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  1. Confluence Data Center
  2. CONFSERVER-22560

Blog post creation date is used as a publish date: it is different to the actual creation time and sometimes stored as midnight


      When testing Activity Streams, new blog posts were showing up with timestamps that were way off. I found that when Streams is querying content from Confluence, every com.atlassian.confluence.pages.BlogPost object has a creationDate property with no time (i.e. the date is correct but the time is 00:00:00). The lastModificationDate property has the correct time, so we can probably work around this in Streams by just using lastModificationDate instead of creationDate for new blog posts.

      This might be related to CONF-17872 - that issue was resolved as "not a bug" on the theory that it had to do with different server time vs. user time, but that can't be true in this case because I'm running locally. Also might be related to CONF-21910.

            ablekhman@atlassian.com Alex Blekhman
            ebishop Eli Bishop (Inactive)
            189 Vote for this issue
            149 Start watching this issue
