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Uploaded image for project: 'Advanced Roadmaps'
  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-2931

Plan doesn't show Team field value for subtasks created after its parent is associated with Team intermittently

This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Low Low
    • 3.29.7, 8.16.1
    • 3.29.2, 3.29.4, 3.29.6, 8.15.0, 8.15.1, 8.16.0
    • Plan
    • None


      When a subtask gets created after the parent issue gets associated with Team, the plan will not show the subtask has inherited Team value from its Parent. This is reproducible intermittently.

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Create parent issue ABC-1 > associate with Team value
      2. Create subtask under ABC 1, lets say issue key = ABC-2
      3. Refresh the plan

      Expected result

      The plan will show ABC-2 (subtask) has Team field value same as its parent's team field value

      Actual Result

      • The plan shows blank Team for ABC-2 (subtask)
      • The JQL result will be inconsistent as well.


      Workaround 1

      Seems to be breaking the index, so user can:

      • Run project reindexing, OR
      • Remove and readd the team value for parent issue ABC-1 on the plan, then apply the changes back to Jira via Review changes

      Workaround 2

      1. Add this system property to disable filtering indexers by value ( Setting properties and options on startup )

        You can learn more about this property from Optimizing custom fields

      2. Restart Jira
      3. Perform a full re-index.

        1. image-2021-02-05-15-14-24-496.png
          40 kB
        2. image-2021-02-05-15-14-40-410.png
          64 kB
        3. image-2021-02-05-15-15-15-927.png
          53 kB
        4. jqlteam.png
          123 kB
        5. planteam.png
          54 kB

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Advanced Roadmaps'
            1. Advanced Roadmaps
            2. JPOSERVER-2931

            Plan doesn't show Team field value for subtasks created after its parent is associated with Team intermittently

            This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more

              • Icon: Bug Bug
              • Resolution: Fixed
              • Icon: Low Low
              • 3.29.7, 8.16.1
              • 3.29.2, 3.29.4, 3.29.6, 8.15.0, 8.15.1, 8.16.0
              • Plan
              • None


                When a subtask gets created after the parent issue gets associated with Team, the plan will not show the subtask has inherited Team value from its Parent. This is reproducible intermittently.

                Steps to reproduce

                1. Create parent issue ABC-1 > associate with Team value
                2. Create subtask under ABC 1, lets say issue key = ABC-2
                3. Refresh the plan

                Expected result

                The plan will show ABC-2 (subtask) has Team field value same as its parent's team field value

                Actual Result

                • The plan shows blank Team for ABC-2 (subtask)
                • The JQL result will be inconsistent as well.


                Workaround 1

                Seems to be breaking the index, so user can:

                • Run project reindexing, OR
                • Remove and readd the team value for parent issue ABC-1 on the plan, then apply the changes back to Jira via Review changes

                Workaround 2

                1. Add this system property to disable filtering indexers by value ( Setting properties and options on startup )

                  You can learn more about this property from Optimizing custom fields

                2. Restart Jira
                3. Perform a full re-index.

                  1. image-2021-02-05-15-14-24-496.png
                    40 kB
                  2. image-2021-02-05-15-14-40-410.png
                    64 kB
                  3. image-2021-02-05-15-15-15-927.png
                    53 kB
                  4. jqlteam.png
                    123 kB
                  5. planteam.png
                    54 kB

                        dshaw2@atlassian.com David Shaw
                        azuhra Aqqiela
                        atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal


                            dshaw2@atlassian.com David Shaw
                            azuhra Aqqiela
                            atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal
