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  1. Automation for Cloud
  2. AUTO-96

Automation email delivery to groups larger than 90 users will only send emails to the first 90 users


    • Severity 3 - Minor
    • 0

      Issue Summary

      When using the Send Mail action with automations, selecting a group that has more than 90 active users in it will have emails sent only to the first 90 users in the group. In practical terms, out of a group of 100 users, only 90 will receive emails.

      Deactivated users do not count towards this value.

      Steps to Reproduce

      1. Create a group and add over 90 active users to it, ie Test Group
      2. Create an automation rule within a Jira Service Management project with a Send Mail action
      3. Add the Test Group you've created as a recipient and trigger the automation rule

      Expected Results

      All active members of the group will receive the email.

      Actual Results

      Only the first 90 users retrieved from the group will receive the email.


      Larger groups will need to be split so that each group has less than 90 active users in it. Both groups can then be added to the automation rule in order to receive the emails.

            89403358cf11 Charlie Gavey
            f189ef36d400 Andras M.
            9 Vote for this issue
            13 Start watching this issue
