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Uploaded image for project: 'Advanced Roadmaps'
  1. Advanced Roadmaps
  2. JPOSERVER-2948

Viewing a Subtask while DVCS accounts are synced(Or any non-interactive indexing ) causes Advanced Roadmaps Team custom field to be dropped from indexes

This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more

      Issue Summary

      In a Jira instance which has Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Jira Portfolio) installed, subtasks loses Team field value from its existing indexes, leading to the incorrect results being returned when searching against the Team field in the Issue Navigator or on sprint board being filtered with board JQL.

      Any means of non-interactive indexing mechanism leads to this behavior. For example:

      • Full re-index the system.
      • Let DVCS indexing happen.

      The issue must be reindexed (either via a direct update to the issue, project, or instance) in order for the Team value to be restored. For example: start watching the subtask, it updates the watcher and indexes it right away.

      One specific way to notice the problem real quick:

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Begin with a stock instance of Jira, as necessary
      2. Set up a DVCS account integration, such as with Github.
      3. Install Advanced Roadmaps
      4. Create a Plan, and associate an existing issue with a Team
      5. Create a subtask underneath the issue, which will cause the subtask to inherit the Team. Do not view this issue yet.

      At this step, the issue is ready to reproduce.

      1. Verify that the subtask is correctly indexed by ensuring it is returned by the following JQL: Team is not EMPTY
      2. View the issue in the UI. This will lead to dev-summary call for development panel being made asynchronously.
      3. Rerun the JQL to find that the issue has fallen off.

      Expected Results

      Viewing the issue has no effect on whether the Subtask has the Team value indexed.

      Actual Results

      The Team value is dropped from the indexes. The subtask is returned under the JQL Team is EMPTY.

      The following clip shows how this issue manifests:


      Workaround 1

      Reindex the issue afterwards either manually via issue update or project/instance reindex, or via automation, or simply start watching the issue.

      Workaround 2

      1. Add this system property to disable filtering indexers by value ( Setting properties and options on startup )

        You can learn more about this property from Optimizing custom fields

      2. Restart Jira
      3. Perform a full re-index.

            IMPORTANT: JAC is a Public system and anyone on the internet will be able to view the data in the created JAC tickets. Please don’t include Customer or Sensitive data in the JAC ticket.
            Uploaded image for project: 'Advanced Roadmaps'
            1. Advanced Roadmaps
            2. JPOSERVER-2948

            Viewing a Subtask while DVCS accounts are synced(Or any non-interactive indexing ) causes Advanced Roadmaps Team custom field to be dropped from indexes

            This issue belongs to an archived project. You can view it, but you can't modify it. Learn more

                Issue Summary

                In a Jira instance which has Advanced Roadmaps (formerly Jira Portfolio) installed, subtasks loses Team field value from its existing indexes, leading to the incorrect results being returned when searching against the Team field in the Issue Navigator or on sprint board being filtered with board JQL.

                Any means of non-interactive indexing mechanism leads to this behavior. For example:

                • Full re-index the system.
                • Let DVCS indexing happen.

                The issue must be reindexed (either via a direct update to the issue, project, or instance) in order for the Team value to be restored. For example: start watching the subtask, it updates the watcher and indexes it right away.

                One specific way to notice the problem real quick:

                Steps to Reproduce

                1. Begin with a stock instance of Jira, as necessary
                2. Set up a DVCS account integration, such as with Github.
                3. Install Advanced Roadmaps
                4. Create a Plan, and associate an existing issue with a Team
                5. Create a subtask underneath the issue, which will cause the subtask to inherit the Team. Do not view this issue yet.

                At this step, the issue is ready to reproduce.

                1. Verify that the subtask is correctly indexed by ensuring it is returned by the following JQL: Team is not EMPTY
                2. View the issue in the UI. This will lead to dev-summary call for development panel being made asynchronously.
                3. Rerun the JQL to find that the issue has fallen off.

                Expected Results

                Viewing the issue has no effect on whether the Subtask has the Team value indexed.

                Actual Results

                The Team value is dropped from the indexes. The subtask is returned under the JQL Team is EMPTY.

                The following clip shows how this issue manifests:


                Workaround 1

                Reindex the issue afterwards either manually via issue update or project/instance reindex, or via automation, or simply start watching the issue.

                Workaround 2

                1. Add this system property to disable filtering indexers by value ( Setting properties and options on startup )

                  You can learn more about this property from Optimizing custom fields

                2. Restart Jira
                3. Perform a full re-index.

                        dshaw2@atlassian.com David Shaw
                        kliou Kevin Liou
                        atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal


                            dshaw2@atlassian.com David Shaw
                            kliou Kevin Liou
                            atibrewal@atlassian.com Aakrity Tibrewal
