.0-REL-0005.jar). But i haven't checked the rest. I don't need it currently.


            The script fragments workaround is also nice. Looks a bit more comfortable


            Tim Eddelbüttel added a comment - Hello Urs, looks like the file was moved into a separate plugin module (servicedesk-frontend-plugin-3.10.0-REL-0005.jar). But i haven't checked the rest. I don't need it currently. jira-servicedesk-application-3.10.0/dependencies/servicedesk-frontend-plugin-3.10.0-REL-0005/customerportal.bundle.js The script fragments workaround is also nice. Looks a bit more comfortable Regards, Tim

            Urs Friedli,

            It's possible with Script Runner using the fragments feature.


            1. Choose  > Add-ons. 
            2. Click Script Fragments.
            3. Add New Item > Install Web Resource.
            4. Fill the information accordingly.
              1. Note, add anything for reference
              2. Context, this is where the script will act, we will be using sd.portal.api for ServiceDesk version 3.9.0, for older versions use servicedesk.portal
              3. Key, for module reference
              4. Resources, add the filename of the javascripthat you'll be using (it must reside inside the script folder, please refer below)

            Your javascript file should be something similar to below code. The main idea is to run the javascript to change the html content in client side.


            (function($) {
              $(function() {
                AJS.$('.cv-col-primary').append('<div id="login-message" style="width:720px; margin-top:10px;"> <h3>How to login?</h3> <p>The username for all employees is composed as follows:</p> <strong>Username:</strong> uStaffNumber (e.g. <strong>u</strong>123456)<br> <strong>Password:</strong> Active Directory Password <br> <h4>Additional password information</h4> Here comes some additional content. <br> <h4>Still problems with login?</h4> <p>Write an email to: <a href="mailto:mail@example.com">mail@example.com</a> and we will look into the problem. </div>');

            Italo Qualisoni [e-Core] added a comment - - edited Urs Friedli, It's possible with Script Runner using the fragments feature. https://scriptrunner.adaptavist.com/latest/jira/fragments/WebResource.html Choose   > Add-ons.  Click Script Fragments. Add New Item > Install Web Resource. Fill the information accordingly. Note, add anything for reference Context, this is where the script will act, we will be using  sd.portal.api  for ServiceDesk version 3.9.0, for older versions use  servicedesk.portal Key, for module reference Resources, add the filename of the javascripthat you'll be using (it must reside inside the script folder, please refer below) Your javascript file should be something similar to below code. The main idea is to run the javascript to change the html content in client side.   (function($) { $(function() { AJS.$( '.cv-col-primary' ).append( '<div id= "login-message" style= "width:720px; margin-top:10px;" > <h3>How to login?</h3> <p>The username for all employees is composed as follows:</p> <strong>Username:</strong> uStaffNumber (e.g. <strong>u</strong>123456)<br> <strong>Password:</strong> Active Directory Password <br> <h4>Additional password information</h4> Here comes some additional content. <br> <h4>Still problems with login?</h4> <p>Write an email to: <a href= "mailto:mail@example.com" >mail@example.com</a> and we will look into the problem. </div>' ); }); })(AJS.$);

            The workaround provided by Tim for 3.2 (that did work for me with 3.3.0) does not work anymore with version 3.10.0, because I cannot find a customerportal.bundle.js in that version.

            Does anyone have any working solutions with newer JSD versions?

            Urs Friedli added a comment - The  workaround provided by Tim for 3.2 (that did work for me with 3.3.0) does not work anymore with version 3.10.0, because I cannot find a  customerportal.bundle.js in that version. Does anyone have any working solutions with newer JSD versions?

            Pronto Plugins added a comment - I added "edit of login pages" to the plugin:   https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.prontop.service-desk-landingpage/server/overview

            It's a little bonkers that this has been sitting for 3 years with no action. 

            A solution that creates a problem for me at every upgrade is not a solution.

            Stacy Krueger added a comment - It's a little bonkers that this has been sitting for 3 years with no action.  A solution that creates a problem for me at every upgrade is not a solution.

