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  1. Jira Cloud
  2. JRACLOUD-69193

Export current fields does not follow the visible column configuration



      The Jira search export current fields does not follow the visible field configuration chosen by the user. Only the following mapping works for the current fields export.

      Saved Filter Filter Configuration
      New Filter (Unsaved) My Defaults Configuration
      Modified Saved Filter (Unsaved) My Defaults Configuration

      Steps to Reproduce

      Scenario 1 : Modified Saved Filter

      1. Create an issue filter and save it. Run the export ("Export Excel CSV current fields") and notice that the order of the columns is the same in the CSV as in the Web UI
      2. Change the filter (i.e. add or remove one of the statuses) and re-run the same export. Notice that the Web UI columns are in the order mentioned in the filter while the exported CSV file columns are in another order ("My default" columns order).
        This creates a difference between the Web UI and the CSV columns order

      Scenario 2 : Choose any column configuration

      • Open any saved filter
      • Choose the My Defaults column configuration
      • Export current fields (CSV).

      Expected Results

      The columns should be in the same order in the Web UI as in the export file.

      Actual Results

      Only the following mapping will work :

      Saved Filter Filter Configuration
      New Filter (Unsaved) My Defaults Configuration
      Modified Saved Filter (Unsaved) My Defaults Configuration


      This affects the export current fields and Print list.


      This problem may affect filter subscriptions as well.

        1. column config.png
          52 kB
          Ramon M
        2. image-2022-10-07-16-28-35-729.png
          79 kB
          Jordan Koukides
        3. image-2022-10-07-16-29-08-430.png
          81 kB
          Jordan Koukides
        4. image-2022-10-07-16-30-00-899.png
          78 kB
          Jordan Koukides
        5. image-2022-10-07-16-30-31-037.png
          84 kB
          Jordan Koukides

            83a31c241e41 Franziska Schindler
            clionte Claudiu Lionte (Inactive)
            70 Vote for this issue
            83 Start watching this issue
