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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-80541

In site-level audit logs some actions are attributed to Author : JIRA despite having been enacted by a user


      Issue Summary

      In the Jira Cloud site-level audit logs some actions are attributed to Author:JIRA despite having been enacted by a user. This appears to affect all audit logs in the Event category group management and user management
      The following is noted in the article Audit activities in Jira applications:

      There’s a known issue which prevents the Author field from displaying the username for changes that were made in the user management pages in Jira cloud products (including changes to users, groups, and application access). For example, events like users being created or assigned to groups won’t include the username of the user who made the change.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Go to User Management and click on a user you wish to remove.
      2. Click the ellipses [...] and select Remove user
      3. Go to  https://<YOUR SITE NAME>.atlassian.net/auditing/view and observe that the user removal has been attributed to Author:JIRA:

        Note: this is only one among many actions that result in an action being attributed to JIRA in the audit logs

      Expected Results

      Actions should be attributed to the user who took them in the site-level audit logs.

      Actual Results

      Some actions in the site-level audit log are attributed to JIRA


      If you have an Atlassian Access (soon to be named as Atlassian Guard) subscription you may see more detail information in your org-level audit logs:

        1. image-2023-02-16-14-30-57-347.png
          168 kB
          Anusha Rutnam
        2. image-2023-02-16-14-33-54-138.png
          276 kB
          Anusha Rutnam
        3. image-2023-09-01-16-47-52-157.png
          59 kB
          Aditya Guntupalli

            Unassigned Unassigned
            23ef3e30d63c Anusha Rutnam
            32 Vote for this issue
            55 Start watching this issue