            Couldn't agree more - I'm not looking for wholesale redesigning or changes to the login screen - just simply be able to say how a user can log in (using their windows username and password). The majority of our users think they have to create a new account/remember a new password when in fact it a username/password they already know

            Andrew Calvo added a comment - Couldn't agree more - I'm not looking for wholesale redesigning or changes to the login screen - just simply be able to say how a user can log in (using their windows username and password). The majority of our users think they have to create a new account/remember a new password when in fact it a username/password they already know

            Making the Login Screen customisable would make life a lot easier. We would use it to add a message should one of our systems be unavailable or for upcoming scheduled maintenance.


            Dale Franklin added a comment - Making the Login Screen customisable would make life a lot easier. We would use it to add a message should one of our systems be unavailable or for upcoming scheduled maintenance.  

            Miranda Li added a comment -

            It's very frustrating that this request is still not fulfilled.  Adding instruction text to the login screen is such a basic function that it is mind-boggling that Atlassian does not allow us to do this.  I am not interested in hacking the jar file to make a change that I'm going to lose with every version update.

            This one obstacle is preventing me from releasing Service Desk into production after months of configuration and testing.  I just can't release a product that causes my users to be confused and frustrated at their first interaction.

            Miranda Li added a comment - It's very frustrating that this request is still not fulfilled.  Adding instruction text to the login screen is such a basic function that it is mind-boggling that Atlassian does not allow us to do this.  I am not interested in hacking the jar file to make a change that I'm going to lose with every version update. This one obstacle is preventing me from releasing Service Desk into production after months of configuration and testing.  I just can't release a product that causes my users to be confused and frustrated at their first interaction.

            Simon Bone added a comment -

            I'd like to echo Max R - it'd be great if we could add a message to the login screen on the Cloud version please.

            Simon Bone added a comment - I'd like to echo Max R - it'd be great if we could add a message to the login screen on the Cloud version please.

            Max R added a comment -

            How hard is it to just put a little editable text field here on the Cloud version, come on...

            Max R added a comment - How hard is it to just put a little editable text field here on the Cloud version, come on...

            This feature request has been open for over 3 years with no action.

            Our number 1 complaint from new customers is "what is my user name" simply because we cannot provide any instructive text on the login page.

            This causes frustration with our customers and unnecessarily wastes time for our team who have to explain over the phone or via email what the user name and how to login.

            I have created a Support Request at https://support.atlassian.com/contact/ for this issue and asked for action.

            I recommend everyone else interested in getting this problem fixed do the same.

            Justin Freeman added a comment - This feature request has been open for over 3 years with no action. Our number 1 complaint from new customers is "what is my user name" simply because we cannot provide any instructive text on the login page. This causes frustration with our customers and unnecessarily wastes time for our team who have to explain over the phone or via email what the user name and how to login. I have created a Support Request at https://support.atlassian.com/contact/  for this issue and asked for action. I recommend everyone else interested in getting this problem fixed do the same.

            arjones85 added a comment -

            Just wanted to come back and report that this document got me to where I need to be! Problem solved!


            arjones85 added a comment - Just wanted to come back and report that this document got me to where I need to be! Problem solved! https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/jira-service-desk-internationalization-675188939.html

            arjones85 added a comment - - edited

            Hi Urs,

            Would you mind explaining how you achieved this with JSD 3.3.1? I am trying to do the same thing and am not having any luck. The location Tim says to look at it doesn't exist in 3.3.1 (specifically this line):
            soy.$$escapeHtml(AJS.I18n.getText("cv.login.atlassian.id.link.text")) + "</a></div>" : "") + "</form>

            I have tried to do the editing in the file i18n/sd-i18n.properties, however after packing the jar back up I get a ton of " Unresolved constraint in bundle com.atlassian.servicedesk...." errors on startup and ultimately the service desk plugin does not load.

