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  1. Jira Service Management Cloud
  2. JSDCLOUD-2418

Agent does not recieve internal comments notifications if he's mentioned in Request Participiants


      NOTE: This bug report is for JIRA Service Desk Cloud. Using JIRA Service Desk Server? See the corresponding bug report.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a Service Desk Request
      2. Make Agent1 to recieve issue commented notifications (make him a watcher, or smth that mathes your Notification Scheme)
      3. Collaborator or another Agent2 writes an internal comment -> Agent1 recieves notification
      4. Now add Agent1 to "Request Participiants"
      5. Collaborator or another Agent2 writes an internal comment again -> Agent1 does not recieve notification

            Unassigned Unassigned
            7a8c576413d3 Andrey Pechnikov
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
