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  1. Jira Platform Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-69310

New issue detail view won't display the Time estimate in hours


      Atlassian Update - 6th May 2021

      Hi everyone, 

      Work for fixing this bug has begun! This ticket is a priority we're currently working on and will be done shortly. Make sure to watch this bug for updates on our progress. 




      Even though the Time display format Time tracking global setting is configured to Hours, the Time estimate field in the new issue detail view (both the backlog view and in the active sprint pop-up view) will still display it in Weeks/days/hours, including the placeholder example in the Time Spent field:


      Jira Cloud

      Steps to Reproduce

      • Change the Time tracking global settings:
      1. Jira home -> Settings -> Issues -> Time tracking;
      2. Click on Edit global settings -> set the Time display format field to Hours.
      • Change the estimation setting in the board:
      1. Elipses button -> Board settings -> Estimation;
      2. Change the Estimation Statistic option to Original Time estimate.
      • Now test a time estimate value input in a issue in the backlog:
      1. Select an issue in the backlog so the detail -> set 1d in the Time estimate field;
      2. You'll see that the estimate value is correct converted to working hours in the backlog view (right to the card), but in the detail view, the value will be displayed in days.

      Expected Results

      The detail view should display the time estimate in hours, like the global setting was configured.

      Actual Results

      The Time estimate value is still displayed in Weeks/days/hours.


      You can set your working days per week or working hours per day to a higher value than any one ticket's time log would reach. For example:

      • Set your working hours per day to 1000 to replicate format=hours
      • Set your working days per week to 100 to replicate format=days

              Unassigned Unassigned
              lalmeida@atlassian.com Leonardo De Almeida
              147 Vote for this issue
              109 Start watching this issue