            I really need to change the login screen text. Super surprised we can't do this yet without having to resort to hackery!


            arjones85 added a comment - - edited Hi Urs, Would you mind explaining how you achieved this with JSD 3.3.1? I am trying to do the same thing and am not having any luck. The location Tim says to look at it doesn't exist in 3.3.1 (specifically this line): soy.$$escapeHtml(AJS.I18n.getText("cv.login.atlassian.id.link.text")) + "</a></div>" : "") + "</form>   I have tried to do the editing in the file i18n/sd-i18n.properties, however after packing the jar back up I get a ton of " Unresolved constraint in bundle com.atlassian.servicedesk...." errors on startup and ultimately the service desk plugin does not load. I really need to change the login screen text. Super surprised we can't do this yet without having to resort to hackery!  

            We are currently running JSD version 3.3.0 and thanks to Tim's comment above, I was finally able to make my Customer Portal adjustements again, by editing customerportal.bundle.js.

            A huge thanks to Tim for pointing that out!

            Urs Friedli added a comment - We are currently running JSD version 3.3.0 and thanks to Tim's comment above, I was finally able to make my Customer Portal adjustements again, by editing customerportal.bundle.js . A huge thanks to Tim for pointing that out!

            Tim Eddelbüttel added a comment - - edited

            The KB How to set "keep me logged in" checkbox to disabled by default? isn't also not working. This customisation is in the same file.

            So i searched for the input id of the keep me loggend in checkbox.

            $ grep -R -l "form-remember-login" /jira-servicedesk-application-3.2.7/jira-servicedesk-3.2.0-139

            Removing it from cv-login-form.soy isn't working. Removing it from customerportal.bundle.js works.

            The whole formatting is in one single line.

            No it's working for me with JIRA 3.2.

            1. Open customerportal.bundle.js (To make the file a bit more readable i used: http://jsbeautifier.org)
            2. Open this file with you preferred editor and go to line 12821
                if (ServiceDesk.Templates.Customer.loginForm = function(e, t) {
                        return ... many html code...
                    }, goog.DEBUG) ServiceDesk.Templates.Customer.loginForm.soyTemplateName = "ServiceDesk.Templates.Customer.loginForm";

            At the end of the line you will see this:

            ... soy.$$escapeHtml(AJS.I18n.getText("cv.login.atlassian.id.link.text")) + "</a></div>" : "") + "</form>"

            Add the customisation before the the + "</form>"

             + '<div id="login-message" style="width:720px; margin-top:10px;"> <h3>How to login?</h3> <p>The username for all employees is composed as follows:</p> <strong>Username:</strong> uStaffNumber (e.g. <strong>u</strong>123456)<br> <strong>Password:</strong> Active Directory Password <br> <h4>Additional password information</h4> Here comes some additional content. <br> <h4>Still problems with login?</h4> <p>Write an email to: <a href="mailto:mail@example.com">mail@example.com</a> and we will look into the problem. </div>' + "</form>"

            If the customer portal isn't loading, then maybe there is a + or ' missing or too much.


