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  1. Jira Service Management Data Center
  2. JSDSERVER-330

Provide a customizable login screen for Service Desk


    • 784
    • 44
    • We collect Jira Service Desk feedback from various sources, and we evaluate what we've collected when planning our product roadmap. To understand how this piece of feedback will be reviewed, see our Implementation of New Features Policy.

      Issue fixed

      Hello All,

      Marking this resolved as it has been fixed in 4.1. See details here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedesk/jira-service-desk-4-1-x-release-notes-963663641.html#JiraServiceDesk4.1.xreleasenotes-newportalMeetthenewportalexperience

      Can also check out the blog (https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedesk/a-stylish-new-portal-for-jira-service-desk-server-and-data-center-customers-963663645.html#AstylishnewportalforJiraServiceDeskServerandDataCentercustomers-loginCustomizableloginscreen).

      -JSD Team

      Atlassian status update as of 29th November 2018

      Hello All,

      We are aware that this is important and something our customers expect. The good news is that, this is a priority in our short term roadmap and we're currently investigating ways to make this available to our customers.

      Whilst I’d like to give you a clear timeframe for when we can deliver this, unfortunately, I cannot make such indications at this time yet. We’ll keep you posted as we progress.

      Thanks again for your patience,

      Vidhu Sharma
      Product Manager - Jira Service Desk.

      NOTE: This suggestion is for JIRA Service Desk Server. Using JIRA Service Desk Cloud? See the corresponding suggestion.

      Don't have a login?
      Not a member? To request an account, please contact your JIRA administrators.

      Change the text per Service Desk to give the user some hints what is the login or where they can get access.

        1. Bildschirmfoto 2015-04-21 um 15.34.20.png
          111 kB
          Tim Eddelbüttel
        2. Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-16 um 15.01.44.png
          68 kB
          Tim Eddelbüttel
        3. image-2018-01-26-11-45-47-236.png
          73 kB
          Italo Qualisoni [e-Core]

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              4e81381d415c Tim Eddelbüttel
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