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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-75629

Add granular time settings back to the Date Time Picker custom fields


    • 3
    • 12
    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Problem Definition

      The Classic view allows for entering exact time and date info a custom "Date Time Picker" field, However, the New Issue view has removed the granular time entry option and replaced it with a 30-minute increment picker list option, and can cause up to 15-minute discrepancies in time values where more precision is required.

      i.e. the desired time entry is any value from 1:01 to 1:29, you are limited to 1:00 or 1:30 as the only available options

      New Issue view:

      Classic issue view:

      Suggested Solution

      Add the ability to manually enter the time as needed for the custom time field


      The time can be edited manually but only using formats like "8:32pm", using a different format will clear the value.


      With the new issue create modal this is also happening in the create screen

        1. 2023-01-13_09-45-41.mp4
          570 kB
          Anusha Rutnam
        2. screenshot-1.png
          29 kB
          Gino S
        3. Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 2.54.53 PM.png
          54 kB
          Earl McCutcheon
        4. Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 2.56.07 PM.png
          58 kB
          Earl McCutcheon
        5. Screen Shot 2020-11-25 at 3.14.42 PM.png
          81 kB
          Earl McCutcheon

            Unassigned Unassigned
            emccutcheon Earl McCutcheon
            25 Vote for this issue
            25 Start watching this issue