            Tim Eddelbüttel added a comment - - edited The KB How to set "keep me logged in" checkbox to disabled by default? isn't also not working. This customisation is in the same file. So i searched for the input id of the keep me loggend in checkbox. $ grep -R -l "form-remember-login" /jira-servicedesk-application-3.2.7/jira-servicedesk-3.2.0-139 /jira-servicedesk-application-3.2.7/jira-servicedesk-3.2.0-139/customerportal.bundle.js /jira-servicedesk-application-3.2.7/jira-servicedesk-3.2.0-139/customerportal.bundle.js.cmap /jira-servicedesk-application-3.2.7/jira-servicedesk-3.2.0-139/servicedesk/customer/feature/login/loginform/cv-login-form.soy Removing it from cv-login-form.soy isn't working. Removing it from customerportal.bundle.js works. The whole formatting is in one single line. No it's working for me with JIRA 3.2. Open customerportal.bundle.js (To make the file a bit more readable i used: http://jsbeautifier.org ) Open this file with you preferred editor and go to line 12821 if (ServiceDesk.Templates.Customer.loginForm = function(e, t) { return ... many html code... }, goog.DEBUG) ServiceDesk.Templates.Customer.loginForm.soyTemplateName = "ServiceDesk.Templates.Customer.loginForm" ; At the end of the line you will see this: ... soy.$$escapeHtml(AJS.I18n.getText( "cv.login.atlassian.id.link.text" )) + "</a></div>" : "") + " </form>" Add the customisation before the the + "</form>" + '<div id= "login-message" style= "width:720px; margin-top:10px;" > <h3>How to login?</h3> <p>The username for all employees is composed as follows:</p> <strong>Username:</strong> uStaffNumber (e.g. <strong>u</strong>123456)<br> <strong>Password:</strong> Active Directory Password <br> <h4>Additional password information</h4> Here comes some additional content. <br> <h4>Still problems with login?</h4> <p>Write an email to: <a href= "mailto:mail@example.com" >mail@example.com</a> and we will look into the problem. </div>' + "</form>" If the customer portal isn't loading, then maybe there is a + or ' missing or too much. Regards, Tim

            It works up to 3.1.

            I'm currently looking into how to do this in 3.2. It seems that there where some changes to the used template files.

            Tim Eddelbüttel added a comment - It works up to 3.1. I'm currently looking into how to do this in 3.2. It seems that there where some changes to the used template files.

            does anyone know if we stopped using the cloud version we would be able to do this?

            James Oickle added a comment - does anyone know if we stopped using the cloud version we would be able to do this?

            Urs Friedli added a comment - - edited

            Is there anyone out there working with JIRA Service Desk 3.3 that is still using the workaround mentioned by @Tim Eddelbuettel @Alex Delino ? In the past I used the same workaround for other Portal modifications but I cannot get this workaround to work since the update to version 3.3

            Urs Friedli added a comment - - edited Is there anyone out there working with JIRA Service Desk 3.3 that is still using the workaround mentioned by @Tim Eddelbuettel @Alex Delino ? In the past I used the same workaround for other Portal modifications but I cannot get this workaround to work since the update to version 3.3

            RambanamP added a comment -

            +1, This feature is very helpful!

            RambanamP added a comment - +1, This feature is very helpful!

            IC24 added a comment -

            +1, I would like to be able to add a message on the customer portal login page to tell our Users how to login, e.g. "Please use you Windows/Intranet username and password."

            IC24 added a comment - +1, I would like to be able to add a message on the customer portal login page to tell our Users how to login, e.g. "Please use you Windows/Intranet username and password."

            This feature will be very helpful for us to obtain, please let us know when this will be available?


            Thank you!!

            Manish Arya added a comment - This feature will be very helpful for us to obtain, please let us know when this will be available?   Thank you!!

            Rather than the "roll your own" approach above, it would be extremely helpful if this was simply a customization that could be applied through the web interface.

            Jim Reprogle added a comment - Rather than the "roll your own" approach above, it would be extremely helpful if this was simply a customization that could be applied through the web interface.

            This request does not seem unrealistic but I'm amazed that it's been 2.5 years since this was requested and nothing has happened

            Lille Krukrubo added a comment - This request does not seem unrealistic but I'm amazed that it's been 2.5 years since this was requested and nothing has happened

            Ivar Nor added a comment -

            Please add this feature.
            We really need it.

            Ivar Nor added a comment - Please add this feature. We really need it.

            This would be extremely valuable to us.
            Please do add the customisation.

