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  1. Automation for Cloud
  2. AUTO-76

Add support for custom email domains to Send Email action, to support customising the "from" and "reply-to" addresses

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    • Our product teams collect and evaluate feedback from a number of different sources. To learn more about how we use customer feedback in the planning process, check out our new feature policy.

      Ability to edit "from" address, replyto address

      • When sending emails from automation rules, we can currently change the name of the sender, but not the "from address", which remains greyed out, and is "automation@atlassiansite.atlassian.net. This poses an issue for several reasons: the customer can actually reply to the email that is sent, and this is something that we can customise so that the customer can get in touch with us if needed, given that the address is the same across all Atlassian instances, anyone can set up an automation email, which poses a security risk, we are using a custom domain for all the other notifications to clients set up in the portal, so the automation emails we have set up being sent from another email juxtapose the custom domain, and are potentially blocked by our clients' email filters. 
      • Ability to change the FROM email address to meaningful address.
      • Add default Reply To/From addresses.



            [AUTO-76] Add support for custom email domains to Send Email action, to support customising the "from" and "reply-to" addresses

            Pinned comments

            Pinned by Anusha A

            Charlie Gavey added a comment -

            Hi all, to better track customer demand for these features, we’ve split this into the relevant asks:

            Charlie Gavey added a comment - Hi all, to better track customer demand for these features, we’ve split this into the relevant asks: Email Domain Customization - Changing "From" Email Address in Automation and “Reply-To” Email Address in Automation - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-76 Support for emailing over 50 users in automation (currently prevented by the role user limit) - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-127 Ability to send attachments via Send Email action - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-1130 Support for email templates - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-216 More options for the “to” field - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-1568

            All comments


            Baran Cakici added a comment - +1

            George G added a comment -

            24e3f7482be1 get a clue mate, using a paid plugin is not a solution. That's all there is to it.

            George G added a comment - 24e3f7482be1 get a clue mate, using a paid plugin is not a solution. That's all there is to it.

            George G added a comment -

            This is just my annual check in to remind you to


            Thank you

            George G added a comment - Hello, This is just my annual check in to remind you to DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS REQUEST Thank you

            Happy New Year, everyone! May it be filled with joy, success, and - who knows - maybe even some miracles. Like Atlassian resolving to fix this bug. We can dream, right?

            Tobias Bosshard added a comment - Happy New Year, everyone! May it be filled with joy, success, and - who knows - maybe even some miracles. Like Atlassian resolving to fix this bug. We can dream, right?

            Pinned by Anusha A

            Charlie Gavey added a comment -

            Hi all, to better track customer demand for these features, we’ve split this into the relevant asks:

            Charlie Gavey added a comment - Hi all, to better track customer demand for these features, we’ve split this into the relevant asks: Email Domain Customization - Changing "From" Email Address in Automation and “Reply-To” Email Address in Automation - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-76 Support for emailing over 50 users in automation (currently prevented by the role user limit) - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-127 Ability to send attachments via Send Email action - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-1130 Support for email templates - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-216 More options for the “to” field - https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/AUTO-1568

            Bryan, as I explained in my previous comment, controlling the email address from which automated messages are sent by Jira is completely possible. The instructions are provided. If you need help configuring that, let me know.

            David Redwine added a comment - Bryan, as I explained in my previous comment, controlling the email address from which automated messages are sent by Jira is completely possible. The instructions are provided. If you need help configuring that, let me know.

            We have a client that would benefit greatly from automated email reminders coming from an address their clients would recognize. They are blocked until they can customize the from: address. 

            Bryan Darr added a comment - We have a client that would benefit greatly from automated email reminders coming from an address their clients would recognize. They are blocked until they can customize the from: address. 

            David Redwine added a comment - - edited

            Yes you can! To control the email address of the outbound jira automation email you can use a workflow transition strategy along with the "Email this Issue for Jira Cloud" plugin.

            In the plugin 1st configure an outbound mail connection. You can get your email admin (O365 or other) to create separate mailboxes for each project if you want to both send and receive traffic related to comments, status changes, and automations uniquely for each project.

            Then modify each of the workflows involved to have a new transition called "send email". You could optionally allow the transition to be used by all statuses, and of course you could just do a send email transition to a new status in the workflow called for example "EMAIL SENT" and add a "return from EMAIL SENT" transition back to the status it came from. (tip: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-transition-to-the-previous-status-of-an-issue-using-automation-rules-in-jira-1236599919.html)

            Configure the workflow transition to send email via the post function "Send Customizable Emails - Email This Issue Workflow Post-function sends a customizable email to various recipients you can configure"

            In the "Email This Issue" "Outgoing Emails" / "Advanced Email Configuration" "Add" and new configuration for each project, be sure to select the scope (the project) and on the last page of the configuration tool, you can select the various email boxes that you setup....for example if you had your email admin create a mailbox for each project.

