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  1. Confluence Cloud
  2. CONFCLOUD-70197

[New] Slow performance while editing New Editor page


      Status Update 28 July 2021

      Hi all,

      This is Ethan from the Atlassian Editor Team. Thank you for the continuous feedback on performance improvement needs within the Confluence editing experience. Over the past 12 months, Atlassian teams have been improving our monitoring capabilities to detect performance degradation and updating various parts of the backend architecture to improve 2 issues of primary concern outlined in our last update: keyboard typing performance and frozen pages. As a result, editing input latency spike has dropped from 274ms at p99 to 80ms from November 2020 to July 2021. Similarly, fewer customers are citing frozen pages while trying to edit pages.

      Nonetheless, we recognise there is still plenty of ground to cover on making our products faster. New themes are emerging in the more recent customer reports, so we will deprecating this ticket by splitting it into the following to better track different performance degradations:

      Theme Ticket
      1. Slowness rendering Non-Content PAGE FEATURES when VIEWING a Confluence page  CONFCLOUD-72517
      2. Slowness rendering IN-PAGE CONTENT when VIEWING a large Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72518
      3. Slowness initially rendering a large Confluence page in EDIT mode CONFCLOUD-72519
      4. Keyboard typing delays while trying to EDIT a Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72520
      5. Changes are lost and unsaved after EDITING a Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72521
      6. Inability or delay of publishing EDITS to a Confluence page CONFCLOUD-72522

      Atlassian teams will focus upcoming efforts to actively address themes 1-3, which involves optimising the performance of the base editor and renderer components. This should improve the time-to-interact for both the page editing and viewing experiences in Confluence for all types of pages. Following this, we will narrow our focus on optimising the performance of specific page elements when editing pages with large amounts of content, including tables, macros, and other media.

      In the mean time, we will continue to monitor issues related to themes 4-6. To improve both the viewing and editing speeds of large pages, we still recommend splitting up the page into multiple pages for a more performant experience.


      We aim to provide the next update on our progress by Dec 2021.


      Thanks all and stay safe,


      Status Update 29 September 2020

      Hello all,

      As we've reviewed your feedback on the slowness you're experiencing, we're noticing three different categories:

      1. Frozen page while trying to EDIT the page on the New Editor
      2. Keyboard typing delays while tying to EDIT the page on the New Editor
      3. Slowness in initial page LOAD or RENDER on the New Editor

      These three categories are caused by different mechanisms. To help us better debug the what type of experience you're facing, we will be tracking 1 & 2 on this ticket. If you're experiencing 3, please follow this separate bug: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-70858

      If you are instead experiencing issues with the edit performance on the Legacy Editor, please follow https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-70970


      Sunny Xu

      Status Update 5 August 2020

      Hey all,

      Thank you for the continuous feedback on performance improvement needs within the Confluence editing experience. Over the next 12 months, Atlassian teams will be delivering incremental improvements to performance by updating various parts of the backend architecture. These improvements include ones around typing performance, and we anticipate a faster response compared to the current delay between keystrokes.

      Because not all performance issues stem from the same cause, we are aggregating potentially disparate issues within this ticket. We can continue to do so with your help in providing additional details on what your page contains. If you are able to remove elements and see performance improvements, sharing that information can help us narrow our focus on key elements that are slowing page performance. Thank you for your help and continued feedback to improve the editing experience!


      Sunny Xu


      Issue Summary

      We released multiple fixes to address https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFCLOUD-65329, and this bug tracks any new reports of page performance issues. These issues may be caused by a large number of tables with data.


      • Fabric Editor (Confluence new editor)

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a la page with 10+ tables each with around 10-20 rows
      2. Notice that the performance of the table was slow while inserting some text to the table.
      3. Page load times vastly increase

      Expected Results

      Performance of the table should be stabilized while inserting text on the tables.

      Actual Results

      Degraded performance while editing page and intermittent inability to save.


      Try removing elements on the page or splitting up the page and see if that improves the editing speed. If you are able to remove elements and see performance improvements, please share as a comment to help us narrow our focus on key elements that are slowing page performance.

            rtekhov Roman Tekhov (Inactive)
            sxu3@atlassian.com Sunny Xu (Inactive)
            84 Vote for this issue
            125 Start watching this issue