            Brian Harry added a comment - This would be extremely valuable to us. Please do add the customisation.

            are the instructions still valid? i do the following but it causes my jira to require me to re-enable the Jira Service Desk application after. I'm using Jira Service Desk 3.1.2 and Jira Core 7.1.1

            1) make a copy of jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar and put in folder "test"
            2) jar -xvf jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar
            3) make changes to the unpacked jar
            4) jar -cf jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar .
            5) place modified jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar back where it's supposed to be
            6) restart the jira service in CentOS.
            7) log into Jira
            8) Administration --> Applications --> it will show Jira Service Desk as uninstalled --> Install

            Alex Delino added a comment - are the instructions still valid? i do the following but it causes my jira to require me to re-enable the Jira Service Desk application after. I'm using Jira Service Desk 3.1.2 and Jira Core 7.1.1 1) make a copy of jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar and put in folder "test" 2) jar -xvf jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar 3) make changes to the unpacked jar 4) jar -cf jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar . 5) place modified jira-servicedesk-3.1.2.jar back where it's supposed to be 6) restart the jira service in CentOS. 7) log into Jira 8) Administration --> Applications --> it will show Jira Service Desk as uninstalled --> Install

            This would be very helpful for our organisation as well, and it would probably help our customers less sceptical of registering if we could add a logo and some text etc.

            Lars Bjønnes added a comment - This would be very helpful for our organisation as well, and it would probably help our customers less sceptical of registering if we could add a logo and some text etc.

            DanR added a comment -

            would be very useful to modify the text or even to ability to translate

            DanR added a comment - would be very useful to modify the text or even to ability to translate

            This would be very helpful for us too !

            Yvan Le Texier added a comment - +1 This would be very helpful for us too !

            Our users are confused by the login page also. Even adding the ability to change the title so we can add our name would be helpful. Agreed on the easier way front - manually editing files from a new jar after each update isn't too sustainable...

            Nick Ragusa added a comment - Our users are confused by the login page also. Even adding the ability to change the title so we can add our name would be helpful. Agreed on the easier way front - manually editing files from a new jar after each update isn't too sustainable...

            Last week we rollout a new JIRA Service Desk project to all employees (~9000) and some customers from other companies.
            Due to different user sources (not all are in our active directory) and to keep a standardized username format we need to communicate how to login and so one of my colleagues search for a way to do this. Because we see that people doesn't read the docs.

            Edit the cv.login.signup.not.public i18n text was not an option because the text should only visible on this customer portal login page and not on other service desks.

            We use JIRA Service Desk 1.2.7.

            Here is our workaround, maybe someone needs this to.

            • Extract the jira-servicedesk-1.2.7.jar
            • Open the following file with your preferred editor
            • We want our description text under the Keep me logged in checkbox.
                  {if $login.canReset == true}
                      <div class="forgot-password">
                          <a class="js-forgot-password" href="#">{getText('cv.login.forgotten.password')}</a>
              /** Custom code comes here */
              	<div id="support-login-message" style="display:none; width:720px; margin-top:10px;">
                  <h3>How to login?</h3>
                  <p>The username for all employees is composed as follows:</p>
                  <strong>Username:</strong> uStaffNumber (e.g. <strong>u</strong>123456)<br>
                  <strong>Password:</strong> Active Directory Password <br>
                  <h4>Additional password information</h4>
                  Here comes some additional content. <br>
                  <h4>Still problems with login?</h4>
                  <p>Write an email to: <a href="mailto:mail@example.com">mail@example.com</a> and we will look into the problem.
                  jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                      var payload = jQuery('#jsonPayload');
                      if(payload.length === 1) {
                      var payload_obj = jQuery.parseJSON(payload.text())
                      if(payload_obj && payload_obj.branding && payload_obj.branding.id && payload_obj.branding.id == 15) {
                      /** 15 is the customer portal id where we need the text. */
              /** Custom code ends here */
            • Save the customisation an repack all files to jira-servicedesk-1.2.7.jar and try it on your test instance.

