Resolution: Tracked Elsewhere
While testing for 508 compliance for the Application Life Cycle Management / Mobile Carwash project, it was found that STASH is not in compliance with the Federal Government Accessibility policies. Below are instances where such compliance is lacking. This purpose of this ticket is to bring these issues to your attention in the hopes that they are addressed or there is a remediation plan in place.
Please see details below. We have also included a Best Practice Recommendation for each issue and issue snapshots can be accessed through the attached PDF. Thanks!
Date Tested: 11/05/13
Point of Contact: Doug Hansen; Phone: 202-447-0790; Email: Doug.Hansen@hq.dhs.gov
Project Name: Application Life Cycle Management / Mobile Carwash
Project Description: Provide a streamlined testing platform to mobile applications development teams within the Federal Government
Product Name & Version: Atlassian STASH 2.6.5
NOTE: See attached PDF for screen shots of each documented 508 Accessibility issue.
Reason to Fix: To increase 508 compatibility and compliance, as well as enhance the ability to for Atlassian tools to engage with all users, including those with disabilities.
1). Keyboard Access 21(a); 21(c) 1.1
A. An interactive element or function cannot be accessed or activated by keyboard.
Example: Dropdown menu options
B. An interactive element or function cannot be accessed or activated by keyboard.
Example: Some "Tags" options cannot be accessed by keyboard
C. Information revealed by mouseover (TITLE) is not available to keyboard-only users (i.e., there is no equivalent screen text or visual context).
Example: Browse and Browse and Search contain instructional information in the title.
D. Information revealed by mouseover (TITLE) is not available to keyboard-only users (i.e., there is no equivalent screen text or visual context).
Example: Icons contain information available by title only
E. The visual focus does not remain within a modal dialog box until closed.
Example: User can navigate outside of the modal box
Best Practice Recommendation: Make all icons, images, fields, and interactive elements and functions accessible via keyboard.
2). 22(a) B07 2.2 Web: Images
A. A Web image does not have an ALT, TITLE or ARIA attribute.
Example: Profile image
B. A meaningful image does not have an equivalent text description (purpose and function).
Example: Profile image
Best Practice Recommendation: a).Include ALT, TITLE or ARIA attribute b).Add text description to images
3). 22(d) B22 11 Web: Style sheet Dependence
A. Relevant content or information from a meaningful image is not available.
Example: Search icon is missing from form field, and master search options are not available
B. Relevant content or information from a meaningful image is not available.
Example: Icons are missing
C. Programming code or other confusing elements are revealed on the page.
Example: Extra links and buttons with no identifying text
D. Programming code or other confusing elements are revealed on the page.
Example: Extra input box appears on the page
Best Practice Recommendation: a). Add relevant content or information from a meaningful image b).Remove confusing elements on page
4). 22(g) B13 10 Web: Data Tables
A. Any data table's row or column headers are not identified programmatically.
Example: Missing row and column scoping
Best Practice Recommendation: Programmatically identify a table’s row and column headers
5). 22n B11 1.2.2 Web: Forms
A.A Web form field has no markup to associate it to its complete instructions and cues.
Example: Form input box is missing markup
B.A Web form field has no markup to associate it to its complete instructions and cues.
Example: Escrow/add this drop down is missing the word "Escrow" in the title
C.If 'Label for' and 'ID' are used but are not valid HTML.
Example: Multiple ID's assigned
D.Form instructions are revealed only by mouseover (TITLE) and are not available onscreen.
Example: Extra information revealed by title only
E. Form instructions are revealed only by mouseover (TITLE) and are not available onscreen.
Example: Browse and Search contain instructional information in the title
F. Form instructions are revealed only by mouseover (TITLE) and are not available onscreen.
Example: Icons contain information available by title only
Recommended Best Practices: a). Add markup to web forms. b). Edit code for ‘Label for’ and ‘ID’. c). Enable form instructions are revealed on screen
6). 13 Web: Repetitive Content and Links
A. There is no method to skip repetitive content.
Recommended Best practices: Include a method to skip repetitive content
- is related to
BSERV-3177 Accessibility for visually impaired, ADA
- Closed
- relates to
BSERV-6903 Ambiguous focus state of selected file/folder in repository File Browser
- Closed
BSERV-6904 Ambiguous focus state of selected branch/tag in branch selector
- Closed
BSERV-11718 Project avatars do not include alternative text
- Closed
- was split into
BSERV-6894 IMG tags missing alt attribute
- Closed
BSERV-6895 Add accessibility text to icon-only buttons
- Closed
BSERV-6896 App Navigator dropdown trigger not keyboard focusable
- Closed
BSERV-6898 Some UI elements (buttons etc) missing labels and only have mouseover tooltips
- Closed
BSERV-6899 Keyboard focus does not stay inside of some modal dialogs
- Closed
BSERV-6900 table headers missing scope attribute
- Closed
BSERV-6901 Missing 'skip navigation' links
- Closed