Resolution: Unresolved
Hi everyone,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and voting on this suggestion. We agree that improvements to pull request search would be a valuable addition to Bitbucket Data Center, but at this stage it is unlikely that we will be able to implement many of these ideas in the next 12 months. So, what are we doing instead? Over the past year, we have addressed many of the highly voted suggestions such as codeowners, resolveable comments, and auto-merge. Our upcoming roadmap also includes several other top voted suggestions such as dark theme, draft pull requests, and multi-line comments. For the most up-to-date information on what features are coming soon please visit our roadmap.
We do continually review these priorities and will continue to do so over the coming year to determine when and how we might be able to address this idea. You can learn more about our prioritization process here.
Sarah Bolt
Product Manager - Bitbucket Data Center
Hi all,
I'm excited to share that in Bitbucket Server 7.2 we improved pull request filtering. From now, you can filter and search pull requests by title and the description. Additionally, you can filter by the list by a reviewer user.
We will keep the ticket open since we know it's only a small improvement and we want to solve more cases you mentioned.
You can find more information in the Bitbucket Server 7.2 release notes.
Please, don't hesitate to leave feedback on the feature in the comments. This will help us to priorities further development.
Anton Genkin
Product Manager Bitbucket Server
as we are getting more and more pull requests merged, we are missing the feature to search through the list of merged/decline/open pull requests.
The Search should at least search through the title of the pull request. Filtering by Author, Reviewer at least would be very helpful.
thx alex
Added from STASH-4307 - ability to search comment text also
- duplicates
BSERV-10245 Pull-request review status tracking
- Closed
- is duplicated by
BSERV-4307 Ability to search for comments within Pull Requests
- Closed
BSERV-4328 Sorting pull requests
- Closed
BSERV-4550 Wish there was sort on headers for pull requests view
- Closed
BSERV-4860 View a list of your pull requests
- Closed
BSERV-4926 Search for Pull Request
- Closed
BSERV-5046 Need ability to search for pull requests by user
- Closed
BSERV-5070 Filtering pull requests by branch name
- Closed
BSERV-5276 List all pull requests across repositories and system
- Closed
BSERV-5300 Suggestion for pull requests screen
- Closed
BSERV-5502 View approved, unmerged pull requests
- Closed
BSERV-7008 Basic search/filter/sorting in pull request
- Closed
BSERV-7113 Filter Pull request view on destination branch
- Closed
BSERV-7349 Need ability to see pull requests that I've created
- Closed
BSERV-7373 Ability to search Pull Requests
- Closed
BSERV-7740 View all (merged, unmerged) pull requests for any user
- Closed
BSERV-8801 Search should also index pull requests
- Closed
BSERV-9597 Filter pull requests by reviewers on the pull request list
- Closed
BSERV-10017 Pull-requests: I need to Search among the pull-request comments.
- Closed
BSERV-5151 Provide ability to see how many open pull requests another person has
- Gathering Interest
BSERV-9641 Show recent searches
- Gathering Interest
- is related to
BSERV-6970 PR Inbox should include Recent PRs, regardless of the approval status
- Closed
BSERV-3004 Sortable columns in pull requests screen
- Gathering Interest
- relates to
BSERV-4929 Pull request REST API: Find by author, reviewer, date range, content
- Gathering Interest
- was split into
BSERV-12426 As a Bitbucket user I want the product to support tags on code review comments for reporting purposes and for better user experience
- Gathering Interest
- mentioned in
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