            Here is an example:

            Still awaiting an easier way


            Tim Eddelbüttel added a comment - Last week we rollout a new JIRA Service Desk project to all employees (~9000) and some customers from other companies. Due to different user sources (not all are in our active directory) and to keep a standardized username format we need to communicate how to login and so one of my colleagues search for a way to do this. Because we see that people doesn't read the docs. Edit the cv.login.signup.not.public i18n text was not an option because the text should only visible on this customer portal login page and not on other service desks. We use JIRA Service Desk 1.2.7. Here is our workaround, maybe someone needs this to. Extract the jira-servicedesk-1.2.7.jar Open the following file with your preferred editor /servicedesk/customer/feature/login/loginform/cv-login-form.soy We want our description text under the Keep me logged in checkbox. .... {if $login.canReset == true} <div class= "forgot-password" > <a class= "js-forgot-password" href= "#" > {getText( 'cv.login.forgotten.password' )} </a> </div> {/if} /** Custom code comes here */ <div id= "support-login-message" style= "display:none; width:720px; margin-top:10px;" > <h3> How to login? </h3> <p> The username for all employees is composed as follows: </p> <strong> Username: </strong> uStaffNumber (e.g. <strong> u </strong> 123456) <br> <strong> Password: </strong> Active Directory Password <br> <h4> Additional password information </h4> Here comes some additional content. <br> <h4> Still problems with login? </h4> <p> Write an email to: <a href= "mailto:mail@example.com" > mail@example.com </a> and we will look into the problem. </div> <script> {literal} jQuery(document).ready(function() { var payload = jQuery( '#jsonPayload' ); if(payload.length === 1) { var payload_obj = jQuery.parseJSON(payload.text()) if(payload_obj && payload_obj.branding && payload_obj.branding.id && payload_obj.branding.id == 15) { /** 15 is the customer portal id where we need the text. */ jQuery( '#support-login-message' ).show(); } } }); {/literal} </script> /** Custom code ends here */ </form> {/template} Save the customisation an repack all files to jira-servicedesk-1.2.7.jar and try it on your test instance. Here is an example: Still awaiting an easier way Regards, Tim

            Yes, i want to only change the description text.

            Tim Eddelbüttel added a comment - Yes, i want to only change the description text.

            shihab added a comment -

            From JSD-391, re custom signup text with URL:

            Jira allows you to put a url in the translation for login.requestaccount, but service desk only seems to take text. Could the cv.login.signup.not.public translation field used on the service desk login screen be improved to allow html so a link to where to sign-up could be included?

            shihab added a comment - From JSD-391 , re custom signup text with URL: Jira allows you to put a url in the translation for login.requestaccount, but service desk only seems to take text. Could the cv.login.signup.not.public translation field used on the service desk login screen be improved to allow html so a link to where to sign-up could be included?

            shihab added a comment -

            Thanks for this feature request!

            Is it just the description that you are looking to customise on the login page?

            shihab added a comment - Thanks for this feature request! Is it just the description that you are looking to customise on the login page?

            I don't know, I'm using:

            Which looks like it is not available for OnDemand. There may be another / other ways to do translations, I didn't look into it too much, just found that solution that seemed to work.

            Cortland Bolles added a comment - I don't know, I'm using: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.atlassian.translations.jira.inproduct Which looks like it is not available for OnDemand. There may be another / other ways to do translations, I didn't look into it too much, just found that solution that seemed to work.

            Clyde - is it possible to change these values in an OnDemand instance? I clicked through the administration section, but could not find anywhere to update properties/bundles.

            Josh Martin added a comment - Clyde - is it possible to change these values in an OnDemand instance? I clicked through the administration section, but could not find anywhere to update properties/bundles.

            You can change that message by changing the translation value for that key - cv.login.signup.not.public

            Cortland Bolles added a comment - You can change that message by changing the translation value for that key - cv.login.signup.not.public

            I am evaluating Service Desk via OnDemand, and this is my biggest hangup so far.

            Even something simple like being able to enter the appropriate text/email to contact would help.

            Customers have no idea who "JIRA administrators" are.

            Josh Martin added a comment - I am evaluating Service Desk via OnDemand, and this is my biggest hangup so far. Even something simple like being able to enter the appropriate text/email to contact would help. Customers have no idea who "JIRA administrators" are.

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              4e81381d415c Tim Eddelbüttel
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