Resolution: Duplicate
In the new issue view, it's not possible to sort comments, history or worklogs.
It would be great if we have the option to choose the order of the activities.
You can disable the new issue view by either:
- Going to your personal settings in Jira: https://NAME.atlassian.net/secure/ViewPersonalSettings.jspa and disable the new UI at all:
- Adding ?oldIssueView=true to the url when opening an issue for which you would like to see the attachments section. For example: https://NAME.atlassian.net/browse/ABC-123?oldIssueView=true
- duplicates
JRACLOUD-73076 Ability to reorder comments, issue history, work logs and transition by asc/desc
- Closed
- is related to
JRACLOUD-69548 Configuring the default order of actions to desc. in advanced settings does not reflect in the new issue view
- Gathering Interest
JSDCLOUD-8484 Ability to change comment order in the new portal design
- Reviewing
- relates to
JRACLOUD-73300 Ability to order comment in New Issue View
- Closed
JRACLOUD-73076 Ability to reorder comments, issue history, work logs and transition by asc/desc
- Closed
JRACLOUD-73783 Ability to change comment order (newest at top VS newest at bottom) in the new issue view
- Closed
JRACLOUD-72024 Ability to reorder the Activity tabs (e.g. comments, history)
- Gathering Interest