            Now all you have to do is setup your email content templates, then create a notification scheme for each project.

            Now when your automations "transition the issue to EMAIL SENT" the workflow post function will send an email with the email address you want (i.e. one of your company email box addresses) and either the manual content you enter on that post function or it will use the template (I like the template better because it is prettier) depending on your selection/preference.

            If you configure your template subject field properly, many of your templates can be used across all projects. ($!issue.key) $!issue.summary#if("$!mailSubject" != "") $!mailSubject#end

            Same goes for the body is you use mostly system fields:
            Issue internal comment.

            $!currentUser.displayName has just commented on this issue.

            $!issue.project.name / $!issue.key <<<Agent Link
            #renderLinkToPortalRequest($linkText) <<<Customer PORTAL LINK !!!

            #renderIssueComments("desc" "1" "")

            Template = Issue Commented Agent Internal - OK

            That is all there is to it.

            David Redwine added a comment - - edited Yes you can! To control the email address of the outbound jira automation email you can use a workflow transition strategy along with the "Email this Issue for Jira Cloud" plugin. In the plugin 1st configure an outbound mail connection. You can get your email admin (O365 or other) to create separate mailboxes for each project if you want to both send and receive traffic related to comments, status changes, and automations uniquely for each project. Then modify each of the workflows involved to have a new transition called "send email". You could optionally allow the transition to be used by all statuses, and of course you could just do a send email transition to a new status in the workflow called for example "EMAIL SENT" and add a "return from EMAIL SENT" transition back to the status it came from. (tip: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-transition-to-the-previous-status-of-an-issue-using-automation-rules-in-jira-1236599919.html ) Configure the workflow transition to send email via the post function "Send Customizable Emails - Email This Issue Workflow Post-function sends a customizable email to various recipients you can configure" In the "Email This Issue" "Outgoing Emails" / "Advanced Email Configuration" "Add" and new configuration for each project, be sure to select the scope (the project) and on the last page of the configuration tool, you can select the various email boxes that you setup....for example if you had your email admin create a mailbox for each project. Now all you have to do is setup your email content templates, then create a notification scheme for each project. Now when your automations "transition the issue to EMAIL SENT" the workflow post function will send an email with the email address you want (i.e. one of your company email box addresses) and either the manual content you enter on that post function or it will use the template (I like the template better because it is prettier) depending on your selection/preference. If you configure your template subject field properly, many of your templates can be used across all projects. ($!issue.key) $!issue.summary#if("$!mailSubject" != "") $!mailSubject#end Same goes for the body is you use mostly system fields: --------------------------------- Issue internal comment. $!currentUser.displayName has just commented on this issue. $!issue.project.name / $!issue.key <<<Agent Link #renderLinkToPortalRequest($linkText) <<<Customer PORTAL LINK !!! $!issue.summary #renderChanges() INTERNAL AGENT COMMENT: #renderIssueComments("desc" "1" "") Template = Issue Commented Agent Internal - OK --------------------------------- That is all there is to it.

            We have been working on deploying Jira for a few months now but we have hit a major barrier with not being able to send emails the way we would expect. Our customers communicate with us primarily by email and without a tailored way to email them back, we are unable to proceed. Any information about when these features will be released would be greatly appreciated.

            We especially need to be able to change the 'send from' email from automations so that it is coming from the Service Project email address.


            Evelyn Lewis added a comment - We have been working on deploying Jira for a few months now but we have hit a major barrier with not being able to send emails the way we would expect. Our customers communicate with us primarily by email and without a tailored way to email them back, we are unable to proceed. Any information about when these features will be released would be greatly appreciated. We especially need to be able to change the 'send from' email from automations so that it is coming from the Service Project email address.  

            Evaldas added a comment - - edited

            Perhaps you should split this one-big feature into smaller parts (like according to the paragraphs of the description) and already start some action...? It's MUCH better to have 1 small feature already implemented that whole package still in "Gathering Interest"... 

            Evaldas added a comment - - edited Perhaps you should split this one-big feature into smaller parts (like according to the paragraphs of the description) and already start some action...? It's MUCH better to have 1 small feature already implemented that whole package still in "Gathering Interest"... 

              9df7f128cb98 Eshaa Sood
              17e1fd0e40ad Bruce.Talbot
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